Gilardino to Juve? (2 Viewers)


The Informer
Dec 19, 2003
On a Italian program yesterday, Michelangelo Rampulla(Ex-Juve keeper and now a Juve employee) talked about Gilardino's goal against Roma and said with sarcasm "You see, Juve sometimes make good deals".

I'd take him and sell Di Vaio. With the rest of the $$$ from Di Vaio's deal and other ones I'd buy 2 great D's.

Name: Alberto Gilardino
Team: AC Parma
Position: Striker
Number: 11
Born: July 5, 1982
Height: 184cm
Weight: 76kg
Nationality: Italian

IMO Gilardino would be a great backup to Trez. Later he could be his replacement, we'll see. :confused:
He plays like Inzaghi but with better feet.

Buy on


Junior Member
Jul 14, 2002
Yeah, Michelangelo really said so. I dont know, man. Gilardino is a very good player. But do we really need another striker?


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
If we offload Di Vaio or Trezeguet, Gilardino would be a good option, but I think it's too soon to sell Di Vaio (plus I like the guy), and Trezeguet's a hard man to replace IMO. He may be lazy, he may not be the most creative player out there, but he can score goals


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2003
Di Vaio will most likely leave. And with juve having close ties with parma already, it seems that gilardino, bonera and ferrari could all end up at juve. not impossible at all.

me personally, i'd like to sell Di Vaio and Zalayeta and bring in Gilardino and Cipriani. i think both could have an impact if given the chance at juve. And i really do think their style of play better suits juves for that matter also.
Aug 1, 2003
I like Gilardino and I hear he's most probably going to Milan ... he's good and all, but ... I think we should opt for another striker than him if we offload one of our players


Senior Member
Oct 28, 2002
well do we need someone like him? i mean would he settle to be a sub for trez? i like trez he is a goalscoring machine and for those of you people who hate his style of lurking for the ball his goals are enough!


Junior Member
Mar 1, 2004
sell Zalayeta, DP, Di Vaio and Miccoli should stay. Byu Gilardino, but I also think he'd go to Milan. anyway if not then instead of selling Di we should sell Trez we can make more money on this deal and buy more.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
4 strikers doesn't seem like enough to me if we're gonna be competing in 3 competitions. If 2 of them get injured, which is more likely than not, we'll be in big trouble
Sep 28, 2002
if you want 5 strikers there is no need to sell the likes f zalayeta. do you see gilardino/saviola calibre player coming and playing only then when 3 main forwards are injured.

maybe gasbarroni would be the answer? playing on the wing but moving up front when needed. then 4 forwards are enough.


Junior Member
Mar 1, 2004
yeah the same i tell to my rossoneri!
Milan is playing with pippo, sheva, tomasson and kaka who is a lil different; still we play or it's better say played in 3 competitions! and Milan is considered as one of the most attacjing team in SerieA (we also use youth).
think Mic, DP, Di and Gilardino is good and for trez -we should sell. Mic and Di do not complain about being subs and Trez he'd cry if he'd sit!!!:sob:
why not to attract Juve's youth.


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2003
There's still a long way to go to prove his worth. And even if he comes to Juve, its going to be a waste quite honestly. We dont need him as long as we have Trez.


Junior Member
Jul 14, 2002
Dont forget we will have Trezeguet, Zalayeta, Miccoli, Del Piero, Olivera, Di Vaio and now Gilardino next season. Somebody will leave.


Senior Member
Jan 30, 2004
Get Gilardino! He's great. I don't agree that he plays like Inzaghi, Gilardino has a great shot and is very technical + he can head. I say buy him and phase him in slowly(or fast if he's playing very well). Gilardino and Miccoli are Juve's future striker partnership! I don't think Gilardino would go to Milan, Juve been interested in him for some time now.. I really hope we'll get Gilardino in the summer.


Junior Member
Mar 1, 2004
Gil admires Inzaghi F! and i heard for him it would be a dream to play with Pippo! Yeah!!!!!
Zalayeta in the rent, recall?! and will be there.
Dom, Gil can head?! yes he can! but Pippo also! yeah i remember how Buffon save the Inzaghi's shot @manchester final! damn thing, if he'd score...?!
i remember when inzaghi was the best striker of Serie A in 97! this time noone doubted he isn't technical!


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Gilardino is a fairly great striker no doubt bout it, I dont care if Di Vaio or Treze leave so that Moggi would have enough money to start thinking of buying someone

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