future stars from our primavera??? (1 Viewer)


Junior Member
Jan 3, 2003
does anyone can tell who has the potenial/talent to be a star in nearly future???
imo ruben olivera, matteo paro, daniele gastalldello, alex pederzoli, z. zeytulaev and alessandro bettega(16 years) could suit well in future...
what do you think about our primavera???

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Senior Member
Aug 14, 2002
++ [ originally posted by allrounder ] ++
what position does paro exactly play???
I think he plays in central midfield.

++ [ originally posted by nina ] ++
You are forgeting Gassbaroni from Sampdoria :)
This thread only includes Primavera players as far as I'm concerned(although Olivera isn't).

What about Marco Brighi(Matteo's brother)?


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2003
we have so many in our youth and on loan its ridiculous.

guzman, rigoni, brighi brothers, paro, gasbarroni, sculli, moretti, cipirani who apparently we still own half of.

if young players as good as maresca cannot get a game at after after being one of the best midfielders in italy this season, i dont see how these others will be around for us anymore.


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
imo maresca,olivera and gasbarroni are the ones to look at.we could use the rest of em' as little pawns to get other players:devil:


Senior Member
Jul 13, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Paranoia ] ++
imo maresca,olivera and gasbarroni are the ones to look at.we could use the rest of em' as little pawns to get other players:devil:
Can't Agree more specially Gasbarroni as i once Watched him playing he was very good.


Senior Member
Jul 13, 2002
++ [ originally posted by only_juve_4ever ] ++
Has anyone seen massiliamo vieri play????:confused: Coz I havn't, and I was wondering how good he is?:confused::confused: Could he one day be like his brother???:confused::cheesy::eek::greedy:
Sorry I Don't Think so.

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