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Apr 12, 2004
This what you want?

i want tell story when i meet delpie what i do would be great about to send him letter from when i was from china and i tell him great fan me is about to go to dropbox tell him this


so i go get letter todelpie when in walk naked wife, she nasty, so i tell her go put rice on her body, she say no so i tell her my busy about delpie in my mind about to explode with great rapture from heaven hell and land and sea and helicopter boats so she finally understand so i great tell delpie to letter but WAIT better idea, i great tell delpie how i call in letter and send

he send back big kiss kiss poster of him from nedveds cheek and buffons hair but he also send me kiss kiss telephone number so i go local communist library tell them delpie call and i need phone when no read book from library in china land but they no tell me so i get like big restarant and throw it at them and they say ok


i get right on phone call delpie and he no pick up, i say pick up real loud and finally woman pick up and she say he no come phone now because he shower with himself so i get excited and tell her i come over from china through land like drill but she say no becuz he like fuck her so i tell her slutbecause i fuck delpie and only me because that is what i like to do when i think about naked delpie in my panites so i tell her that is she ever wants to do this again, i tell her great and i come to tell her great great about china and she tell me wht?

Apr 12, 2004
ßömßärdîër said:
Channel 4 News, Serie A, 12/ 16

Today in a news conference, Alberto Gilardinosaur was said to be at odds with coach Carlo Ancelotti. The Gilardinosaur said he was sorry for his outburst in practice and was looking for an apology, "I am so sorry for clawing Pippo during our last trainig session, but he should have known to stay away from my gatorade." said Alberto.

"I was just chilling and Pippo took my shit, i don't roll that way, so i cut him with my 4 inch talons." said Alberto. Pippo later stated, "Look, he is old, and his eyes are going, but he has the ability to rip me limb from limb, so I'm sorry."

This after a short outburst from Alberto earlier in the week after Ancelotti refused to start him, the young powerful 65million year old, over the 30 year old striker against inter last match.

"I feel as if my 8 foot long legs and 4 inch talons give me an edge in almost all matches....." said Alberto. "We need to take control of my useful power against someone like Samuel, whom I could easily slice and dice from here to Turin."

Samuel in resonse to this allegation said that the tungsten body suit he was wearing would have warned off any outbreak of raptures from Gilardionsaur last match.

Gilardinosaur, who measures almost 3 meters tall and an arm width of 3 feet says that his T-Rex like arms are no match for someone like Materazzi, who has the speed of a lame wheelchair man. "He would fall like the Berlin wall after i sunk my 3 inch teeth into his abdomen." later said Alberto.

This all remains speculation as the Dinosaur, called by his teammates, is in the hospital with a busted toe-claw. Defensive middie Pirlo said, "What? That kid could rip us to shreads and eat us on the pitch, pick up the ball and place it in the net before anyone knew what was going on, and you say it's Ancelotti?"

Ancelotti said he had no qualms with not starting him, but the 40 million Euro insurance policy he recently took out say otherwise.

"Trigger-Mike" Burke reporting from Milan, OUT!
There is another great Burke post.
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