[Friendly] Indonesia XI 1-8 JUVENTUS (August 6th 2014) (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
Yeah but it's different once good defenders start paying attention, these guys can't get close to him physically.
I'm mostly thinking about counters and one timed combinations with the cam into the space behind the fullback, between fullback and central defender

good luck stopping him with that speed, and then his technique+trickery in 1v1 with the centreback


Senior Member
Dec 21, 2010
I know we were playing with amaters but i think we are playing more vertical,with cone we were too horizontal.


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
He's had a very good display (although we are playing horrible opposition)
High speed and acceleration, good burst, very good close controll, good runline on the goal he made, is pressing high and running alot.

Coman is showing the qualities that made me dream about Lucas(psg) at juve. Lets see if he can get that level, cause unlike Lucas, Coman seems to be intelligent
He's $#@! fast, good dribbler, and direct, so obviously fans will love him. Most of his issues will come down to decision making in the real games, won't be a technical issue.
Great play from Pereyra and Coman just then.
Vitale should have finished that, that was another good ball from Pereyra
Well then :tup:

Mayb we arent looking for another offensive mid because Juve alrrady decided to give Coman and Pereyra that role this year?
Coman,Pogba,Vidal,Pirlo,Preyrya,Cheese, and then the fodders Pado, Marrone, Peps, Mota.

Allegri needs tp sort howhe will get the best of Pogba and Coman. If he does that, we can shine this season in crunch matches.

Pirlo's Beard

Junkie Joe Joyce
Oct 2, 2013
I know the opposition sucked but the way we played, we simply didn't under Conte

Direct, effective attacking play, hardly any long periods of time switching play from one defender to another. Putting teams under pressure.

I like it. Hopefully we build on this.


Senior Signor
Mar 6, 2007
Vitale looked good for just 16, although he's obviously a decent size for his age. Those leftie AMs.

Nice to see Pepe looking fit and sharp.

Coman is obviously going to be very interesting, real wonderkid potential with him.

Liked the look of Pereyra, nice touches and end product.

We basically know what the rest of the team can do.

Motta only came on to hoover some kerak telor up off the edge of the stands.


Senior Member
Jul 15, 2002
The performance was not that important. The result very good obviously. BUT, what a great idea by Juve mgt to have this game in Indo, the fans are insane!!!! Great to see - I think this is actually a pretty important day. Good to see us trying to reach out to the world and treat overseas fans with respect etc. Great to see.


Grazie Ale
Nov 9, 2006
I know the opposition sucked but the way we played, we simply didn't under Conte

Direct, effective attacking play, hardly any long periods of time switching play from one defender to another. Putting teams under pressure.

I like it. Hopefully we build on this.

easy opposition man..

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