for those who live in italy or been there (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Oct 3, 2002
hello everybody

I am planning to visit Italy next month (my dream will come true:cheesy:) to make this dream perfect i need help from those who live in italy or been there.
tell me the places i should go, wich cities? which hotels(sure the chip ones ;))
wich hotels next to the good places etc..
and do u know where juve practice it would be worthless if i don't see the players and the club of course.
I am planning to go to milano-roma-firenze-venezia-torino with my family at the end of next month.
please HELP
10x in advance

Buy on
Jun 4, 2004
roma is a beautiful place, spend at least a couple of days there. Venezia is also wonderful place, don't get a gondola though as they rip you off, go on a boat ride that takes you round the place. I stayed in a place called Brescia, Hotel Novetel, very nice :)
When are you going?


Sep 23, 2003
My $0.02:

Milano - A city that's more for residents than for tourists. Though there are plenty of business tourists. The centro is cool. And if you're into fashion and have the cash, it's a great place. But otherwise it's good for people-watching. Food is so-so at best by Italian standards. And get advance tickets to see the Last Supper if you plan on going.

Roma - You'll trip over ruins and monuments everywhere. Some great food and a few outstanding coffee places. Everybody sees the Vatican, the Roman Forum/Coliseum, etc., and you should. But there's so much to cover. It's a great place to get into (church) architecture -- like Bernini and Borromini -- and sculpture. I really like Piazza Navona, the Pantheon. But there are a lot of side places to go and things to see that are off the main drags.

Firenze - I was there last May, and it was a little bit of a let-down after the last time I was there ... which was almost 10 years ago. It was horribly overrun and choked with tourists. Scaffolding everywhere -- more than the usual Italian standard. But it's a great place to go if you want to see all things Medici. Read up on your Renaissance history first, and you'll come to appreciate the Botticellis you see that much more (and if you go to the Uffizi, call ahead for reservations -- it will save you a couple hours in line). And some of the best cheap food in all of Italy. Siena is definitely worth at least a day trip -- I stayed there last time and enjoyed it much more than Firenze (and it wasn't because I caught the last Siena-Juve game of last season there ;) ).

Venezia - Generally expensive, but out of this world. The tourists cling to the Ponte Rialto and Piazza San Marco, and most of the residential units are owned by foreigners -- so expect a huge tourist/outside population. That said, one of the best places to get lost anywhere in town. Avoid the expensive gondolier cheese and take the traghetto across the canal instead for just 0.40 EUR -- mostly the same experience but without the robbery. You'll spend a bit on your hotel, but you can get a lot out of just walking around and eating in places where the tourists aren't -- and there are plenty of such places if you look for them.

Torino - My first time there in May was an awesome trip. The area by the delle Alpi is pretty desolate and depressing, and the air pollution in town is pretty bad ... what you'd expect from an industrial city located in a valley below mountain ranges. Good walking around (a lot is being upgraded for the 2006 Olympics) and plenty of really cool pedestrian-only areas. The downtown boulevards and Baroque architecture is beautiful -- and you feel far removed from tourists. Of course, there's not many tourist things to see -- if you're into that. But it's a great city to just hang out and absorb for a while. Prices are also reasonable -- as everyone has to live there! And go to the Juvestore on the pedestrian-only Via Garibaldi downtown, of course!


Senior Member
Oct 3, 2002
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    thanx for the help swag :thumb:
    do u know the adresses of the places u mentioned?
    and in torino do u know the place where juve practice and the club's adress?
    FRANCO:i am going at the end of august after 23 for 8 days maybe.
    LILIANA:which cities u went?


    Senior Member
    Oct 3, 2002
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    I wish i can catch one when i go there , but i don't they will start playing before september :down:


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    Hey snoop, good to see you again man ;)

    You should really go during the footy season man, it sounds like a bit of a waste :) I'm sure you'll have great fun though :cool:


    Senior Member
    Oct 3, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #12's good to c u too:cool:
    i know.but it's not easy for me to go there in winter i have university:frown:
    when is the league or cl starting anyway?


    Junior Member
    Jul 15, 2003
    Turin is both industrial and historical. I enjoyed my both visits there very much - especially because I went to Juve's matches there :D

    And there are great museums and galleries if you're into that sort of thing. Funnily enough Ii also spent a great deal of time in the Juvestore when it was brand new last year... You must also remember to check out the riverbank: there's a beautiful park there and an interesting "medieval" castle/village which was built in the late 19th century by artists.

    If you're into shopping, every city in Italy is perfect for it :)


    Senior Member
    Oct 3, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #15
    ++ [ originally posted by Minfana ] ++
    Turin is both industrial and historical. I enjoyed my both visits there very much - especially because I went to Juve's matches there :D

    And there are great museums and galleries if you're into that sort of thing. Funnily enough Ii also spent a great deal of time in the Juvestore when it was brand new last year... You must also remember to check out the riverbank: there's a beautiful park there and an interesting "medieval" castle/village which was built in the late 19th century by artists.

    If you're into shopping, every city in Italy is perfect for it :)
    I will remember these tnx :thumb: i want to go to juvestore for sure is it just in turin or there are other stores in other cities too:confused:


    Senior Member
    Oct 3, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #16
    I saw new Italians joined the forum.

    guys i need help.i'm going to Italy next tuesday.I want juve ticket (juve -atalanta) tell me the step to book or have the tickets.
    can i buy the tickets from Roma?must i have credit card?Helppppppp


    Senior Member
    Apr 3, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by snoop ] ++
    LILIANA:which cities u went?
    i was staying in Parma so i've basically been to lots of places in parma for those 10 days i was there


    Senior Member
    Oct 3, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #19
    ++ [ originally posted by Lilianna ] ++

    i was staying in Parma so i've basically been to lots of places in parma for those 10 days i was there
    I will be in Milano the last 2 days.and i will pass from verona too.wich places u went?

    BTW i will fly from beyrut to athens then roma :)


    Senior Member
    Apr 3, 2003

    that's great!

    well,in verona i actually went to iulia's balcony and had a HUGE walk to the whole city!

    also in the centre,i went to see this...

    it was very nice!

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