Football violence again... (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2001
Once again there has been fighting on the arena between english clubs hooli... ehm mascots.
It is Oldhams mascot "Chaddy the owl" who is due to be questioned at Oldham Police Station on thursday. Blackpools mascot "The Bloomfield Bear" has filed an assault claim against Chaddy after he fell over onto the grass in his padded suit whilst trying to push Chaddy over.
Chaddy has received calls and emails of support from as far away as the USA, with NHL, Tampa Bay Lightning mascot saying "This is ridiculous, if the incident had happened in the U.S. then the bear would have been arrested for being a *****!"

The incident has become even more interesting as it has emerged since the game that the Bloomfield Bear allegedly shoved a young Latics ball boy to the ground as the teams ran out and the ball boy's Dad wasn't very pleased. He will be watching this investigation very closely.

Buy on


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by damaged goods ] ++
oh **** you serge. i am pretending to be gone. ****.
I love you too, Vilius.:D:D

Word of advice. Next time, don't put your ACTUAL real name in your profile.:)

I'm thinking to myself "How many Juve fans named Vilius could there possibly be?"


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
Hey Fliakis why are u using that "camouflage"? ;)

are u on a secret mission or something like that?


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
++ [ originally posted by USA Juventini ] ++

I love you too, Vilius.:D:D

Word of advice. Next time, don't put your ACTUAL real name in your profile.:)

I'm thinking to myself "How many Juve fans named Vilius could there possibly be?"

OMG :howler: :howler: :howler:

++ [ originally posted by Hydde ] ++
Hey Fliakis why are u using that "camouflage"? ;)

are u on a secret mission or something like that?

I told him to go away ;)
Sep 28, 2002

i thought you recognised me because of all those radiohead hints. or even birthday. but no, it's name. how the **** did you know my name? yes, there was a discussion about it once but i thought no one would remember it. weird.

and yes, i wanted to disappear as fliakis because goat told me to and i wanted him to feel guilty about it. but didn't want to leave so i reregistered. damn, i even tought of such a great user name. i even used capitals :stress:

thanks for ruining such work serge, really nice :groan:

and sorry for destroying this thread :D

back to topic. did that bear attack first?

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