Football players getting punk'd...(Translation if possible) (4 Viewers)

Apr 15, 2007
Hey. I've got some more episodes of "scherzi a parte" for ya !!
They are absolutely hilarious !!!!!!!
I hope these ones weren't posted before . :p :p

Francesco Coco (he really freaks out)

Christian Brocchi (omg soooo funny .. and there's a translation included)

Massimo Oddo (NB: he has an immense fear of dogs)

Oddo (they got him again . ahaha)

Pirlo (lol. does this guy ever show emotion ? )



Senior Member
Jun 24, 2003
This is the best prank they ever organized :D

Plot: Ravanelli's new car gets stolen under his eyes, while he eats lunch with Ciro and Angelo Di Livio (who are partners in crime of those organizing the prank). You won't need much of a translation, since it's mostly Ravanelli's swearings :D
Anyway, at the beginning Ravanelli asks Ciro who the guy that stole the car was (it's Ciro that brought him in that restaurant). After that they go to the nearest police station and there they see the car and start chasing it. What is being thrown out by the man in the car (Ravanelli's will go totally crazy about it) are audio tapes of one of Fabrizio's favourite singers.

Quotes (originally they are in dialect, which makes them even more funny):

Ravanelli: If I catch I'll break him it two! Till I see the blood, I'm not going home today. I'm gonna break all of his teeth.

Ravanelli: Bastard!! Stop, stop, you bastard!

Ravanelli: Catch him! Is this car just useless?

Ravanelli: Ff, give gas to this shitty car, catch him!
Ciro: No, now we'll chase him..
Ravanelli: Chase him? Who are we? Starky and Hutch?
(and you can see Di Livio in the backseat laughing his ass off)


The Bozman
Oct 18, 2005
best one i ever seen was with one of vieri's ex's who they "attacked" in her car garage, had a guy tied up in a box and made her think she electrocuted him........... she was terrified

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