Football Boots! (15 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Muscolino9 ] ++

Good job too. Mine were a decent fit truth be told, just seems as if they didn't reinforce the front of the boot as much as they should have..good job they've sorted this out with the + line.
Yeah, the front seems alot more sturdy now and the boots feel great. I just hope they last, I've only had them for about a week so there's no telling what could happen.

@Sir Sebastian: I believe the new Adidas boots tear so easily because of the kangeroo leather they use now. A couple of guys at the club I play for have had the same problem with their Pulses, and I'm not the first one to experience it with the F50 brand. My brother got a pair of the Pred Pulses just last week and they seem to have a small tear at the front already.


Alex Del Mexico
May 7, 2004
++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++

Geez, give us a break, we're working on it :rolleyes:

why dont you just take them boxing kangeroos (they must be tough!), slice them up, and slap on an adidas logo, and ship them to california as preds that will last over a month without self destructing :D


Senior Member
Nov 23, 2003
My gold vapors are falling to bits, time for another buy.
I can't leave the MV range, everything else just seems so damn heavy now. So I'm opting for chrome/photoblue.

I'd like to try these on before I splash out £120 again..

..a little bit cheaper at £90 and they're Cassano's boots.
Still leaning towards the mercurial vapors though, does anyone have a pair of vapors - are you too now devoted to them like a toddler loves his pacifier?


Senior Member
Nov 23, 2003
Just so you're not put off after hearing about my golds 'falling apart' - I'll elaborate. I've had them since November '04 and pounded the hell out of them, playing at least twice a week in them sometimes 4 times. Stopped cleaning them after use around March and I suspect that's the reason they deteriorated. Here's some photo evidence..

- The boot

- The damage

They are perfectly 'wearable', but as you can see the front of the boot or notably where the underside begins is starting to uplift..sometimes when I'm shooting, usually on the stretch - they'll catch the turf..but I'm going to carry on wearing them until they bust, only using my new ones when absolutely necessary.
Reason for the explanation is to avoid putting any of you off this range, they are the best boots available and you get exactly what you pay for.


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2002
im beginin to find nike boots more more shoddily built..

I have had the white Nike legends (ronaldinho boots) for about 4 months...and they are truelly ****ed. The leather if pathetic, the sole is already wearing through...

Im going back to puma.


Senior Member
Nov 23, 2003
There are two versions to that model, John my man.
The cheap cack version - (what you buy for your little brother)
The decent version which the pros wear.
How much did you pay for them?


Senior Member
Nov 23, 2003
That said, the players get a new pair to destroy each it's not as if they're built to last you a decade or anything. The more boots develop, the more expendable durability seems to become in the eye of the designers. Shame.


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Muscolino9 ] ++
There are two versions to that model, John my man.
The cheap cack version - (what you buy for your little brother)
The decent version which the pros wear.
How much did you pay for them?

I paid £90 plus...they were the proper ones, not the cheap jjb ones.

The boots themselves were the best ive had in terms of comfort and control. But they are a ***** when on hard turf...and yes i got the moulded studs for hard turf.


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Muscolino9 ] ++
That said, the players get a new pair to destroy each it's not as if they're built to last you a decade or anything. The more boots develop, the more expendable durability seems to become in the eye of the designers. Shame.

very true, the boots have gotten weaker as time have gone on...gone are my old black addidas world cups...they were tanks of boots, but they were a quality boot.

Ill probably wait a while, the boot market is moving too fast, adidas are bringin out a new boot every week :groan:


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2002
prodirectsoccer...what a website:D

Those puma are blatanly the plasticky boots u get outa a Xmas cracker.

Im very tempted by the white and red MV's..tried a pair on at the trafford centre...they were classic!


Senior Member
Nov 23, 2003
Ugh..the Trafford Centre, whenever I go there with something in mind that I want. They don't have it.
Good for killing a few hours though..I'm in there shopping quite a bit since I live about 10 mins drive from it.
Vapors are good, John - I'm going to request to be buried with them if they're still knocking about in a few years.. :p
I had the white ones featured on the very first post of this thread, except MV not the cheaper Talaria range. They are bitches to clean! I had to use Domestos and even that wouldn't budge some stains..made them stink awful too.


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Muscolino9 ] ++
Ugh..the Trafford Centre, whenever I go there with something in mind that I want. They don't have it.
Good for killing a few hours though..I'm in there shopping quite a bit since I live about 10 mins drive from it.
Vapors are good, John - I'm going to request to be buried with them if they're still knocking about in a few years.. :p
I had the white ones featured on the very first post of this thread, except MV not the cheaper Talaria range. They are bitches to clean! I had to use Domestos and even that wouldn't budge some stains..made them stink awful too.
well i live about an hour away the traford centre is purely a day out for me n the girlfriend.

My mates got the Talarias in blue and grey...they are nice, but he plays ruggers in them...and they are still pretty decent.

The only concern i have with the MV's is that they offer little support in the ankle area....oh and they dont give as much curve as many other boots do.


Senior Member
Nov 23, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Muscolino9 ] ++
My gold vapors are falling to bits, time for another buy.
I can't leave the MV range, everything else just seems so damn heavy now. So I'm opting for chrome/photoblue.

I'd like to try these on before I splash out £120 again..

..a little bit cheaper at £90 and they're Cassano's boots.
Still leaning towards the mercurial vapors though, does anyone have a pair of vapors - are you too now devoted to them like a toddler loves his pacifier?


Just so you're not put off after hearing about my golds 'falling apart' - I'll elaborate. I've had them since November '04 and pounded the hell out of them, playing at least twice a week in them sometimes 4 times. Stopped cleaning them after use around March and I suspect that's the reason they deteriorated. Here's some photo evidence..

- The boot

- The damage

They are perfectly 'wearable', but as you can see the front of the boot or notably where the underside begins is starting to uplift..sometimes when I'm shooting, usually on the stretch - they'll catch the turf..but I'm going to carry on wearing them until they bust, only using my new ones when absolutely necessary.
Reason for the explanation is to avoid putting any of you off this range, they are the best boots available and you get exactly what you pay for.
This got buried.. :down:


Juventuz addict
Dec 16, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Muscolino9 ] ++
My gold vapors are falling to bits, time for another buy.
I can't leave the MV range, everything else just seems so damn heavy now. So I'm opting for chrome/photoblue.

I'd like to try these on before I splash out £120 again..

..a little bit cheaper at £90 and they're Cassano's boots.
Still leaning towards the mercurial vapors though, does anyone have a pair of vapors - are you too now devoted to them like a toddler loves his pacifier?
nice football boots Muscolino9 :D


Alex Del Mexico
May 7, 2004
my friend just got a job at the local soccer store so now i can get w/e boots i want for free pretty much (hes the dodgiest employee ever)

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