Flamini (1 Viewer)

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Senior Member
Jul 9, 2007

Juventus, maxi offerta per Flamini: ecco la svolta

Voci dall’Inghilterra parlano di una svolta nella trattativa che farà conoscere il destino di Mathieu Flamini.
Il giocatore lascerà l’Arsenal e Londra, e con tutta probabilità si accaserà nel nostro campionato, nelle file della Juventus. Il centrocampista corso pare essersi accordato con i torinesi per una cifra di poco superiore ai 4 milioni di euro stagionali. Un’offerta davvero da record da parte della Juventus, che avrebbe dunque sbaragliato la concorrenza del Milan. Probabilmente decisiva è stata la certezza di partecipare alla prossima Champions League.


Senior Member
Jul 9, 2007
will be a good snatch but not sure if he really needed but good addition for C.L
i'm sure if he kept his goodform up he would demand a starting spot and i have no doubt he is a quality player.. but i believe we are aedquately covered in CM so we might see a 3 man centre midfield next year or more possibly Noce & Tiago will make way


Senior Member
Feb 8, 2006
Flamini>Zanetti IMO
I think Flamini is like a younger version of C Zanetti
I realy dont think CR will go with a persistant 3 man midfield. Rijkaard is the only coach of a team of note I think plays a 3 man midfield system. CR said it before (and again when Sissoko was bought) that his formation of choice revolves around 2 'hardish' midfielders with 2 flanking creative wingers. Maybe...



Senior Member
Apr 1, 2006
guys guys guys... i think we should calm down on this one. Didn't he himself say he was happy at arsenal, and wasn't there an official statement from secco that we are NOT interested in him? He's in contract talks, that's just how it works. Here a rumour with juve (because we are linked with pretty much EVERYONE), there a rumour with milan, maybe next week there will be a 'flamini to barca'-Headline or something with real. And in the end?! He'll have doubled his wage and keep playing in london. I'm pretty sure he'll stay, there is no reason for him to change really, and even if there was, i think arsenal have the means to hold him. Look at the wages they are paying, other countries just can't follow like that, and we all know that money makes the world go 'round.
It's fun reading all this, but i won't count with flamini for next season, partly because of what i said just now, and partly because we don't really need him. The arguments brought up by all of you are correct, and it would probably be an upgrade in our midfield, but i think we can all agree that we don't desperately need a CM at this moment.


Ertuğrul Oğlu Osman
Oct 20, 2004
on what basis are u saying that Flaimini-Sissoko are smarter? did u see their O Level results? :rolleyes:
on case of Vieira - Sissoko, Vieira was good in Arsenal and when came to us..he was underachiving ....but Sissoko...in best form.....for Emerson - Flamini...the former is great as DMF but very poor in attack .....which you can't find it with Flamini...he is great as a DMF and do good job in helping attack ....

i hope these two come to us....with an attacking winger or AMF in the name of Diego ...


Junior Member
Oct 8, 2007
No.. Who's saying they are?

Although i think other positions than CM (flamini) and ST (amauri) should be concentrated on first
That's true, but you can't let go off opportunities to sign a great player like Flamini for free either. This deal should be closed in Avril while we have a bit more time to strengthen the defence.


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
Flamini for free is an absolute steal. I'm against the idea of playing with two DMs but if that's what Ranieri wants then Flamini would be a great signing.
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