Figo (1 Viewer)


Junior Member
May 1, 2004
Figo's agent announced that real's no. 10 is definately leaving the spanish capitol at the end of next season...
I've always loved the player and believe it would be awesome to see him at juve. But on the otherhand he's gettin a little old.
What do you guys think? Is he good enough for 1 or 2 seasons at Juve?

Buy on


Sep 23, 2003
He plays for my beloved Portugal NT, so I carry a bias. That said, he's going to command too high a price and he will have a very short useful shelf-life on the squad. If this were a few years ago, however...

That and this team needs leaders on the squad to fire up their teammates when things get tough. Figo spends way too much time pouting and sulking for that role.
Jan 24, 2004
is there any linkage with juventus? (sources?) otherwise I'd like to move this thread to the misc soccer forum or to merge it with general transfer discussion.

please, use the general discussion thread for those talks. for that purpose it was set up.


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
Well...Figo has stated in the past he would love to play for Juventus. But that can't be a real source.


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2003
no, i dont see a need for him when he is obviously slwoing down and not the player he was 3 seasons ago.

and besides, dont we have enough players nearing 30 or over?


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
Figo's performances are mostly below par at this stage in his career, but he is - or at least was - a world class player. So if we could get consistency in his performances, I'd say he would be great for us. And it's not because he players is passed his peak, he can't do a good job for a team. IMO there is only one thing you shoud take into consideration: will he make the team stronger or not? If the answer is positive we should get him.


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2002
course he will make the team stronger, bu for the money we spend, we could get a player that makes the team even more stronger for a longer timescale....getting figo now, imo is a waste of money....and figo is a legend..but still wouldnt spend on him.
Sep 28, 2002
nah, he's no use right now. we lack in almost all departaments on the pitch and figo wont improve any of them really. he should go to a smaller team. parma/lazio/valencia/liverpool type.


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
Forget about Figo. If we were to get a Portuguese right winger I would like it to be Ricardo Quaresma.

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