Fifa 2004 (3 Viewers)


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
So many people said when FiFA 2003 went in the market,,, that this game was done under pressure because they were out of time (remember that in that year they did the FIFA world cup korea-japan too).

Well, after the launching, EA promised (like always) that FIFA 2004 will be the innovation never seen in the soccer games.

Well, this game seems that will be very cool. A lot better than fifa 2003.

We know that FIFA 2003 was good, but Winning Eleven 6 final evolution was a lot better, tlaking abot playability and tactics (sadly, the WE grahpivs were very poor, and they dont have the licenses).

We al know that WE won the battle between the two, (well at least this is what i think). But this time FIFA 2004 seems like a tough thread for the KONAMI guys.

check this:

FIFA 2004 Hands - On Preview (Beta version game)

By Matt Holme, Date: Thursday, 10 July, 2003

Earlier this week I was able to play a solid few hours of FIFA 2004. I got to try out the game on the PS2, PC and Xbox. All of these versions were exactly the same, barring the obvious difference in graphics, depending on the particular console I was using. I will now take you through the major new features of the game.

Firstly, lets look at the controls. You will be happy to hear EA have added literally twice the number of controls to the game as there were last year. Here are some examples of the new controls (the actual buttons may change before release).

There is a new tackle button, making the number of tackles you can choose from increase from 2 to 3. Along with the standard slide tackle, and the front on tackle from last year there is now a tackle which is called a "leg in tackle". You press the L1 button to stick a leg into a tackle. Only do this when you\'re confident of winning the ball though, because as you know from real life, over commit to a tackle and it is very easy for the attacker to run straight by you. This new tackle works well when you hold down the square button to hold up an attacker and then at the correct moment press the L1 button to commit to the tackle. If you make this tackle from behind though, you'll more than likely be called for a foul.

Undoubtedly the most exciting new gameplay related feature is the brand new Off The Ball control. This new feature is probably one of the biggest innovations in football games ever. The way it works is similar to the way people play Madden games. Before I go on though, enthusiasts of standard FIFA play, please do not panic. Off The Ball control is an optional feature and only works when you hold down the R2 button. So if you don't want to use it, you don't have to. Reality is though, once you get the hang of it you'll never go back.

When in possession of the ball, hold down the R2 button and 3 players who are "off the ball" will have button symbols appear above their heads. For example, on a PS2 you can see a triangle above Beckham's head, a Square above Raul, and a Circle above Ronaldo. If you want to take Ronaldo on a run press and hold Circle, you will then take control of Ronaldo while pocession of the ball remains with the original player. Controlling Ronaldo you can now make them run into any gap you want, once he is into position take your finger off the Circle button to execute the long ball. Hold down L2 as well to make the long ball a through ball so that Ronaldo runs onto it.

This is just one of the many features of the Off The Ball control system. It takes a while to get used to but is a terrific new feature once you get the hang of it.

Those of you familar with the FIFA 2003 control system will be happy to hear you can still send players on standard runs like last year. This year though it has been added to as well. You can now send a player on a run, just the same as FIFA 2003, however, if you wish, you can hold down L1 and you'll then be able to control the player making the run with your right analogue stick. This means you can send your player on a run to absolutely any part of the ground, then choose whether you send a pass to him, a through pass, a long ball etc. In effect you can actually control two players. You'll be controlling the player with the ball with your left stick, and the player making the run with your right. As I mentioned, a standard automatic player run is still available by simply pressing the L1 button.

Good news for those of you who didn't like the dedicated header button last year. The original system is back where you have two types of headers. The pass header is controled by pressing the pass button when the ball is in the air. The shoot header is controled by pressing the shoot button while the ball is in the air. You can vary the type of pass headers you do by holding L2 to execute a downward pass header to another players feet.

Now onto another dramatically improved aspect of FIFA 2004, the set-pieces. Although the new free kick system was not in the version we played yesterday, I can give you some details on it.

It is similar to last year's system, yet it has been fine tuned and added to. You now have the ability to choose set pieces before you kick the ball. When you are awarded a free kick you can toggle through a variety of set pieces. Execute the kick with good timing, and then its up to you to complete the set piece by getting the ball into the back of the net. EA assured me that none of this will be automatic, meaning once you kick the ball, you'll still have your fair share of work to do in order to score the goal. In other words, just getting the little white bar in the green area (like in FIFA 2003) won't assure you a goal from a set piece.

Corners have been completely re-worked. Here is how a corner will work in FIFA 2004. Similar to the Off The Ball control, three players have button symbols appearing over their head. Choose the player you want the corner to be aimed at and press the appropriate button. You will then take control of that player as the camera zooms in. You get about 4-5 seconds before the corner actually comes in. In this time it is up to you to jostle (by using your right analogue kick) your marker to get into the correct position to either head or kick the ball into the back of the net. This takes a lot of practise, and until you master it you will find a lot of balls either being cleared away by defenders or flying directly through the box across to the sideline. Be sure not to push and shove your marker too much, or you'll probably incur a foul.

Jostling for pocession in a tackle is a major part of football in real-life. Thankfully it is now a major part of FIFA 2004 as well. Those of you familiar with FIFA 2003 will be aware that when a computer player came in to tackle you and a jostle began there were only ever two outcomes - you won the tackle, or lost the ball. This year though, when you find yourself in a jostle with an opponent and it looks as though you are going to lose the tackle, you can easily turn your body to a team mate and lay the ball off to him. On the defensive side of things, if you are delaying an attacker with "jockeying" defending, you can press L2 to call in a team mate to attack the man in possession.

Every player has their own individual feel. For example, you can really tell when you're controlling Ronaldo. The difference between sending Ronaldo on a run to beat attackers, compared to sending a lesser skilled defender on a similar run is definitely noticable. You no longer have to look at the bottom of the screen to see who you are controlling, you can simply tell by the feel and style of the player's footwork and running.

The version of FIFA 2004 I played was still 4-6 weeks away from being complete. With another month of tweaking and fine-tuning I am very confident EA can make FIFA 2004 a true winner and definitely one of the best football simulations of all time.

At the exact same time last year I played a copy of FIFA 2003. It was barely controllable and obviously a long way off being a truely satisfactory football game. This year though, I can honestly say that FIFA 2004, even in its early pre-alpha stage, is feeling like a much more complete game than FIFA 2003 was even as a finished product.

As another testament to the share depth of FIFA 2004, I have only touched on the gameplay side of FIFA 2004. I am yet to even begin to talk about arguably the biggest addition to the game, Career Mode. I will put together a report on this truly exciting feature next week. For now though, check out our recently published pre-alpha screenshots as well as reading the EA SPORTS Chat Session from yesterday.

Buy on


Senior Member
Jul 13, 2002
:eek: oh This is a great piece of news.

Undoubtedly the most exciting new gameplay related feature is the brand new Off The Ball control. This new feature is probably one of the biggest innovations in football games ever. The way it works is similar to the way people play Madden games. Before I go on though, enthusiasts of standard FIFA play, please do not panic. Off The Ball control is an optional feature and only works when you hold down the R2 button. So if you don't want to use it, you don't have to. Reality is though, once you get the hang of it you'll never go back.

When in possession of the ball, hold down the R2 button and 3 players who are "off the ball" will have button symbols appear above their heads. For example, on a PS2 you can see a triangle above Beckham's head, a Square above Raul, and a Circle above Ronaldo. If you want to take Ronaldo on a run press and hold Circle, you will then take control of Ronaldo while pocession of the ball remains with the original player. Controlling Ronaldo you can now make them run into any gap you want, once he is into position take your finger off the Circle button to execute the long ball. Hold down L2 as well to make the long ball a through ball so that Ronaldo runs onto it.
Oh this is Awesome i doubt winning eleven will ever make something like this.and i am glad the old header controls are back.Way to go EA :thumb:


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #3
    Yeah vbecause the header format in FIFA 2003 was very bad.

    I got the trick after lot of practise, but is not funny anyway.

    This "Off the ball" thing is fabulous, because in both games , Winning Elevn and FIFA 2003, i had serious troubles with the trhough ball, especially in WE, where the through ball is a little worse than the FIFA 2003 one, that is more accurated.


    Senior Member
    Jul 13, 2002
    Headers in fifa 2003 gave me huge headache i was almost playing without any aerial controls.I am too excited about that Off the ball will give you good control of all your players.which we lacked in fifa2003.

    something like this.Nedved has the ball and you take control of Dp and make him run and break the offside trap.Then Nedved puts an excellent through ball.Dp is one on One with the keeper....He dodges him and Voila A great GOALLL :thumb:


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #5
    Here we can see Delpiero Struggling for the Ball against Ronaldinho with the old Uniforms (remember that the uniforms and the player transfers will be updated)


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #6
    Here we can see Tacchinardi, starting an "Off the ball" Maneuver.

    We can see also that Beckam is going to intercept Tacchi´s pass, and in the back, Del Piero , Trzeguet, and Davids running to receive the pass.


    Senior Member
    Jul 13, 2002
    I saw a Video Preview of the game.The graphics looks Awesome better than Fifa2003.But we need to try the game first to judge the gameplay.If what they are about is true then we are before the greatest soccer game ever.


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #9
    ++ [ originally posted by DarkSoul ] ++
    I saw a Video Preview of the game.The graphics looks Awesome better than Fifa2003.But we need to try the game first to judge the gameplay.If what they are about is true then we are before the greatest soccer game ever.


    hey where can i download the video trailer ???



    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #12
    Oh thanks!!! darksoul.

    But it seems than Konami is doing a very good job Preparing the next Pro Evolution game.

    The EA-Konami battle will be tougher this year i think.

    IM very veyr interested in FIFA 2004 "Championship Manager" style Option.

    You can pick a team from the lower divisions, and raise them to champions league winners, with lots of games and wiining money and lots of good stuff.


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #14
    Zidane and Salgado are arguing with the Ref about something


    Senior Member
    May 20, 2003
    its fifa after all
    i agree they have all the licens..

    but after all , it's Fifa
    so the play will suck..

    unlike winning 11 , which is th best ever...


    Senior Member
    Jul 17, 2002
    yeah, fifa always have the edge in Graphics and the Licenses of course, but when it comes to gameplay, most of the stuff mentioned above is not really innovated.

    WE6FE already has off the ball control on corners and set pieces.
    the "jockeying" of players is nothing new either. in WE6FE, we can pass the ball, fight him off, call another player to help, make him foul you. you can even hold off a player by giving him yourback and extending your arm!

    Freekicks in WE6FE is harder and more detailed. other than each player having his own Freekick attributes and standing distance from the ball when taking a shot, we can:
    1. shoot normally
    2. lob shot like Del Piero.
    3. powerful shot. (works well when standing far away from the ball)
    4. low grass cutting shot that goes between the legs of the wall (or goes under if you make the wall jump)
    5. cross, pass, and all the regular stuff

    Of course, we can also make the ball curve.
    In addition, there's no Huge Colored arrow to show the motion of the ball! :rolleyes:

    The man-marking is either tight or regular and you can mark player by player. the positioning and all the tactic options in WE is like being a coach!!

    Best of all, when your controling a player, you actually feel and know who it is!! it's extremely realistic.

    Also, Unlike Fifa, the ball NEVER goes through the player's body. So there aren't any glitches with the Goal keeper.

    The through-pass and through chip are excelent.

    whe it comes to prefered leg, here are the options:
    1. Right-footed
    2. Left-footed
    3. Both
    4. Right with left being "ok"
    5. Left with right being "ok"

    With online updates too to squad rosters and kits, the games can always be up to date.

    These are few things available already in WE6FE.

    Winning Eleven 7 will be out on august 7th! :thumb:


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #19
    Someone knows any site were i can see WE7??

    im searching for previews since a long time!

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