Just laugh and move on, nothing to take serious, unless Costa is injured/braindead off the pitch idiocy, he should be better then a bizzarely awful decision making/end product Berna on footballing level. He beats his markers with ease and quickly delivers crosses/passes. I saw him super up close vs Atletico, and it was insane that he could litterally blitz pass 4-5 players with zero space with little effort. Childsplay to him to get pass his marker and create attacks (his main flaw is overdribbling tho). Defenders have no real plan for players like this, distruptive force.
Same game Berna got on, you know what I saw up close? I player who struggles to dribble a SINGLE guy in very very slow way, then does what everyone expected, hold on to the ball (really weird timed decision making) too long, cut in to shoot and get it blocked or they let him shoot it to row Z. The insane thing is he is clearly a talented/skillfull player, so wtf is his problem?