Favourite song lyric. (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Jun 15, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Andy ] ++
by Eminem:

"A tiskit a taskit, I go tit for tat wit, anybody whose talkin this shit that shit Chris Kirpatrick, you can get ur ass kicked, worse then them little Limp Bizkit bastards. And Moby, you could get stoned by obie; you thirty-six year-old bald-headed fag blow me. You don't know me you're too old lets go its over, nobody listens to techno. And lets go, just gimme the signal I'll be there with a whole list full of new insults. I've been done, dispenseful with a pencil ever since Prince turned himself into a symbol. And sometimes man it just seems, everybody only wants to discuss me. Well this must mean I'm disgusting, or its just me I'm just obscene."

Lmao when I first heard this stuff. :D
Remember what I was saying about eminem?:)

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"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
++ [ originally posted by River ] ++

Remember what I was saying about eminem?:)
Yep, right on gurl. :D

He has other really good songs that do not invlove insults like this, like I've said before. But it is funny though, you must admit. :D


Senior Member
Jun 15, 2004
Personally I didnt find it funny at all. I dont like people that have a fetish with dressing up in customs and dressing as women. :)


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
++ [ originally posted by River ] ++
Personally I didnt find it funny at all. I dont like people that have a fetish with dressing up in customs and dressing as women. :)
Well personally, I do. :D

Just friggin kidding.

I guess us Americans just find things more funny than some other people. And mind you that all those people provoked Em to write all that, ya know. Not sure about Prince though. :D


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Another good lyric I'm listening to.

Kanye West- through the wire

"I drink a Boost for breakfast, a Ensure for dizzert.
Somebody ordered pancakes I just sip the sizzurp.
That right there could drive a sane man bizzerk."

Kanye is the man. Everybody pick up his album "the College Dropout". Or at least download this song.


Senior Member
Jun 15, 2004
Dont make me give you a list of people that have never provoked him :rolleyes:

And no it isnt American humour. Plenty of british kids and kids all around the world will find that crap funny. Im just to good for that :D


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
++ [ originally posted by River ] ++
Dont make me give you a list of people that have never provoked him :rolleyes:

And no it isnt American humour. Plenty of british kids and kids all around the world will find that crap funny. Im just to good for that :D
Aiight, let me see that list then River. :D

Of course many will listen to it, cuz its good shizzerd. :D


Senior Member
Jun 15, 2004
Ok, but you asked for it....

Britney Spears
Christina Aguilera
Fred Durst and the rest of Bizkit excluding DJ lethal
Axl Rose & Guns N'Roses
Tom Green
Kurt Cobain (really, who the hell rips on someone who never even heard of him or ever will?)

And im sure there are tons of others.

And I had already predicted that Eminem would rip on Axl Rose. And of course he did. Eminem couldnt miss such a good target, with GNR coming back and with Axl Rose never one to avoid comfrontation hes guaranteed a good media attention grabbing argument. I will Rose would knock some sense into the little shit.

So heres the next prediction. Next in line are the Beasty Boys, quite a successful comeback, Eminem will just love ripping on them.

Oh and another Eminem thing that pisses me of is how claims to be the 'first white rap artist etc' What about the beasty boys, what about Kid Rock?

And while im bashing him i might aswell add how it is also extremely annoying how Eminem has never backed anything up. And how he simply moves on and skips someone when they're reaction is to much for him. Think Courtney Love. Em really thought he could bag on her dead husband and get away with it? It watched with great delight Courtney Love's '24 hour MTV thing' as exposed Eminem for the fool and coward he really is. She bagged on him like noone ever has. HOW COULD EMINEM not react? He should stick to bagging on teenage girls and moby.

Eminem is as much manufactured as anyone. One day you will realise ;)


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
++ [ originally posted by River ] ++
Ok, but you asked for it....

Britney Spears
Christina Aguilera
Fred Durst and the rest of Bizkit excluding DJ lethal
Axl Rose & Guns N'Roses
Tom Green
Kurt Cobain (really, who the hell rips on someone who never even heard of him or ever will?)

And im sure there are tons of others.

And I had already predicted that Eminem would rip on Axl Rose. And of course he did. Eminem couldnt miss such a good target, with GNR coming back and with Axl Rose never one to avoid comfrontation hes guaranteed a good media attention grabbing argument. I will Rose would knock some sense into the little shit.

So heres the next prediction. Next in line are the Beasty Boys, quite a successful comeback, Eminem will just love ripping on them.

Oh and another Eminem thing that pisses me of is how claims to be the 'first white rap artist etc' What about the beasty boys, what about Kid Rock?

And while im bashing him i might aswell add how it is also extremely annoying how Eminem has never backed anything up. And how he simply moves on and skips someone when they're reaction is to much for him. Think Courtney Love. Em really thought he could bag on her dead husband and get away with it? It watched with great delight Courtney Love's '24 hour MTV thing' as exposed Eminem for the fool and coward he really is. She bagged on him like noone ever has. HOW COULD EMINEM not react? He should stick to bagging on teenage girls and moby.

Eminem is as much manufactured as anyone. One day you will realise ;)
It doesn't matter gurl. He still is the undisputed number one lyricist in the rap world today. But Kanye West is catching up though, IMO.

And so what if he does all that stuff? Nobody is putting a gun to your head to listen to his stuff, unless you would travel to 7 Mile and Runyon in Detroit holding up a sign that says "Eminem and D12 sucks ****". So I'm glad you don't listen to it. But I, for some strange reason, like it. He is good at what he does, which is make great rhymes and bag on people.


Senior Member
Jun 15, 2004
Did i say he wasnt a good lyricist, or did I say someone had a gun to my head. Im telling you why I dont like him.

And you picked out a couple of stupid things and then tried to put words in my mouth. Forget it, you cant persuade me (or anyone who actually cares about the person and the music they 'like')

And yeah DJ lethal said someone could easily win in a fight with Eminem. Woahhh badddd.

And yeah ill stay away from those Eminem Moby beating fans. :dielaugh:


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
++ [ originally posted by River ] ++
Did i say he wasnt a good lyricist, or did I say someone had a gun to my head. Im telling you why I dont like him.

And you picked out a couple of stupid things and then tried to put words in my mouth. Forget it, you cant persuade me (or anyone who actually cares about the person and the music they 'like')

And yeah DJ lethal said someone could easily win in a fight with Eminem. Woahhh badddd.

And yeah ill stay away from those Eminem Moby beating fans. :dielaugh:
Blibbiddy blah blah. :) Persuade you to what? I don't care if you like him or not, but you do seem to take away from his talent as a rap artist.

Okay okay, that Kurt Cobain thing was a bit over the top, as I liked him as well. But who really cares what some white boy from Detroit has to say about these people? I guess you seem to care a little too much. And who really cares about Axel Rose anyway? :D

And that "gun to your head" is just some expression we use here to show sarcasm, something that I'm in love with very much. :D


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2002
Texta is a very good Austrian Rap group. I simply love their lyrics.
Here is my favourite from the song "Freiheit" (freedom)

Ich drop sensibel Verse, verletzbar wie von Achilles, die
Ferse, trotzdem steh‘ ich mit beiden Beinen auf der Erde. Lerne
aus Fehlern um mich dem Optimum anzunähern, hätte gern die
telepathischen Kräfte von Sehern und Orakeln, wenn sich meine
Zukunftsängste stapeln wie Akten in Ämtern. Gehör jetzt zu den
Kämpfern, in 40 Jahren zu den Rentnern, falls ich dann noch
Rente krieg. Politiker und Ökonomen sind viel zu selbstverliebt,
dennoch hoffe ich, daß die Wärme nicht die Kälte siegt. Denn
das Leben ist kostbar......


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
++ [ originally posted by River ] ++
I wouldnt even stay in the same hotel as Andy :stuckup: ;)
Thanks a lot. :down:

If you look past the disagreements, and the very opinionated attitude, you'll see that I'm not such a bad guy after all. :D


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Andy ] ++
And like Courtney Love is worth any "love" anyways. :rolleyes:
Last I heard, she was put in a nuthouse (if you'll excuse my political incorrectness)

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