I found it informative and interesting, but that's about it. As people have said, you really have to consider the source of this material. The only reason people who agree with Moore and laud him as a hero is because he's just an average American Joe (I mean that in no bad way), and people who already have preconceived oppositions to the Bush administration welcome this kind of material with open arms, but only because he's 'like one of them' (and I use that phrase loosely).
Imagine the credibility that this movie would have had, if it had been produced by say, the North Korean government. People would give it as much notice as they would the movie "Supersize Me" if it was made by the chairman of KFC
Imagine the credibility that this movie would have had, if it had been produced by say, the North Korean government. People would give it as much notice as they would the movie "Supersize Me" if it was made by the chairman of KFC
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