Experiences that changed your life. (1 Viewer)


New Member
Aug 18, 2003
guys i typed a whole essay about my experience then clicked submit and it said: " you are not logged in" and then i lost the whole thing. So i aint typing that whole thing again. Not 2nite.


Senior Member
Apr 3, 2003

i am glad to hear you huppy with your marriage.

here in greece men are soooo afraid of marriage and women do not want to get married because they afraid that men will cheat on them and sooooo many other reasons.
+that we have 60% of mariages end up with a nice devorse!

so i wish you'll be happy with your wife for ever usa! :)


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Lilianna ] ++

i am glad to hear you huppy with your marriage.

here in greece men are soooo afraid of marriage and women do not want to get married because they afraid that men will cheat on them and sooooo many other reasons.
+that we have 60% of mariages end up with a nice devorse!

so i wish you'll be happy with your wife for ever usa! :)

Thank you, and please call me Sergio, or Serge. Whatever suits you best.

I think we know each other fairly well by now.

And yes, as long as I'm married to her, I will be happy for the rest of my life:)


Senior Member
Jul 15, 2002
three years ago, my son had a swell on his head. We alll thought that he bumped his forehead, and that it will pass. After few weeks, the swell was still there. We took him to the GP who sent us to the pediatritian.

He did a biopsy (ie, took a piece of the tissue from the swell) and diagosed my son with LCH (Langerhan's Cell Histiocytosis).

This disease is a killer, and humanity so far did not find a cure. It comes in various shapes, and so far it seems that my son has a "singualr" version, which means that he doesnt have to undergo a treatment. Yet, three years later, no doctor is ready to give him a clean bill of health.

I managed much in my life. From a student from a poor family, i managed to earn enough and pull my entire family out of dispear and hoplesness. I managed to create my own family at the same time, complete my studies and so on. Whatever problem came my way, i dealt with it.

Now, sometimes i get up during the night and go to my sons bedroom and stay for some time just looking at him sleeping. He's a great child. Funny. lively, inovative and creative - and simply too smart for a 6 years old....All the things a made, the car, the flat, the money, - everything is absolutely worthless. Because if it comes to the worst, there is absolutely NOTHING i can do for my son...

Since three years ago, i learned no matter how determined and resourcefull you are, no matter money or education, last drop of my blood - there is nothing you can do. Sometimes you are just helpless....


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2003
++ [ originally posted by *aca* ] ++
three years ago, my son had a swell on his head. We alll thought that he bumped his forehead, and that it will pass. After few weeks, the swell was still there. We took him to the GP who sent us to the pediatritian.

He did a biopsy (ie, took a piece of the tissue from the swell) and diagosed my son with LCH (Langerhan's Cell Histiocytosis).

This disease is a killer, and humanity so far did not find a cure. It comes in various shapes, and so far it seems that my son has a "singualr" version, which means that he doesnt have to undergo a treatment. Yet, three years later, no doctor is ready to give him a clean bill of health.

I managed much in my life. From a student from a poor family, i managed to earn enough and pull my entire family out of dispear and hoplesness. I managed to create my own family at the same time, complete my studies and so on. Whatever problem came my way, i dealt with it.

Now, sometimes i get up during the night and go to my sons bedroom and stay for some time just looking at him sleeping. He's a great child. Funny. lively, inovative and creative - and simply too smart for a 6 years old....All the things a made, the car, the flat, the money, - everything is absolutely worthless. Because if it comes to the worst, there is absolutely NOTHING i can do for my son...

Since three years ago, i learned no matter how determined and resourcefull you are, no matter money or education, last drop of my blood - there is nothing you can do. Sometimes you are just helpless....

.................. :down: ...................

i wish you, your son and ur family to get the best out of this situation... :undecide:
Sep 28, 2002
++ [ originally posted by *aca* ] ++
three years ago, my son had a swell on his head. We alll thought that he bumped his forehead, and that it will pass. After few weeks, the swell was still there. We took him to the GP who sent us to the pediatritian.

He did a biopsy (ie, took a piece of the tissue from the swell) and diagosed my son with LCH (Langerhan's Cell Histiocytosis).

This disease is a killer, and humanity so far did not find a cure. It comes in various shapes, and so far it seems that my son has a "singualr" version, which means that he doesnt have to undergo a treatment. Yet, three years later, no doctor is ready to give him a clean bill of health.

I managed much in my life. From a student from a poor family, i managed to earn enough and pull my entire family out of dispear and hoplesness. I managed to create my own family at the same time, complete my studies and so on. Whatever problem came my way, i dealt with it.

Now, sometimes i get up during the night and go to my sons bedroom and stay for some time just looking at him sleeping. He's a great child. Funny. lively, inovative and creative - and simply too smart for a 6 years old....All the things a made, the car, the flat, the money, - everything is absolutely worthless. Because if it comes to the worst, there is absolutely NOTHING i can do for my son...

Since three years ago, i learned no matter how determined and resourcefull you are, no matter money or education, last drop of my blood - there is nothing you can do. Sometimes you are just helpless....

my problems look so small and ridiculous when i read something like this. best for you and your boy. he'll be alright.
Sep 28, 2002
after a very unsuccessful marriage and dificult divorce my mother managed to get on her feet again, she found a new friend, maybe they were even planning marriage, i dont know. she was really happy. but i never liked the guy, he was not my father and i didn't like that he was treating me like a father. but one day... boom.. he died. heart attack. i've never seen my mother like that. for days and days just staring at the wall wihout noticing anything else. i hope i'll never see that again. that really changed me. on moments like these you understand how important it is to treasure ones that are close to you.

RIP, man.



Senior Member
Apr 3, 2003
++ [ originally posted by USA Juventini ] ++

Thank you, and please call me Sergio, or Serge. Whatever suits you best.

I think we know each other fairly well by now.

And yes, as long as I'm married to her, I will be happy for the rest of my life:)
glad to hear it sergio! ;)

my parents are married 15 years now and they are still in love and happy.

but after watching my best friends parents....
how did they end up...

oh gosh.....
that made me think seriously if i will ever get married!!!
ever girl wants marriage and kids.
i do not so much.
i don't want my kids to live in a such a world.
i don't want my kids to turn and tell me:mom,did you HAVE to bring us to life?? as i have asked my mom sooooo many times.

i don't want to liv unhappy and i see my best friends mother that she is living sooo lonely and unhappy and i am sooooo damn afraid of marriage!! :scared:


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
I agree with you Lily, I dont believe in the concept of marriage, and I dont think I could be happy with one woman forever.

I also dont believe in true love.


Senior Member
Apr 3, 2003
iskero si mi otkinuo srce.....

znam da ti je tesko i mada neznam kako se osecas,
hocu da ti kazem da uvek moras prvo verovati u Boga.
On zna najbolje.
i On ce ti spasti dete ako mu je sudeno.
voli tvoje dete sto vise mozes i veruj u Boga.
nista drugo nemozes.
ali i to je toliko mnogo....
vera i ljubav cine cuda! ;)
i ja cu se moliti za tebe i tvoju porodicu.... ;)

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