Eurovision (3 Viewers)


Senior Member
Dec 13, 2002
None of them.
All songs were awful. None of them could sing... and when Belgium made their own language, cuz they couldn't come up with some lyrics... well, that's just bullshit... guess it fits perfectly into the whole Eurovision thing then.

It's the same every year. A bunch of amateurs with a silly dream making total fools of them selves... I find it it very funny actually... Hilarious!


Senior Member
Dec 13, 2002
yes :D

Especially when Germany, Romania, Austria, Latvia and Turkey were on stage :LOL: They're were horrible!

No disrespect to the countries I mentioned except Germany. Every song as awful, those were just the ones I still remember and laugh about.


Senior Member
Jul 13, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Kaliman ] ++
None of them.
All songs were awful. None of them could sing... and when Belgium made their own language, cuz they couldn't come up with some lyrics... well, that's just bullshit... guess it fits perfectly into the whole Eurovision thing then.

It's the same every year. A bunch of amateurs with a silly dream making total fools of them selves... I find it it very funny actually... Hilarious!
If you don't like it, why are you watching? ;)


f(s+1)=3((s +1)-1=3s
Jul 12, 2002
No no no, there were some good songs, and several good performances. Don't remember them all right now, I don't have my scorecard anymore.

It's important to take the Eurovision thing for what it is. I saw it with 10-15 friends, it was an event. No songs there are good, but some are "Eurovision good" :D


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2003
SPAIN because beth was the best and operacion triunfo rules. i also liked england, that got no points lol, and turkey!


Senior Member
Jun 4, 2003
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    ++ [ originally posted by Kaliman ] ++
    yes :D

    Especially when Germany, Romania, Austria, Latvia and Turkey were on stage :LOL: They're were horrible!

    No disrespect to the countries I mentioned except Germany. Every song as awful, those were just the ones I still remember and laugh about.
    romania was crap
    that girl can sing way better
    germany ... no comment
    austria ... nice idea thought
    turkey ... god help me, i still need ears


    Senior Member
    Jul 13, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by BloodOnMoral ] ++

    oh come on
    you don't really think that, do you ???
    i liked cyprus :p ...
    what do you think about russia guys ?
    I liked the Turkish song
    I hated Russias song :devil:

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