European movies (1 Viewer)


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
Don's quest for movies that don't fall back on Hollywood-guidelines made me think that maybe it would be nice to show you lot a couple of European movies. I'll start with a review of one particular brilliant piece I watched in the cinema just last night. Now, I've written this myself and I'm not an expert like Glenn so go easy on me, will you? ;)


Made in Germany
Producer is Wolfgang Becker

What would you do if your mother had suffered a heart attack and any big shock could mean the end of her life? Of course, you would try your utmost to keep her from experiencing shocking things and give her a quiet, peaceful time.

And that is exactly what young Alexander Kerner is going to do. Only, he has a problem: the Berlin wall came down and his mother doesn't know about it as she fell into an 8 month coma after her heart attack and she's only recently woken up!

From tiny details such as East German food and clothes to much larger issues such as the National Holiday, Alexander finds himself struggling to keep alive the GDR on the 79 square meters of his mother's appartment.

It's a very humouristic story indeed and one that doesn't bore the audience a single moment. Being a European production, the budget was low but director Wolfgang Becker still managed to put a great film on screen. Tiny details such as the microphone accidently being visible in a number of scenes aren't irritating as the natural acting of the cast and the accurately built set more than make up for it.

A strong storyline, very humouristic but with a touch of drama throughout the movie. The film also holds a particularly surprising ending that only few will see coming. Non-Continental Europeans may not fully understand many emotions surrounding the fall of communism and the re-unification of the Continent but in the very least, you will learn a lot and be offered a new perspective on Europeans and their heritage.

:star: Rating 8/10


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Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
I dont know alot about European films, but latley Bosnia has been making some really good films. Two years ago "No man's land", a film produced in Slovenia and Bosnia with a Bosnian director, and Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian cast won the Oscar as best foreign film, after winning praises at a lot of festivals in Europe. Ahmed Imamović's film "10 minutes" won the Felix last year as best European short film. It lasts 10 minutes and shows two worlds: A boy in Sarajevo going out to get water under heavy bombing and sniper shooting, and while he's out a bomb kills his entire family. That all happens in 10 minutes. The other, parallel, story is a bout a Japanese tourist in Rome who gets his pictures developed in 10 minutes. It was indeed very powerful.

In the last 12 months we've had 3 good films:
Firstly, "Remake": a film also about the war. A man, Tarik, lives in Grbavica, a part of Sarajevo that was first taken by the Serbs. His best friend is a Serb and he has a girlfriend he wants to marry. As the war starts he, a Muslim, stays in his apartment in Grbavica which was completely in Serb control. His friend, the Serb, hides as he doesnt want to join the army. After a while Tarik has to dig trenches for the Serbs, and altho he acts like they dont know eachother, his friend, who has now been forced into the army helps him. After a while, the UN forces come for Tarik. A movie script he sent to Paris has been accepted and the directors want him in Paris. A few days later he is out of the war in Paris' high society. After his movie is made he returns to Sarajevo and finds out his girlfriend has been killed fby a sniper from the position his best friend is. He joints the Bosnian Army defending the city and with a few more soldiers he attacks their positions. He throws a bomb into a few Serb soldiers are, including his friend, a few shots are excanged, and they are all dead. Very sad movie, but it was very powerful. Imo, it was more deserving of the Oscar than "No Man's land"

The second is "Fuse", a black comedy about a small town in Bosnia recovering after the war, when President George Clinton announces he's going to visit it as a part of his visit to Bosnia. The town has only a few weeks to sort out thigns that usually take years: to remove corruption, cooperate with eachother, with people they considered enemies, basically to get the town in shape for PONTUS. At the end, it all falls in the water, when an old man still suffering from the death of his sonne kills himself by blowing himself up, and PONTUS is swiftly taken away. Personally, I think the acting could be a bit better.

The third and newest film is "Summer in the Golden Valley". I havent seen it yet so I dont know what it's about, but I've heard it's very good. It wone the first prize at the Rotterdam film festival, the Godlen Tiger (or something likr that) as best movie, and was the best rated film by the viewers.


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
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    I heard about that last one winning the Rotterdam Film Festival!! Thanks for the titles mate, I'll look into them - I'm really into European movies. They just do more for me, maybe because I'm European myself.


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
    Yeah, I'd rate them like this:

    Remake 4.5/5
    No man's land 4/5
    10 minutes 4/5
    Fuse 3/5 (I didnt like the acting very much, it could have been better)

    and I havent seen "Summer in the Golden Valley", but I guess it didnt win the Rotterdam film festival for nothing ;)


    Senior Member
    Feb 18, 2001
    Good bye Lenin is good indeed! :star:

    Some recommendations (not all are "new"):
    - Irréversible
    - Swimming Pool
    - Malena
    - Les Invasions Barbares
    - everything by Pedro Amodovar of course
    - All Or Nothing
    - The Magdalene Sisters (touching)
    - Das Experiment
    - Intacto
    - The Pianist
    - 8 Femmes
    - Bloody Sunday
    - Gori vatra (Fuse I think is the english title, great balkan movie)
    - Music For Weedings and Funerals (well I only like it because Goran Bregović wrote the music)


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    - Irréversible
    - Swimming Pool
    - Malena
    - Intacto
    - The Pianist
    - 8 Femmes
    - Bloody Sunday

    were all good though

    Almodovar, i feel gets worse with each film, he beleives his own hype far too much


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by nina ] ++

    - Gori vatra (Fuse I think is the english title, great balkan movie)

    Thats the film I mentioned, Bosnia has been making some great films lately. The interesting thing is that No Man's Land (Danis Tanovic), Remake (Dino Mustafić ), 10 minutes (Ahmed Imamović ) and Summer in the Golden Valley (Pjer Žalica) have all been their directors debut films., the first of their careers.


    Senior Member
    Feb 18, 2001
    It's only partly dutch you know, you don't have to go all patriotic again :p :D

    Has anyone seen any slovenian movies?


    Bedpan racing champion
    Jul 25, 2001
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  • Thread Starter #17
    The Pianist is partly Dutch? I thought it was German/Polish! :undecide:

    Slovenian movies? Not that I know off but I don't always know which country exactly a movie comes from - proof is the above sentence :D

    PS. Most Dutch movies stink. The only good ones are:

    - Amsterdamned
    - Do not disturb
    - Lek
    - Shouf shouf Habibi

    Most others :yuck:


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    Ahh they were showing Goodbye Lenin at Reading Cinemas but i didn't get a chance to catch it. Sounds great though :cool:
    Aug 1, 2003
    European movies I like are Malena and La Vita E Bella. La Vita E Bella brought tears. There's this other movie, Cinema Paradiso where people rate it highly, but I haven't seen it.

    I also liked this French movie about a little girl who's mother is dead, but I can't remember the title.


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2003
    My favorite European movie, although its pretty old now, is Cinema Paradiso.

    I always try to watch that film whenever possible.

    "La Piazza e Mia" "La Piazza e Mia!!!"

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