do computers represent a sociable life 4 u? (1 Viewer)


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
I understand the question you morons :D:
He asks if you consider people you "meet" on a forum or via chat or anything represent a social life to you.


Back & Quack
Mar 9, 2004
Well, its half and half. I consider going to this forum to talk to interesting people from abroad who are fans of juventus, something i dont have where i currently live. Some people may see it as a socialable event, but thats what i see it as. However, to add to that, one could consider MSN chatting sociable, as it is a great way to talk to your friends or meet new interesting people and become friends with them.


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Seven ] ++
I understand the question you morons :D:
He asks if you consider people you "meet" on a forum or via chat or anything represent a social life to you.
Thanks mate ;)

My answer is no.


Alex Del Mexico
May 7, 2004
this is pretty much the only place i can speak to other juve fans other than my dad. here theyre non existant as far as i know for my age.


Senior Member
Oct 1, 2004
25% yes and 75% no.

I come to MSN/forums to interact with international frens and they r great frens. It will be even better if I can meet them in real life So far I have met ppl from forums.

But nonetheless, it is important to interact with real life frens as well. Cos u see them everyday in school and they can be a great help to ur homework/personal problems. Friendship can even be strengthened through sports/projects. So to me social skills r important.


Senior Member
Jun 15, 2004
Of course it isnt. People you talk to on the internet dont care about you and you dont care about them. You can also turn them off when you want to and use them when you need to. :)


Back & Quack
Mar 9, 2004
++ [ originally posted by River ] ++
Of course it isnt. People you talk to on the internet dont care about you and you dont care about them. You can also turn them off when you want to and use them when you need to. :)
Thats certainly a great way of looking at it. If you wanted, you could just never come to these forums again and have nothing to do with these people!:)

Internet is also a good way of just chatting to other juve fans like i previosly said. But i would rather go hang out with my friends outside the internet then chat to people on the internet.


The DJ
Oct 30, 2001
Only people that don't have a real social life would consider an internet community a social life


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2003
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    yep., i concidered all the answers will be no 2 :D

    internet represents 30 % of ma social life (i interact with ma buddies in msn and u guys here in juventuz).

    and 70% in the college, club, soccer fields etc...


    Senior Member
    Feb 21, 2004
    It's an interesting breakdown, Amr... let's see what I got for a weekday.

    8 hours- sleep
    4 hours- classes
    4 hours- work
    3 hours- homework
    1 hours- TV, mainly the Tonight Show with Jaaaay Leeeno
    2 hours- not school related internet- juventuz and related stuff
    2 hours- miscalenious time spending- eating, showering, etc.


    Senior Member
    Apr 3, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Seven ] ++
    I understand the question you morons :D:
    He asks if you consider people you "meet" on a forum or via chat or anything represent a social life to you.
    IF i understood correctly,no i do not.

    but 1 of my best friends right now,i met her through the internet and now i love her so much and she is my best friend.
    in REALITY!


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2004
    I get online in the morning at college, and am on (excluding, breaks and lunch time) til at a maximum of 5pm, after that I am not on a computer at all, and I go out alot with my friends, so answer to your question no, but then again, I do email 2 people (one from Ireland and one from America) who I talk to often and consider very good friends!

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