Diego to Porto (1 Viewer)


Junior Member
Apr 20, 2004
Should have seen it coming.


I don't know much Portuguese, so this is an altavista translation. The rough points are that:
5 year deal
7m Euros

We were never seriously linked with him and it's no surprise that he should join a Portuguese club.

Diego already is Dragon and was presented today, to 12h00, in the Stadium of the Dragon, for the President of the F.C. Port, Jorge Nuno Young chicken of the Coast. The president of the Dragons congratulated the Brazilian athlete with the conquest of the America Pantry and revealed the deep pride that is for the club to have a so promising young in the breeding and also clarified that the value of this transference was of seven million euros, having the signed player a contract for five times. In turn, Diego, that goes to envergar nightgown 16, disclosed to all its satisfaction for being able to represent a great European club, as also it is considered prepared to adapt itself to a different soccer. The first impression In relation to the first impression that had of the F.C. Port, Diego was fixed: "it is of the best ones and it goes of meeting to my objectivos. It is very good for being part of a great club and I want to repay with good soccer.". The references "I have folloied the games of Liga of the Champions. I am in a club of first line with tip structure ", said when questioned concerning the references that have of its new it equips. The interest "Since the interest of the F.C Port I was also very interested and I had will to play here, therefore at this moment I feel myself satisfied and carried through. I left the Saints because this equips gives what I want to me ", affirmed the Brazilian. The change In relation to the change for a different soccer, this young of dezanove years does not have distrusts: "the game style can be different, but already I enjoyed of other competitions, as the Pantry Liberating, therefore I am prepared." The necessity to defend When boarded the fact to have to defend, the Brazilian could not have been more clearly: "in the modern soccer all the players have to make marking". The Diego characteristic is seen as a player of offensive half-field, that has as main characteristic the conduction of the ball. Liga of the Champions "Is a dream to be in a great club and to participate in a competition of this transport". If it will be so good as Pelé... Young chicken of the Coast in the end of this presentation considered that it is very good for counting on an athlete of so great value and that still is in an upward phase of the career. How much to the declarations of Pelé that affirms that Diego goes to be better that it, the blue and white president was concluding: "it will be so good as the Pelé already we are satisfied".

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Sep 28, 2002
wasnt it official about ago? man, he will kick ass there, then his price will increase enomously and we'll never see him in black and white :down:


Junior Member
Apr 20, 2004
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    We'd never see him here anyway. He'd get loaned out then sold. Look at the way Maresca was treeated :(


    Sep 23, 2003
    But would Diego have been given any different treatment at Juventus?

    It seems so disgustingly hard for promising young players to get a crack at our club. This while our club's name is Juventus for crying out loud. We should change our club name to FC Geriatricus.

    Meanwhile, the beat goes on throughout Europe, and the rest of the world, that the younger generation of football players are in ascendency. The reigning veterans are being rapidly marginalized as younger, hungrier players are winning more and more of the silverware. And yet our front office seems to be blissfully unaware of the fundamental shifts going on right now.

    Case and point: look at what Kaka did, and was even allowed to do, at Milan last season. Or Cassano at Roma. I have a hard time seeing those opportunities at Juventus. Hopefully Capello will bring some of that. But our transfer market savvy so far hasn't reflected any changes there.
    Sep 28, 2002
    well yeah, he would different treatment imo. nevermind the fact that wouldnt and wasnt signed, but he has much more talent than maresca ever had and at 19 was a world class superstar. maybe he wouldnt replace nedved but but he's play important role.

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