Di Vaio (1 Viewer)

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Sep 28, 2002
well **** my ass and call me a ***** if there was no thread about di vaio. look up for them before starting new ones kido.

on topic: goal was great but how on earth did he missed that chance in the end. 2 points from us marco. thanks.


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2003
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    well **** my ass and call me a ***** if there was no thread about di vaio. look up for them before starting new ones kido.
    Actually there isnt any thread abt DV ,Kido ... :D ;)

    goal was great but how on earth did he missed that chance in the end. 2 points from us marco. thanks.
    ya,what a goal,but wasted an easy chance in the last 5 seconds ...

    still,nw DV has 9 goals i guess,as a sub this isnt bad :)


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Egyptian_Juventino ] ++

    Actually there isnt any thread abt DV ,Kido ... :D ;)
    sorry but there are more or less 3.... just look carefully in the "past" and ull find some.

    well **** my ass and call me a ***** if there was no thread about di vaio. look up for them before starting new ones kido.
    :LOL: man...every day u become more and more l "Eric Cartman" from south `park!!

    continue the good work dude!! :thumb:
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