Del Piero to Marry Sonia (1 Viewer)

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Feb 14, 2005
Del Piero Set To Marry
5/25/2005 11:21:00 AM
Following the title won with Juventus, Pinturicchio is set to win the ‘Scudetto’ in his own personal life.
The news that Alessandro Del Piero will wed this June is set to break the hearts of many young female fans around the world as the Juventus captain is one of the most adored players by the ladies.

The wedding ceremony is wrapped in a shroud of mystery as the only certain news is that the marriage will take place in the second week of June. Del Piero will marry his long-term girlfriend, Sonia Amoruso, sister of former team mate Nicola Amoruso.

Congratulations and good luck to Del Piero and his future wife!


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