Cyprus (2 Viewers)


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2001
++ [ originally posted by Ferrari^M ] ++
Being bored, i was wondering now that Cyprus will become a member of the E.U (P.S. yayyyyyyy :cheesy: ) ,do you people from europe know what is the cyprus problem and what's going on here?
Club life is supposed to be awesome there, I was just about to go there a couple of weeks ago but I changed my mind in the last minute. I regret that I didn't go because it was obviously a lot of fun, but I saved some money. :)


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
Yeah I know about the Turkish northern side of the island and stuff. They keep replaying it here on TV - part of "getting to know our new neighbours" campaign by the government :yuck:

Cyprus looks like a nice place though!


Senior Member
Sep 3, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #6
    So they actually do show you our problem?
    That's nice.

    Ok let me tell you about the situaton here.

    The island is made up of mainly two races, Greeks and Turks. Quite impressive as these two races are like cats and dogs.
    The greeks are the majority of the island.
    In 1974 Greece basically invaded Cyprus to unite it with greece, this is also what the most people wanted.
    But turkey found this chance to capture half of the island.

    With the excuse that they were protecting the Turkish-Cypriots they invaded and got half of the island.

    The turkish site was never accepted as a nation. Only by turkey. And the greek site was accepted by everyone except Turkey of course.

    Now all this that happened is not Turkey's fault no. They might have the leading part but also the Greeks and the cypriots who were too patriotic were at fault.

    So the island remains divided for all this time.
    Just this year the boundaries opened. I was able to visit the other half of my country at 17 years old, and we need to give passport to go through.

    This of course is illegal.

    The great majority of the Turkish and Greek cypriots now want to leave together. Only the leader of the Turkish Cypriots and the people who take advantage of them want the two parts to be separated. Their leader Ntektash manages win elections by the votes of the Turkish immigrants that he brought from turkey to make the island turkish.

    He suggested that if the two people united again there would be problems. But now that we have united again in a way with the opening of the "boundaries" it was very touching to see that the people were very happy together.

    Now it's just a matter of time before all the island unites and enters the E.U. as a whole with all of it's citizens Turkish-Cypriots and Greek-Cypriots.

    The turkish cypriots even had huge demonstrations, unfortunately they are mistreated by ntektash, who violates their human rights in many ways and they are financiall worse than the Greek site.

    I hope that in May 2004 all the people of the island will celebrate our E.U. entrance.

    Oh and yeah Cyprus has very nice beaches and clubs and stuff, it's preety much like greece if you've been there. :)


    Senior Member
    Sep 3, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #7
    ++ [ originally posted by Ferrari^M ] ++
    So they actually do show you our problem?
    That's nice.

    Ok let me tell you about the situaton here.

    The island is made up of mainly two races, Greeks and Turks. Quite impressive as these two races are like cats and dogs.
    The greeks are the majority of the island.
    In 1974 Greece basically invaded Cyprus to unite it with greece, this is also what the most people wanted.
    But turkey found this chance to capture half of the island.

    With the excuse that they were protecting the Turkish-Cypriots they invaded and got half of the island.

    The turkish site was never accepted as a nation. Only by turkey. And the greek site was accepted by everyone except Turkey of course.

    Now all this that happened is not Turkey's fault no. They might have the leading part but also the Greeks and the cypriots who were too patriotic were at fault.

    So the island remains divided for all this time.
    Just this year the boundaries opened. I was able to visit the other half of my country at 17 years old, and we need to give passport to go through.

    This of course is illegal.

    The great majority of the Turkish and Greek cypriots now want to leave together. Only the leader of the Turkish Cypriots and the people who take advantage of them want the two parts to be separated. Their leader Ntektash manages win elections by the votes of the Turkish immigrants that he brought from turkey to make the island turkish.

    He suggested that if the two people united again there would be problems. But now that we have united again in a way with the opening of the "boundaries" it was very touching to see that the people were very happy together.

    Now it's just a matter of time before all the island unites and enters the E.U. as a whole with all of it's citizens Turkish-Cypriots and Greek-Cypriots.

    The turkish cypriots even had huge demonstrations, unfortunately they are mistreated by ntektash, who violates their human rights in many ways and they are financiall worse than the Greek site.

    I hope that in May 2004 all the people of the island will celebrate our E.U. entrance.

    Oh and yeah Cyprus has very nice beaches and clubs and stuff, it's preety much like greece if you've been there. :)


    Bedpan racing champion
    Jul 25, 2001
    Thanks for that! It helped me get some facts straight.

    Why on earth are you so eager to join the EU btw? Most of the people already in it would pay heaps to get out! It's like friggin' alcatraz :D


    Senior Member
    Sep 3, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #10
    Well small Cyprus will get a voice.

    And don't forget that it is the E.U. entrance which re-opened the talks between the two sites, since the turkish cypriot saw again that they deserve more than they have.


    Bedpan racing champion
    Jul 25, 2001
    ++ [ originally posted by Ferrari^M ] ++
    Well small Cyprus will get a voice.
    Ooops, miscalculation!! In Holland, we have over 16 million people and we are the 4th largest economy in the Eurozone. Yet even WE don't have a vote :(

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