Corradi (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2002
Juve join Corradi queue Tuesday 1 June, 2004


Milan may face a challenge from Juventus in their bid to sign Lazio's Bernardo Corradi.

The Italian has been heavily linked with the Rossoneri but the Turin giants are monitoring the situation.

The Bianconeri had seemingly shelved plans to sign the forward but they have renewed their interest after the arrival of Coach Fabio Capello.

"If Lazio need to sell Corradi then a move to Milan may occur," revealed the player’s agent Moreno Roggi.

"But Capello’s switch to Juventus has increased their chances of signing him. Bernardo is the type of attacker that Capello likes."

Corradi, 28, could be targeted by the Old Lady as they are expected to sell David Trezeguet during the summer.

all i can say is that i hope milan get their asses in gear and sign him, co she would be a pointless siging especially if roma get Gila, we should aim for a cavenaghi type...not a workman like corradi.

Buy on


Senior Member
Aug 25, 2002
I don't want Corradi!!!!

He isn't the right replacement for Trezeguet, because he doesn't score enough goals...

I would prefer other strikers, who are miles better than Corradi!


Senior Member
Jul 27, 2002
Damnit I was glad that romour had died at least!!!
Now it's back!

I don't like Corradi, if we complain that Trez misses to much then
what does this guy do? Many say he is better than Trez b/c he is
creating opportunities for the team... ehhh!

Gilardino, Zlatan or Cavenaghi, they all could creat hell alot of more opportunities for the team than him!!!


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2002
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    Gila is my ideal replacement, but if we dont get him i say get cavenaghi!

    As we have dyo, he can provide the experience to parnter dp/micco, so cavenaghi can start his serie a career.


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2002
    ok plz not Corradi
    By the way I heared Capello is refreshing our squad with some youth players name Vieri and Cannavaro
    They are good but I still prefer younger talents


    Senior Member
    Jul 28, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #7
    Yeah Max Vieiri and Paolo Cannavaro :rofl:


    Senior Member
    Jul 30, 2003
    Not just the big games... we depend on him for all the games!!!!.. we cannot afford to bench him even when he just return from injury.. DelPiero and the other forwards cant score for shit... if only the midfielders and Del Piero didnt choke in big games, he could have score more.... but with corradi, ..:undecide:


    Sep 23, 2003
    I only hope that this Corradi news is just the smoke that blows this time of year. Talk about potential deadwood in the Juve attack...

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