CL: Juventus - Real Madrid (5 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
++ [ originally posted by A_LAcki ] ++
Well, its really a pitty that Nedved won't play!
For the game, I have to say that there is no man of the match! The team was great! We played so good! Great goals!!!!!!!!!

What do you guys think, can we do it without Pavel???
I think we should do the same, what Lippi did when DP was away! Play with the 4-2-3-1!
The deepest of my sympathies go out to Pavel. He's the man that got us to the final and now he won't be able to take part :down: Don't worry Neddy, we love you!!!!! :heart: Forza Nedved!!!!! :touched:

Anyways. No, I don't think that we should play a 4-2-3-1 formation in Neddy's absence. DP is much better as a striker, so I think that we should either play a 4-4-2 with Camo and Zambro on the wings or a mirror 4-3-3 with Alex, Trez and Di Vaio upfront.

We've come this far, there's no turning back! Go out there and win us our third CL trophy Juve! JUVE SEMPRE E SOLO!!!!! :extatic:

Buy on


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
yes,, but with more reason,,we must win for him,,,after all,, if he lift the cup,,, eveyrone knows that he deserve it!!.

At this time he dont need to prove anymore.


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
A question - If we do win the Champions League, does Neddy get a medal? The whole squad gets don't they? :confused:
Jul 18, 2002
FOOOOOOOORZAAAAAAAAAA JUVEEEEEEEEEE! Damn I am so happy ! Haven't been happier b4! Let's win the title for Nedved! Damn I was nearly crying when he got the yellow card :(! Forza Nedved! We will win it for u ! Inshallah!


Junior Member
Jul 12, 2002
i take all words back for buffon. he was magnificant. saved penalty, guti's shot. sorry for nedved. i didn't get why he did such an harsh foul when it was 3-0. however, milan sucks. we will win.


Senior Member
Feb 4, 2003
Now since Neddy can not play the final, I think it is the time to let him be operated on his knee. We don't need him for this season but offcourse he will be needed for next season.
Forza Juve, Forza Neddy


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2002
zambo awsume on both flanks, dp, ok, trez ok, davids immense, tachi cultured an classy, defense top, buf say no more......awsume.

n im gla dthe fat fcuk didnt score agenst us, but oddly kinda glad the gr8 zizou did

great performance alround, nedved without doubt one of if not the best midfiler in europe atthe mo??


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2002
++ [ originally posted by -Fantasista- ] ++
A question - If we do win the Champions League, does Neddy get a medal? The whole squad gets don't they? :confused:

Everyone gets it. If I remember correctly, everyone from Real got it last year....


Junior Member
Sep 10, 2002
Congrats Juve fans *Thumbs up*

You played awesome match, you completely outplayed Globetrotters today. Well done....hope you will beat Milan as well. :)



Senior Member
Apr 24, 2003
haha haha ahahaha

Il tifo bianconero non dimentica Zidane ma oggi è per Nedved.

"sorry zidane but the love is czech" (?) (from the czech republic)

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