[CL] Juventus - M. Tel Aviv (3 Viewers)

Sep 25, 2004
Well, as a Maccabi fan, I'm telling u - Juve has nothing to worry about.
Klinger, the manager, will probably start with only one attacker - Ado.
Maccabi has just lost to Bnei Sachnin in the Toto Cup 3:0, showing a poor ability.
The Arif

The Arif

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Jan 31, 2004
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    BlackShadow, welcome to the forums. To be honest, I don't know any of the Maccabi players. So is there any threat from any Maccabi player or Juve will win easily?
    Sep 14, 2003
    I can see what will happen, Maccabi will come to frustrate Juve and defend most of the game and counter. Palermo have showed them the way. I hope we play with a bit more creativity and failing that, some more drive and determination.


    The DJ
    Oct 30, 2001
    I actually think we'll win 4-0

    Not saying that to be stupid, but we always seem to beat the shite teams 4-0 at home in the CL. Leverkusen 4-0, Basel 4-0... Kiev was 5-0 you get the picture. The weakest team of the group is always despatched easily at home and I see no reason why this shouldn't continue, with the right mental attitude and team selection.


    -'Tuz Fantasy Master-
    Apr 19, 2003
    Yeah i agree,if Juve won't understimate them,should win comfortably.

    I am from Israel,and i know about Maccabi,in a normal Juve day,there is not a problem for Juve.

    Hopefully it will be so,and we gain some confidence again.

    Forza Juve!!!
    Sep 25, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Arif ] ++
    So is there any threat from any Maccabi player or Juve will win easily?
    Well, the strategy will be 4-5-1.
    The attacking threat will come from Ado, the little and fast Ghanian.
    From the midfield, Erez Mesika and Liran Cohen will be the threat.
    That's it. Maccabi doesn't have a lot to offer against Juve.
    U will see the defensive style during all the game, trying to get a draw.


    Senior Member
    Dec 25, 2003
    my opinion abt this game is same as what PM said,, we will win easily @ home 3-0 or 4-0 max.

    we win all our CL games @ home easy,,remember Madrid,Kiev,Leverkusen,Basel and especially Olimpiakos (7-0 :D ).

    it's a game we shoudn't worry about.


    Senior Member
    Aug 20, 2004
    i have watched the hightlight of the Maccabi vs Bayren, they weren't not that bad.
    i think Maccabi will do everything to earn their first point in CL.
    juve should aware there is no easy game in CL.
    Sep 25, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by 44BigBert ] ++
    i have watched the hightlight of the Maccabi vs Bayren, they weren't not that bad.
    i think Maccabi will do everything to earn their first point in CL.
    juve should aware there is no easy game in CL.
    The game between Bayern and Maccabi should have been finished in a 0:0 draw. Maccabi caught Bayern in a bad day, and ruined all their attacks.
    A foolish mistake by one defender gave Bayern the penalty.


    Junior Member
    Sep 24, 2004
    I don't think that Maccabi won, because Bayern had a bad day, I think that was, because Bayern was too convinced, that they would win agains Maccabi.

    So I hope, that Juventus won't do the same mistake...

    The "smaller" teams can be quite dangerous...


    Junior Member
    Sep 24, 2004
    Aaah...Ooops! It finished with a draw...I was sure, that Bayern lost...

    ...Okay, must have been some wrong information! Or maybe it was another match...

    I was too concentrated on Juve and Ajax, my faves...A pity, they play in the same group, which means: against each other!!! :(
    Jul 19, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by la_dynamite86 ] ++
    Aaah...Ooops! It finished with a draw...I was sure, that Bayern lost...

    ...Okay, must have been some wrong information! Or maybe it was another match...

    I was too concentrated on Juve and Ajax, my faves...A pity, they play in the same group, which means: against each other!!! :(
    Bayern actually won that game 1-0 from a PK by Roy Makaay


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Paolo_Montero ] ++
    I actually think we'll win 4-0

    Not saying that to be stupid, but we always seem to beat the shite teams 4-0 at home in the CL. Leverkusen 4-0, Basel 4-0... Kiev was 5-0 you get the picture. The weakest team of the group is always despatched easily at home and I see no reason why this shouldn't continue, with the right mental attitude and team selection.
    Which is what in your opinion?

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