[CL] JUVENTUS 0-0 Atlético Madrid (December 9th 2014) (2 Viewers)


Stella D'Argento
Jul 3, 2009
:agree: Yes we def need some of his now trademark "missing 1 meter sitters". Specially against Atletico since they give away chances left and right.

Pirlo's Beard

Junkie Joe Joyce
Oct 2, 2013
At least Morata knows where to be in the box, not to mention when our 6'5 'target man' Llorente gets a free head at goal it's often so weak the GK barely has to try to stop it.

Post Ironic

Senior Member
Feb 9, 2013
:agree: Yes we def need some of his now trademark "missing 1 meter sitters". Specially against Atletico since they give away chances left and right.
Would you prefer us to not get a single chance all game with Llorente playing? At least with Morata on the pitch we look like we have a chance of scoring.

Aside from this, Morata has the same number of goals as Llorente in about half the minutes.


Senior Member
Apr 2, 2014
If this goes through, please, let's not be ridiculous enough to celebrate like if we won the CL. We're Juventus, for fuck's sake. The team someone wanted to win the CL after beating the mighty Celtic in 2013.

Since this is a match that might define our season for many, and I didn't really spend much time in commenting football lately because a lot of thing were superfluous, I'll have to make an essay of the situation; I've had to listen to one year of bullshits after Istanbul, after two years that everything was going overall great and someone was searching every reason to jump at us. They found it. I've listened with them with pleasure, sometimes laughing, sometimes not believing that someone could really believe them, sometimes understanding but not sharing them. Sometimes I've even tried to explain and analyze the reasons of the elimination with people with prejudices and stuck in their own ideas laughing and ignoring facts, and I laughed too when I understood they won't change idea for anything. But I could live with them and I celebrated a record scudetto as well as other great wins, a record Scudetto that arrived also thanks to our premature elimination from the CL, otherwise we wouldn't be able to keep pace with a record Roma that would have won any other league that year after a tremendous start, and we didn't give up shit. I know what my team is worth, and there was not any other problem. But I ain't gonna live with another year of this. Was fun to act like a visionary and a renegade just because I tried to use logic, but I got bored of that. So let's fucking progress. And even if this sounds lame after such a long post, FORZA JUVE, fino alla fine, let's tear them a new one. You know, I'm an old school kind of fan, I like to support.

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