Capitano Giorgio Chiellini (18 Viewers)


Senior Member
Nov 25, 2005
Giorgio Chiellini believes that Juventus can get back in the title race by beating Roma this weekend.

The Bianconeri currently lie in ninth place and are five points off the lead after an October to forget.

“It is the most important challenge,” said the 24-year-old centre-back. “We will also overcome this obstacle and begin a new championship.”

While Chiellini admitted that a win against Roma would reopen what is already an incredibly open Serie A, he refused to talk about the Scudetto.

“Every time we have spoken about it something hasn’t worked,” explained the Azzurri star, who has emerged as a leading figure in the Juventus dressing room.

“When certain champions are missing, I feel a lot of responsibility, but Alex [Del Piero] is our captain.”

The Bianconeri have been hit by a severe injury crisis of late, but are gradually recovering players and reaching full strength.

Chiellini also revealed that he is impressed with the recent form of Tiago who, after a lot of criticism, is beginning to live up to his reputation.

“I now understand why he was called the laundry man at Lyon. He collects dirty balls and makes them clean.

“This is the real Tiago. Precise, ordered and capable of making play easier for us defenders.”

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Senior Member
Mar 12, 2004
Let's Not Stop Now - Chiellini

It was a magical night last night for Juventus, who beat Real Madrid in their own Bernabeu stadium for the first time in 46 years. One of the protagonists of the evening, defender Giorgio Chiellini, spoke about this epic match in an interview with Sky.

"It was a good feeling to wake up today," he said. "Yesterday we obtained a historic result. Juventus hadn't won in Madrid for 46 years. It's something that will stay in Juve's history. Although we had won a number of times against them at home, we had almost never won over there [in Madrid].

"The turn around? It came during the international break. We had time to grow more compact as a group, and find back the strength we had last year. In the match against Napoli we still had to find that feeling. But since then we have been a completely different side."

Asked how far he thinks the team can go, Chiellini said: "We want to continue this positive period in our next league games, because we still want to reduce the gap between us and the top teams. Stopping now would ruin everything. It would be a big mistake not to do well in our next league games. We want to recover lost ground."

On captain Alex Del Piero, who scored a fantastic brace last night, he said: "Yesterday night he was immense. He is the symbol of Juve. There have been many symbols at Juve, but I think Alex will be remembered forever. At the moment Juve are certainly identified with him.

"A gift to Del Piero [who celebates his 34th birthday on Sunday]? No, let's hope he gives us a gift with another goal on Sunday. In any case, we are aware that he is the one who allows us to make a leap in quality. We can only thank him. Also last night, he was the one who decided the match," Chiellini concluded.


Don't delete mods as it contain quotes from the player himself!


Senior Member
Mar 6, 2005
Yeah he said he wanted to stay at Viola and said some bad things about Juve meanwhile. He did say those things though because he felt left out at the time. So I still love Giorgio. :heart2:

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