Capello wants Raul (3 Viewers)

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Senior Member
May 22, 2004
Fabio Capello, coach van Juventus, heeft dit weekend in de pers gezegt dat hij Raul graag naar Turijn wil halen. Capello kent de Spaanse international nog van zijn tijd als trainer van Real Madrid en is zich bewust van het moeilijke seizoen dat Raul tot nu toe draait.

"Ik wil Raul graag hier laten tekenen, het is een fantastische speler die elke wedstrijd kan beslissen. Ik ken Raul erg goed en weet dat hij graag onder mij werkt en dat hij goed in Italië zou passen. Ik zal zeker deze zomer de mogelijkheden is goed bekijken," aldus Capello

De 27-jarige Spanjaard speelt al zijn hele carriere bij de Koninklijke. Hij debuteerde in het seizoen 1994/1995 en speelde sindsdien 374 wedstrijden waarin hij 173 keer scoorde. Dit seizoen is de aanvoerder 22 keer in actie gekomen waarin hij 6 keer scoorde.


Fabio Capello has said this weekend agains the press that he would like to bring Raul to Turin. Capello knows the international from the time that he was in Real Madrid and knows he's havind a bad season so far.

''I want Raul to sign here, its a fantastic player who can decide every game.
I know Raul very good and I know that he would like to play with me as manager, and that he would fit in the Italian football perfectly. I shall watch this sommers possibilities'' - Capello

Then it's said about Raul and his history and goals...
This is from dutch source and is no shit.

Do we need this player?
I guess hes trying to replace Del Piero :groan:

Buy on


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
Capello says that he would like to sign Raul because he's an exceptional player and all of a sudden people think he's a Juve target? Puhlease people, don't you think every coach would say the same about Ferdinand, Gerrard, Ronaldinho and Shevchenko too? Sure they would, it doesn't mean that they are realistic transfer targets.


Senior Member
Feb 14, 2005
Well, I am a fan of Raul.. Still i'd rather watch playin with Mardird. We totally don't need Raul.
We have:
Del Piero, Trezeguet, Ibrahimovic, Zalayata and Mutu.
WE NEED PLAY MAKERS. We need someone like Nedved, Zidane, kaka ..etc. This kind of player.
If I was in charge of buying players I would buy the following positions:
1- Playmakter: Once I've secured that I'd think about anything else, but this is a #1 priority.
2- A defender, more of a Center back. Our Defenders are old:
Ferrara: >37 years old
Montero: >30
Thuram: >30
Cannavaro: >30

I think we need someone in hi early to mid 20s.

3- A finisher: When Trezeguet is injured we are screwed. No-one to finish the job. Ibrahimovic nor Del Piero are finishers. Zalayata is a finisher, though he saved us and scored few times, he is not what Juventus need. We need someone with more talent. Someone in comparission with Trezeguet if not better.


The Linuxologist
Dec 24, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Cronios ] ++
could we swap him with DP+some$?
I wouldnt be surprised if Real would go for it if it was for a non-galactico player..they are more like over-rated Player collectors:D...and DP would fit in perfectly:p


Guitar God
Oct 19, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Stuart ] ++
Capello says that he would like to sign Raul because he's an exceptional player and all of a sudden people think he's a Juve target? Puhlease people, don't you think every coach would say the same about Ferdinand, Gerrard, Ronaldinho and Shevchenko too? Sure they would, it doesn't mean that they are realistic transfer targets.

The man has a point.


Senior Member
Mar 11, 2004
please let him retire in paece with real
we dont need over-rated player anymore
we have DP, Zlatan and Trez
and they are all over-rated
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