Capello to Man U? (1 Viewer)


the cronopio
Dec 11, 2005

The illusion of Old Trafford always is

The coach of Juventus, Fabio Capello, admitted that for him would be a " made dream reality " to be able to train the Manchester United

- The coach of Juventus, Fabio Capello, admitted that for him it would be a " made dream reality " to be able to train some day the Manchester United. Though Capello aimed that, for the present time, he is satisfied in Italy, ihe admitted to a British diary that he tempts very much the perspective to be employed at a future at the "Premiership".
" To be the trainer of the Manchester United would be for me a made dream reality ", he revealed to the tabloide Daily Star.
Besides, Capello added that to be at the head of Old Trafford's staff, which there directs the scot Alex Ferguson, would be a challenge for " any trainer ".
The Italian one already had expressed in the past his interest to join to the United, when in 2002 Ferguson he announced that he was thinking to retire, to change later of seeming.
Of the joint Englishman, the technician of the Juve indicated that it was a question of A " great club, with a historical trainer " and said that Ferguson was deserving " the maximum of the respects ".
As for the Italian team, Capello affirmed that there he was " very satisfied " and that he was trying, this season, to win the Italian League and that of Champions.

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New Member
Dec 24, 2005
I really don't hope, that Capello moves to Man Utd. He is the best manager in the world, and I can't see anyone else than the Fiorentina manager, Spalletti, take over. Capello - please stay :D


Sempre e solo Juve
Aug 12, 2005
Azzurri7 said:
He has said this more than 10times now...
I give it the real world test. If you had an employee who kept saying openly that he wanted to work for someone else, how long would you put up with it?

Let him go.


Z.Z T h e M a s t e r
May 25, 2004
I think there's something that we don't know about cappelo declarations ! he is playing a game with moggi i think ! :smoke:
So take that in consideration too


New Member
Dec 24, 2005
TonyMontana said:
Lets hope he stays, He has coached perfect sofar. If he leaves in the summer i wouldnt mind Mourinho, Lippi or Hiddink to replace him.
Do you really think, that Mourinho wants to leave Chelsea? I don't think so ;)

Lippi has been coaching Juve 2 times, and I think that's enough. He is a fantastic coach, and he is the best Juve-coach ever. But I don't think it's a good idea to return again.

I don't know much about Hiddink :D

- vOnAm -

Senior Member
Jul 22, 2004
AHDK said:
I really don't hope, that Capello moves to Man Utd. He is the best manager in the world, and I can't see anyone else than the Fiorentina manager, Spalletti, take over. Capello - please stay :D
:smoke: ehm its Prandelli

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