Cannabis Debate (4 Viewers)


Back & Quack
Mar 9, 2004
Its an issue in our society today: Should marijuana be legalized?

Critics argue that it is a menace on a functioning society. Users argue that it is a non psychically addictive high (which many scientific tests have backed up) and its main point of hurt is the lungs, but it is less harmful than tabac and No one has ever died from cannabis, it is estimated that a fatal overdose would be around 600 grams.

Alcohol is the real menance to society, yet unlike cannabis, it is legal. Every Friday and Saturday night, people go out and binge themselves silly (whilst spending lots of money) and thousands die every month. They start fights, run up taxes with hospital bills, and drink driving is still a big killer. Alcohol kills brain cells, and while your drunk your brain functions slower, which creates the desired effect. While as when you are stoned, it actually speeds up your brain, and is incredibly cheap for a desired effect. Alcoholics go round beating people, stoned people sit at home and philophise, laugh, and are happy. Im not saying alcohol nescercarilly is a bad thing, as it should still be a part of our society (but it is a part that needs addressing) but how is it that a drug that kills so many and a drug that kills ZIP is legal and the other isn't?

If you are anti-cannabis, it is likely that you just don't know the facts, like most people do, because cannabis gets thrown in the same basket as cocaine, E, heroin, speed it gains a bad name. The word ' Drug ' is almost a taboo, and people become scared. America Spends 20 BILLION yearly, on a drug war which they lose every year. They spend money bringing people to jail instead of trying to re-habilitate the heroin addicts and cocaine users, which is alot less costly, and if they would legalise it, they would cut down on in my opinion, totally unesseracy prision cost for weed smokers, and also benefit from taxes from weed equalivelent of cigarettes. Did you know, that many big cigarrete brands, anticipating the legalisation of cannabis sometime in some country (as in holland it is not legal, contrary to popular belief, it is only decriminalised ie the authorities turn a blind eye) have made secret brand logos? Marlboro have brilliantly made a ' Weedrette' called Marley!

What do you think? Should it be legalised? thoughts, opinions and facts here please.

Buy on


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2003
I say that it shouldn't be legalised... both marijuana and tobacco are bad for health, and its not only to the lungs but also to the heart, reproductive system and it contains cancer causing agents...

besides, long-term regular users of marijuana may become psychologically dependent....


Back & Quack
Mar 9, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #4
    ++ [ originally posted by NEDVED ] ++
    I say that it shouldn't be legalised... both marijuana and tobacco are bad for health, and its not only to the lungs but also to the heart, reproductive system and it contains cancer causing agents...

    besides, long-term regular users of marijuana may become psychologically dependent....
    What you say is all in excess, as with any 'high' it is bad if you do it too constant. Alcohol is legalised, but you dont see people drinking their heads off the whole time. People have a little thing called self control. Alcohol can easlily kill you in an overdose, it cause brain damage, and is hazadous to your kidneys and liver.


    Senior Member
    Nov 16, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by blackmint ] ++

    What you say is all in excess, as with any 'high' it is bad if you do it too constant. Alcohol is legalised, but you dont see people drinking their heads off the whole time. People have a little thing called self control. Alcohol can easlily kill you in an overdose, it cause brain damage, and is hazadous to your kidneys and liver.
    Marijuana is so addictive and u can get easily addicted to it, so once u start smoking u get stuck to it....... Alcohol is somehow more expensive, and u cant drink alcohol everywhere u go whereas u can smoke a cigar in most places at any time u like. The self control thing ur talking about is found in a minor section of smokers or drinkers, but most of them smoke and drink overdose...
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by NEDVED ] ++
    I say that it shouldn't be legalised... both marijuana and tobacco are bad for health, and its not only to the lungs but also to the heart, reproductive system and it contains cancer causing agents...
    I've smoked tobacco and cannabis for a long time, and I can tell you that those risks are calculated ones. Just like it is someone's right to take the risks associated with long-term use of caffeine, it should also be someone's right to risk the long term effects of cannabis or tobacco. Basically, if you aren't okay with the concept of getting lung cancer, then you shouldn't smoke cigarettes. Furthermore, cannabis can be used without exposing one's self to toxins generated by smoking. First of all, cannabis can be ingested and in so doing you can avoid the toxicity of smoking. Also, there is a process called vaporization, by which the active ingredient in cannabis (THC) is released through a more subtly heating method than an open flame. This results in a THC vapor that contains none of the toxins that cannabis smoke would.

    Basically, to say that smoking is bad is a poor reason to outlaw cannabis.

    ++ [ originally posted by NEDVED ] ++
    besides, long-term regular users of marijuana may become psychologically dependent....
    This may or may not be true. Clinical studies have not concluded that cannabis is addictive in any way, but ths indications are that if cannabis is psychologically addictive, it is less so that nicotine, alchohol, and caffeine; all of which are legal in the majority of countries. Further studies have proven that common compounds such as granulated suger create a much stronger psychological dependance than does cannabis.
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by NEDVED ] ++
    Marijuana is so addictive and u can get easily addicted to it, so once u start smoking u get stuck to it.......
    That is categorically untrue. Please refer to my previous post.

    ++ [ originally posted by NEDVED ] ++
    Alcohol is somehow more expensive, and u cant drink alcohol everywhere u go whereas u can smoke a cigar in most places at any time u like. The self control thing ur talking about is found in a minor section of smokers or drinkers, but most of them smoke and drink overdose...
    Alchohol is not more expensive. In America for instance, a case of twenty-four beers can be purchased for for $7.50. One gram of cannabis (equal to two joints, several bowls, or a blunt) costs upwards of $15. One could easily give one's self alchohol poisoning with $7.50, but you'd barely be high from $15 worth of cannabis.

    How can you say that it's easier to smoke cannabis than it is to drink? Most places that I know, you aren't allowed to smoke tobacco, much less something that is illegal. If they were both legal, I'd say that their ease of use would be similar.

    As for self-control, I don't see this as an issue. There is no way to overdose on cannabis, it is not physically possible. You can seriously damage yourself by consuming too much alchohol, but that's not the case with cannabis.


    Back & Quack
    Mar 9, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #9
    ++ [ originally posted by Ian ] ++

    That is categorically untrue. Please refer to my previous post.

    Alchohol is not more expensive. In America for instance, a case of twenty-four beers can be purchased for for $7.50. One gram of cannabis (equal to two joints, several bowls, or a blunt) costs upwards of $15. One could easily give one's self alchohol poisoning with $7.50, but you'd barely be high from $15 worth of cannabis.
    How can you say that it's easier to smoke cannabis than it is to drink? Most places that I know, you aren't allowed to smoke tobacco, much less something that is illegal. If they were both legal, I'd say that their ease of use would be similar.

    As for self-control, I don't see this as an issue. There is no way to overdose on cannabis, it is not physically possible. You can seriously damage yourself by consuming too much alchohol, but that's not the case with cannabis.

    :eek: Who do YOU buy your gange from?!


    Back & Quack
    Mar 9, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #10
    ++ [ originally posted by NEDVED ] ++

    Marijuana is so addictive and u can get easily addicted to it, so once u start smoking u get stuck to it....... Alcohol is somehow more expensive, and u cant drink alcohol everywhere u go whereas u can smoke a cigar in most places at any time u like. The self control thing ur talking about is found in a minor section of smokers or drinkers, but most of them smoke and drink overdose...
    Thats quite untrue. It depends on the person, like alcohol does.
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by blackmint ] ++
    :eek: Who do YOU buy your gange from?!
    I've bought a lot of herb from a lot of different people all over the world. That price is an average of what i've gotten recently in the US. Obviously, prices are different everywhere you go and of course, the better the herb, the more it costs. $15 per gram is a pretty good price in the US for high quality nugget. It's somewhere inbetween beasters and headies, it's a good mix. I don't usually buy in such small quantities, so for the same stuff, I'll usually pay $250 for an ounce or $850 for a quarter pound.


    Back & Quack
    Mar 9, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #14
    Well if you live in america, then they are gonna charge you loads, since punishments for possesion are greater than in alot of europe, such as belgium or germany where they are tolerant and of course holland. Im talking if you would buy 2 grams of strong cannabis for 5 euros in holland from a coffee shop, its alot cheaper then getting pissed in a bar.
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by blackmint ] ++
    Well if you live in america, then they are gonna charge you loads, since punishments for possesion are greater than in alot of europe, such as belgium or germany where they are tolerant and of course holland. Im talking if you would buy 2 grams of strong cannabis for 5 euros in holland from a coffee shop, its alot cheaper then getting pissed in a bar.
    That's because bar prices are inflated, you're not paying for the drink at the bar, you're paying for the real estate. If you look at the base costs, alchohol is not more expensive than cannabis.


    Back & Quack
    Mar 9, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #16
    Well if you look at it that way. But which is cheaper; to grow your own tree or to brew your own beer?
    Apr 12, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by blackmint ] ++
    Well if you look at it that way. But which is cheaper; to grow your own tree or to brew your own beer?
    I should have known blackmint would have started this thread. But, anyway, I think brewing your own beer, because I don't smoke chronic no 'mo, and I drink a shipload of beer every fortnight.


    Back & Quack
    Mar 9, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #19
    call me dan! Well i mean overhead costs. If you want to brew your own beer (safely) you have to buy special capsules, grow hobs, buy your own alcohol, and mix it together. Maybe if you drink alot per week it will save you money in the long run, but a tree saves you more money immeditely. good seeds cost under 200 euros, and all you have to to do from there is water it and cultivate it and you can have over 300 grams in 6-8 months, which is enough of you are a ' weekendly user' to last about 1 and a half years, maybe more.

    wow im surprised at how much i know.
    Apr 12, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by blackmint ] ++
    call me dan! Well i mean overhead costs. If you want to brew your own beer (safely) you have to buy special capsules, grow hobs, buy your own alcohol, and mix it together. Maybe if you drink alot per week it will save you money in the long run, but a tree saves you more money immeditely. good seeds cost under 200 euros, and all you have to to do from there is water it and cultivate it and you can have over 300 grams in 6-8 months, which is enough of you are a ' weekendly user' to last about 1 and a half years, maybe more.

    wow im surprised at how much i know.
    I am surprised at how much you don't know. You buy hops first of all, along with barley and a bunch of other scheiße. All alcohol comes from yeast as well, one does not "buy" alcohol. You should look up the Reinheitsgebot, and see just what can and cannot be used in beer in Germany.

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