A massive 50% of Pink Football readers believe that Arsenal will catch Premiership champions Chelsea next season.
In a recent poll only 27% believed that Chelsea could not be caught because of their vast financial resources.
Only 23% of readers said that Manchester United could catch Chelsea which is a surprise seeing how rich the club is and how many United fans that read Pink Football every day.
The full results were as follows:
Will Arsenal or Man United catch Chelsea next season?
27% No. Chelsea just have too much money to be caught.
12% Yes. Both United and Arsenal will spend enough in the summer to catch Chelsea.
11% United will catch them but Arsenal won't.
38% Arsenal will catch them up next season but United won't.
11% God knows.
Based on 513 responses.
Source: Pink Football
In a recent poll only 27% believed that Chelsea could not be caught because of their vast financial resources.
Only 23% of readers said that Manchester United could catch Chelsea which is a surprise seeing how rich the club is and how many United fans that read Pink Football every day.
The full results were as follows:
Will Arsenal or Man United catch Chelsea next season?
27% No. Chelsea just have too much money to be caught.
12% Yes. Both United and Arsenal will spend enough in the summer to catch Chelsea.
11% United will catch them but Arsenal won't.
38% Arsenal will catch them up next season but United won't.
11% God knows.
Based on 513 responses.
Source: Pink Football