Camoranesi likely to leave (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Oct 1, 2004


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2002
Well he has done his time. Personally he is a top draw player, but im sure we can get good value for him and find a player with a greater cutting edge, which i believe camo lacks.

It makes juventus sense to sell him while he is at his very peak.


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2002
Sadomin said:
Capello's a great fan of playing with wingbacks in a five man midfield as he showed in Roma. Unfortunately Camoranesi doesn't fit into that kind of system. Neither is he a traditional winger in a four man midfield making runs up and down the flank. Most of his assists are made from the deep right, a central position or set pieces. I have nothing against this personally but it's obvious that he isn't the kind of player needed for a Capello style Juventus.
bull. Nobody uses this tactics nowadays. At least no successfull teams.

It could well be, that Camo goes, which would be very sad. However, his replacemenr won't be bad at all. I suspect Joaquin or Mancini, both equall to Camo!


The Head Physio
Feb 25, 2004
Two years ago i would've hoped that'd happen, but now i think Camo deserves to stay.... Giannichedda came and Blasi didn't leave, i guess the same will happen with Camo.


Senior Member
Jan 30, 2004
djleli said:
i just read some news possible exchange with milan's seedorf what is the world coming to!

Camoranesi verso l'addio (QS)
Mercoledì, 25 gennaio @ 10:13:45 CET
L'italo-argentino non ha gradito la notizia dell'arrivo, al termine della stagione, di Marco Marchionni. L'ex agente: "Le grandi lo vogliono". Si vocifera di un possibile scambio fra Juve e Milan: Seedorf a Torino?

Pure fantasy football.
Jul 12, 2002
Monkfish said:
I've got to disagree with this, I think Camo has been absolutely great this season - as he was last season.

I can't think of too many right wingers who are better than him - I would rate him as highly as a lot of the others mentioned.

If he went I would be gutted.
No, I mean that I can't think of another player who is as inconsistent as Camo and starts on a regular basis. Camo is an up and down player. His ups are fantastic, but his downs make him invisible. I'd like to see a more consistent player in his place.


and the Cockroaches
Dec 27, 2005
Camo is great player Juve will not be same without him, but who says he's gonna leave??? (this are just rumours about leaving) I would like him to stay, if he is going to somwhere let it be Barca or some other spanish club or maybe premieship, just not let him in Milan or Inter that would kill me. And if he is up to go than bring us some high quality player i'm not sure who but Moggi surely does.

Juve should be thinking on Nedved replacement... (you know he is not going to play 4 ever)

And Marchionni... i think he is just another player who's gonna come to Juve and sit on the bench and then leave in janurary transfer market... or maybe not he is playing great at Parma maybe he's gonna play great for us


Senior Member
Aug 6, 2005
Camoranesi is not going anywhere.
Marchionni is clearly a Nedved alternative and a great one too.

This is great news for Juventus and the Italian national team.

This is one of the many many reasons that i love this team so much, even in this day and age, they still look to find and develop home grown players. Inter and Milan should learn from us and than manybe the national team will win something soon :)


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2003
Marchionni is a right winger though. on the left, it just doesnt seem right.

he could very well just be a back up player to camo or even more, a player in which moggi is planning to use as bait in the summer. no end to possiblities when it comes to moggi.

The Seedorf rumour is interesting. If he was to join, it could mean a change of formation. Currently Milan play Seedorf, Pirlo and Gattuso with Kaka behind the forwards....maybe Capello wants this to happen with emerson, vieira and mutu as well.

Milan would have Italy's midfield minus Totti.


Junior Member
Dec 22, 2005
A_LAcki said:
bull. Nobody uses this tactics nowadays. At least no successfull teams.

It could well be, that Camo goes, which would be very sad. However, his replacemenr won't be bad at all. I suspect Joaquin or Mancini, both equall to Camo!
I don't know much about Joaquin. but Mancini is nothing like Camo. Maybe it has to do with the fact that Camo plays for a better team, but nevertheless, in this better team that he plays for, he is playing superbly and and is more consistent than Mancini. This is not little, it shows that Camoranesi fits in perfectly. Sure we should think of the future, but tahts when you see that ihs level of play is going down, or is on the fall. Maybe getting a talented youngester is good, but only if he is willing to wait on the bench. Only after that, can a team be safe to keep its success and not change everything. Like i said, Camoranesi is the most creative player in that team, and attacks are very much directed by him (after all he has great assist rate).

Juventus could sell Buffon too, i mean fuck it he is gonna go down at some point right? How about Cannavaro? How about Emerson? Tell me a team that wouldn't want emerson and spend some good money him even at this age?


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2004
Juventus: Capello `Real? Sono solo invenzioni`
Mer 25 Gen, 2:06 PM

Juventus: Capello `Real? Sono solo invenzioni`

Fabio Capello raffredda le voci spagnole che lo vorrebbero al Real Madrid: `Mi passano sopra la testa, solo bugie`. Il tecnico bianconero, che secondo la stampa iberica sarebbe talmente certo di passare alle `merengues` che avrebbe gia` fatto le sue richieste al presidente Perez (come quella di allontanare Ronaldo), ci tiene a smentire tutto, pur mantenendo una certa serenita`.

`Che cosa vi posso dire, sono cose che leggo, ma mi passano sopra come l’acqua su una superficie impermeabile. Sono solo invenzioni, noi ascoltiamo e basta. Io sto bene qui, queste voci non disturbano la squadra e l’ambiente. Io penso a fare il mio lavoro, come i giocatori e la societa’ - afferma Capello - Ronaldo? Sono cose che non stanno ne` in cielo ne` in terra, non esistono` .

Sul mercato bianconero, il tecnico spegne ogni ulteriore voce circolata in questi giorni: `Zebina al Tottenham? Non e’ sul mercato, non esiste proprio. Non c`e` nessuna possibilita’ che una cosa del genere accada, Zebina fa parte del gruppo. A noi la squadra va bene cosi’, abbiamo una rosa sufficiente per andare fino in fondo - spiega il mister bianconero - Marchionni? Certo che a me piace, ma e’ una cosa che sara` definita a giugno. Camoranesi lascia se arriva lui? E’ un’altra stupidaggine, addirittura detta da un suo ex-procuratore` .

Per la Juventus giovedi` sera ci sara` l`impegno di Coppa Italia contro la Roma al `Delle Alpi`. Fabio Capello commenta lo stato di forma degli avversari, che attraversano un buon momento.

`Sono dei quarti di Coppa Italia, quindi hanno il valore che hanno, se si vince regala le semifinali e ti porta a un passo da un primo obiettivo stagionale - e sulla rivalita` con la Roma - In questo periodo si e’ raffreddato un po’ tutto, come il clima, non e’ piu’ la stessa cosa di una volta. I meriti vanno a tutte e due le parti, tutti hanno cercato di stemperare le polemiche. La Roma gioca meglio da quando Cassano e` partito? La domanda va fatta a mister Spalletti. Io ho solo visto la Roma giocare buone partite ultimamente. I risultati poi sono il frutto dell`allenamento. Anche noi siamo soddisfatti del nostro rendimento` .

Qualche sorpresa nella probabile formazione in vista della gara di giovedi` a Torino. Tra i convocati non ci sono Trezeguet (fastidio ai tendini) e Ibrahimovic (la sopresa piu` grossa, accusa una tracheite per un paio di giorni). Non ci saranno ne` Birindelli ne’ Chiellini ne’ Kovac (che ha accusato un problema al polpaccio a fine allenamento martedi’). In difesa giochera` Zebina centrale assieme a uno tra Thuram e Cannavaro (forse faranno un tempo per uno). Abbiati tra i pali e` quasi certo. Sulle fasce difensivew giocheranno Pessotto e Balzaretti. Olivera in campo dal primo minuto, torna Nedved e giocheranno Blasi e Giannichedda. In attacco Zalayeta e molto probabilmente Alex Del Piero. Panchina per Mutu, come per uno tra Vieira ed Emerson.

Per maggiori informazioni vai sul sito di Datasport

- vOnAm -

Senior Member
Jul 22, 2004
Camo has been very good with us, and the last two seasons were great. i think he was pretty consistant and was at times the only creator in our team.

But he IS 29, even I sold him after one season of FM.
He is at a ripe age to leave (when we can still cash in alot from him, like Arsenal with Vieira), ESPECIALLY, if we have a replacement, its all logical...financially too.


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2002
You know what I wouldn`t be that sad if we sale Camo and buy Mancini
Mancini would give us the needing pace on the wing while he can creat and dribble too...
ofcourse I would like to see a Camo on the right and Mancini on the left since Nedved is expected to retire
Dec 24, 2005
- vOnAm - said:
Camo has been very good with us, and the last two seasons were great. i think he was pretty consistant and was at times the only creator in our team.

But he IS 29, even I sold him after one season of FM.
He is at a ripe age to leave (when we can still cash in alot from him, like Arsenal with Vieira), ESPECIALLY, if we have a replacement, its all logical...financially too.
I totally agree with you.....


Senior Member
Mar 6, 2005
Ian said:
No, I mean that I can't think of another player who is as inconsistent as Camo and starts on a regular basis. Camo is an up and down player. His ups are fantastic, but his downs make him invisible.
You're thinking of Camoranesi two years ago and back.

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