Calciopoli or Morattopoli.. inter fake orgasm (24 Viewers)


Senior Member
Apr 11, 2011
oh aye i overreacted,thats right i called Moggi a shady character...yup...that's an overreaction right enough.

i remember when rummenigge blasted Juventus and in particular Mr Moggi over they way they conducted themselves and caleld him a gangster. the muppets on here all loved this,all went overboard and some even displayed Godfather avatars to show just how powerful Moggi was and also revelling in the fact that he was a "criminal"

many of us on here were hugely dismayed at this and worried about the light it portrayed our club,when Calciopli broke none of us were surprised that it was so easy to tar Juventus as cheats.

but then again i don't expect that you could ever get this into taht thick,meaty head of your so here goes a quick explanation taht you can follow


yes we got shafted but Moggi left us open to it with his previous conduct
Just because someone calls you something, does not make you it. Unless you ever meet him, in person and know him, how can you judge him on what he is? and no don't base it on what Heinz-Rumminiger said or what read from a website or internet forum:sergio:

Buy on


The Bozman
Oct 18, 2005
anybody want to explain this for me? this guy has a brain like treacle

the general perception of Moggi was that he was an extremely shady character,the media portrayed him this way and Moggi accentuated it. in fact Moggi used this perception to his benefit,the old saying "there is no such thing as bad publicity" was practically coined for Moggi. so when he acts like a shady character and the media portrays him as a shady character is it any wonder that people believe he was capable of such things? to now act like he was squeeky clean is so desperately pathetic it actually makes me want to cry

Moggi's ego took down Juventus,he loved the infamy,he loved the publicity but this came at a heavy price to Juventus image. when we were set up for calciopoli they didnt need to portray Moggi as some kind of bogeyman,he had done that himself already


Senior Member
Apr 11, 2011

Moggi's ego took down Juventus,he loved the infamy,he loved the publicity but this came at a heavy price to Juventus image. when we were set up for calciopoli they didnt need to portray Moggi as some kind of bogeyman,he had done that himself already[/QUOTE]

You keep believing that kid:tup:BTW how are the other 1-2 teams you also support doing?:lol::wink::sergio:


The Bozman
Oct 18, 2005
name calling? i am merely pointing out the facts about Saint Moggi and teh perception that almost everyone in football had of him before calciopoli.
i am also ridiculing those that (don't) think taht if you don't think he is 100% super clean and innocent that we don't believe we were sticthed up. people with short and selective memories who refuse to listen to anybodies point and simply sprout nonsense are aplenty in this thread


The Informer
Dec 19, 2003
name calling? i am merely pointing out the facts about Saint Moggi and teh perception that almost everyone in football had of him before calciopoli.
i am also ridiculing those that (don't) think taht if you don't think he is 100% super clean and innocent that we don't believe we were sticthed up. people with short and selective memories who refuse to listen to anybodies point and simply sprout nonsense are aplenty in this thread
media whore ain't name calling. He was and loved it. Saying he closed the ref in his dressing room on the phone while it never happened is one of the things that got him in trouble + the fact he messed with the media.


The Bozman
Oct 18, 2005
media whore ain't name calling. He was and loved it. Saying he closed the ref in his dressing room on the phone while it never happened is one of the things that got him in trouble + the fact he messed with the media.
exactly but by saying this you must believe that Juventus were guilty:bianconero:

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