Buffon weakness (2 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
Oh come on, there was nothing he could have done yesterday. Maybe if he still had his old Reusch gloves he would have saved it...

He actually got a hand on it tho


Juventuz addict
Dec 16, 2002
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    ++ [ originally posted by GOAT ] ++
    Oh come on, there was nothing he could have done yesterday. Maybe if he still had his old Reusch gloves he would have saved it...

    He actually got a hand on it tho
    He was standing in the same area where the ball came but it seems he did not see it coming .


    Senior Member
    Jul 30, 2003
    actually Cruz scored a perfect free kick last night... the ball goes with power waste no time in the air with sufficient curve straight into the top corner.. buffon was on his full stretch.... when the long slender body of his in stretch cant reach it , no keeper would..

    Hasuni Boi

    Junior Member
    Sep 19, 2003
    Actually i think if he had been at his best at that moment he would have got it...I think all of us know that but its just to painful for us to admit that.....


    Senior Member
    Mar 26, 2003
    For sure. Buffon has the capability to get that. If you ask me honestly, Dida would have saved that shot. But thats my opinion.

    THere is no such thing as a perfect shot or perfect freekick. Its all the positioning and reaction time of the keeper...


    Senior Member
    Jul 16, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by m_elayyan ] ++
    Why is buffon so weak in handling free kicks is it his fault or the defence does not know how to build a wall:(
    What would you like him to be then? Make a list of what you expect buffon to be.

    The likelyhood is that no 1 will be able to be as perfect as that.

    And even if he is..... the moment he makes a single slip up, people will grumble.

    I just find it stange that poeple would make a thread to question 1 of our bests players. He isn't injury prone, he doesn't have hugely fluctuating form and many of our other players have played much poorer than he has. Especially in this match.

    i'm not trying to blindly defend Gigi and i'm not saying that he has no weekness or that he had no fault in the Inter match.... i'm just wondering...... as Juve fans at this moment......... is there anything that you could be positive/ proud of about our club??? Our best players this season are who??? Nedved, follwed by Gigi/ Zambrro IMO

    Cos honestly..... ..... alot of what i see is trashing our players.... wanting to sell/replace them... complianing about them..... and when a thread about appreciating a player (like DP appreciation thread) is opened...... in the end.... it's trashed :wth:

    Our 1st loss all season long and some are acting like there's no hope for us..... :wth:

    Rather than taking a gd player and trying to find his faults, why not take 1 of our not so gd player and try to find his gd points instead??

    erm.... where is the love?? :confused:


    Senior Member
    Jul 17, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++
    The real worry should be why he lets balls go through his legs?? remember the Pippo incident last year?
    regardless I still think he is the TRUE GOLDEN PLAYER of Juve.
    other than the one vs. Inter last night and the Pippo one you mentioned, name another instance where Buffon let the ball go threw his legs?! :rolleyes:

    In a one on One Situation, It's never the keepers fault. Also, he wasn't expecting the ball to get to Martins anyway!! it all happened so fast. Buffon was actually in a "ready to receive the ball to kick it away" stance right before Martins got it.


    About the FK, i think it is a weakness. There's no excuse to let in a FK like that. The ball went in from the angle that Buffon was responsible for. It's not the walls fault. The wall never covers the whole goal. the wall is intended to cover the short distance of the goal.

    Buffon should have been positioned better and there's no sense denying it.


    Inferiority complex
    Nov 16, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Majed ] ++

    other than the one vs. Inter last night and the Pippo one you mentioned, name another instance where Buffon let the ball go threw his legs?! :rolleyes:
    even one time is too many....we are not talking about TAIBI HERE...we are talking about arguably the best in the world...best in the world don't let footballs through their legs :cheesy:


    Senior Member
    Jan 31, 2003
    that wall was useless...the gap opened and two keepers in goal wouldnt have stopped it!

    buffon is a star....he makes our defence look solid at times, especially last season when it was clear that Montero and Ferrara were shakey at the best of times.

    i think he, nedved and zambrotta are currently our most important players.


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    Our p`roblem here is not buffon.... well he have done some mistakes in this seaosn so far... but all of them are mailnly in the Free kicks.............
    whye have too many dangerous freekicks against us?? I think that is because MONTERO. He is the real problem.


    Senior Member
    Jul 17, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Adrian ] ++
    that wall was useless...the gap opened and two keepers in goal wouldnt have stopped it!

    buffon is a star....he makes our defence look solid at times, especially last season when it was clear that Montero and Ferrara were shakey at the best of times.

    i think he, nedved and zambrotta are currently our most important players.
    I'm not saying that Buffon sucks...i still thinks he's the best in the world and one of the most consistant too (unlike Toldo, Dudek, and Sometime even Kahn)

    In this case, it wasn't the walls responsibility to cover the far corner (the keeper's corner) Buffon should have had his corner covered. I would blame the wall and not Buffon if the ball went to the near post (the side of the goal closer to the kick where the wall should be covering).


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Majed ] ++

    I'm not saying that Buffon sucks...i still thinks he's the best in the world and one of the most consistant too (unlike Toldo, Dudek, and Sometime even Kahn)

    In this case, it wasn't the walls responsibility to cover the far corner (the keeper's corner) Buffon should have had his corner covered. I would blame the wall and not Buffon if the ball went to the near post (the side of the goal closer to the kick where the wall should be covering).
    I think that we are giving too many dangerous free kicks near the area. Its very easy to scotre from there , taking in consideration that we are talking about proffesional kick tackers from a very close distance.


    Senior Member
    Jul 17, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Hydde ] ++

    I think that we are giving too many dangerous free kicks near the area. Its very easy to scotre from there , taking in consideration that we are talking about proffesional kick tackers from a very close distance.
    Well, maybe so, but we also got a lot of FKs at that area and DP didn't to shit!! :groan:

    BTW, i agree that Montero's sloppy tackles are a problem...you can't blame him really, cuz he's just too damn old and slow. (imagine if Real Madrid scored that PK against Juve in the CL!! when montero tackled Ronaldo!! Buffon really saved our asses, and Montero could have screwed up a great night)

    anyhow, i think everyone in the forums agree that we need a (couple of) new defender(s)... Moggi should really be looking at Mexes, Lucio and co.


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Majed ] ++

    Well, maybe so, but we also got a lot of FKs at that area and DP didn't to shit!! :groan:

    BTW, i agree that Montero's sloppy tackles are a problem...you can't blame him really, cuz he's just too damn old and slow. (imagine if Real Madrid scored that PK against Juve in the CL!! when montero tackled Ronaldo!! Buffon really saved our asses, and Montero could have screwed up a great night)

    anyhow, i think everyone in the forums agree that we need a (couple of) new defender(s)... Moggi should really be looking at Mexes, Lucio and co.
    yeap.. sadly DP missed it... when 2 moths agp, maybe it would have been an easy goal for him. His injuries are killing him slowly :down:

    And we desesperately need a couple of new good defenders for sure.
    You think that Lippi will doa move in the january transfer market?

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