Brilliant, another country developes nuclear weapons? Oh lord, save us from Dubya. (17 Viewers)

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Jun 9, 2003
Iran rejects US operations claims

Iran has dismissed a report in the US media that US commandos are conducting missions on Iranian territory to identify targets for possible strikes.

Supreme National Security Council spokesman Ali Aghamohammadi said it would be naive to believe the report, which he called psychological warfare.

Earlier, Iranian Defence Minister Ali Shamkhani said Iran had the military strength to deter attacks.

US President George W Bush says he does not rule out force against Iran.

Washington has called on Tehran to reveal more about its nuclear plan, accusing it of developing nuclear weapons.

Iran insists it only wants to produce electricity.

The claims on US operations on Iranian territory were made by respected investigative journalist Seymour Hersh and published in the New Yorker magazine.

The Pentagon has described the report as based on rumour, innuendo and conspiracy theories, but has not categorically denied that US troops have been on the ground in Iran.


In the first official Iranian reaction to Mr Hersh's article, Mr Aghamohammadi told Iranian radio it was naive to imagine American spies could carry out secret reconnaissance missions inside Iran.

He said it was not easy for US commandos to enter the country.

His views were echoed by the Teheran Times which dismissed the story as a "ridiculous bluff".

It said the US and Israel knew that attacking Iran would be biting off more than they could chew, and would only choke them if they tried it.

The paper warned that Iran had acquired massive military might and was prepared to attack any intruder with a fearsome reign of fire and death.

Defence Minister Ali Shamkhani said Iran did not fear attack, in comments that were published on Tuesday but may not be a direct response to Hersh's article.

"We can claim that we have rapidly produced equipment that has resulted in the greatest deterrent," he said, without giving further details.

Thats what, USA, Russia, Great Britain, France, China, Israel, India, Pakistan, North Korea, and now Iran? Great.

Start of nuclear war betting pool, place your bets:


2005 - 2010 @ 1.10
2010 - 2020 @ 2.85
2020 - 2030 @ 4.90
2030 - 2040 @ 8.20
2040 - 2050 @ 14.00
2050+ @ 25.00

Place your bets

*Disclaimer: In the case of a nuclear holocaust and depending on the areas affeced, we might not be able to pay out your eventual winnings - meaning: if I die, you wont get shit :D*

Buy on


The Linuxologist
Dec 24, 2004
Lol Zlatan...I'd place my bet on 2033....But do you want to keep this thread as betting thread? or really talk about this issue??


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
I posted this a few months back...Lets hope this doesn't happen....

:Iran's promise: '80 seconds of hell'

Sunday, September 5, 2004

Let's begin by looking at some facts.
On Saturday, June 26, only a few weeks ago, two security guards at the Iranian U.N. Mission were expelled from the United States, and allowed to sneak back to Tehran. The State Department says that they were "engaged in activities inconsistent with their duties." Sure. They were spies.

The pair had been observed by the FBI for months moving around Manhattan videotaping landmark buildings and other infrastructure. It took an alert transit police officer to arrest them when he saw them taking video images on the subway tracks. They claimed diplomatic immunity and were not charged with any crime.

In Tehran, as August began, the Islamic Republic's supreme guide Ali Khamenei, was answering questions from a hundred or so Islamic guidance officials, home from foreign postings for retraining. Most of his answers were trite slogans, but when he was asked, "Is our Islamic Republic at war against the United States," he paused before replying. "It is the United States that is at war against our Islamic Revolution."

However, Khamenei's own newspaper was even more direct. Writing this July, it said, "the White House's 80 years of exclusive rule are likely to become 80 seconds of hell that will burn to ashes. Those who resist Iran will be struck from directions they never expected."

To these facts add that an Arab newspaper published in London and Beirut reported that an Iranian intelligence unit has established a center called "The Brigades of the Shahids of the Global Islamic Awakening," controlled by a Revolutionary Guards intelligence officer, Hassan Abbasi. The newspaper has a tape recording of Abbasi when he spoke of Iran's secret plans, which include "a strategy drawn up for the destruction of Anglo-Saxon civilization."

Missile strikes

To bring this about, Abbasi said, "There are 29 sensitive sites in the U.S. and in the West. We have already spied on these sites and we know how we are going to attack them." This Revolutionary Guard officer continued by saying, "Iran's missiles are now ready to strike at Western targets, and as soon as the instructions arrive from Ali Khamenei, we will launch our missiles at their cities and installations."

These are facts. Now let's consider the information coming in from Iraq where, day after day, our troops are being killed.

Most of the killing is now being done by Muslim militia -- Shi'ite Muslims -- in the cities of Fallujah, Mosul and Najaf. This militia appears to have some loyalty -- but not much -- to the Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, but he is equally obviously not their paymaster.

The militias need weapons, ammunition, gas for their vehicles, food, water and everything else to fight the Iraqi police and our military. Just remember that these are Shi'ites. The Iranians, just over the border are also Shi'ites. So we needn't be surprised to learn that the word on the streets of Baghdad and Tehran is that they are providing millions of dollars every month for the "hot" war against the Americans.

The Iranian Shi'ites have during the past few weeks established relations with the Kurds in the north of Iraq and with the main Arab Sunni rebel group led by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. And, every alliance is cemented with dollars.

25-year war

Iran has been at war with the United States since the mullahs ousted the shah's forces in 1979.

Iran's war against the United States has gone on for 25 years. It is past time that the ayatollahs, mullahs and imams begin to understand that there are limits to our tolerance and that our military might is by no means exhausted?

That February in 1979, the Revolutionary Guards invaded 27 U.S. listening posts in Iran that had been set up to monitor Soviet rocket tests. The posts were closed and our guys expelled.

That was enough for Democrat Jimmy Carter. He sent a wonderful letter to the Ayatollah Khomeini, praising him as "a man of God." And, in a show of goodwill, Carter lifted the ban he had imposed on arms exports to Iran.

A few days later, the Revolutionary Guards raided our embassy in Tehran and seized our diplomats as hostages for a year and a half. In April 1980, Carter tried a military rescue attempt, which ended in disaster with more Americans being killed.

Since then Iran has created one disaster after another. The Marine barracks in Beirut with 241 U.S. Marines killed, some 30 U.S. hostages taken in Lebanon, the torture-killing of the CIA's Middle Eastern chief and the generalized support of all America's enemies.

On July 27, Iranian Member of Parliament Hamid-Reza Katoziyan told a television audience "Muslims living in the U.S. are currently, in my opinion, in a special situation. Perhaps they do not walk the streets with weapons or attach bombs to themselves to carry out a suicide operation, but the thought is there."

And, one last fact: The 9/11 commission in its report poses a question, "September 11 was a day of unprecedented shock. The nation was unprepared. How can we avoid such a tragedy again?"

The answer has to be obvious. Ensure that Iran does not have the opportunity to make a first-strike against the U.S. and that Iran stops attempting to make Iraq a colony.

Dateline D.C. is written by a Washington-based British journalist and political observer.
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Zlatan ] ++
Thats what, USA, Russia, Great Britain, France, China, Israel, India, Pakistan, North Korea, and now Iran? Great.
Let me make it clear that I don't think that nuclear weapons were ever a good idea, and that I think if everyone would give up their nukes, the world would be a better place. Now, we all know that's not going to happen, so it might not be a terrible thing for Iran to have nuclear capability. By my count that makes five Western nations with nuclear arms and including Iran, five countries outside NATO with nuclear arms. The idea of having nuclear weapons is not to use them in a preemptive attack, but rather to use them as a deterent to an attack from outside. I believe that deterence has shown itself to be a very effective policy. The very fact that we all don't live in a radioactive world speaks to that. To have a world more balanced in it's nuclear arsenal is a good thing to my mind.

Furthermore, how is it the US's business that Iran may be developing nuclear weapons? Nobody came to stop the US from doing the same.


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #17
    ++ [ originally posted by zambrota19 ] ++
    Lol Zlatan...I'd place my bet on 2033....But do you want to keep this thread as betting thread? or really talk about this issue??
    The betting is just a joke dude ;)


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #18
    ++ [ originally posted by Ian ] ++

    Let me make it clear that I don't think that nuclear weapons were ever a good idea, and that I think if everyone would give up their nukes, the world would be a better place. Now, we all know that's not going to happen, so it might not be a terrible thing for Iran to have nuclear capability. By my count that makes five Western nations with nuclear arms and including Iran, five countries outside NATO with nuclear arms. The idea of having nuclear weapons is not to use them in a preemptive attack, but rather to use them as a deterent to an attack from outside. I believe that deterence has shown itself to be a very effective policy. The very fact that we all don't live in a radioactive world speaks to that. To have a world more balanced in it's nuclear arsenal is a good thing to my mind.

    Furthermore, how is it the US's business that Iran may be developing nuclear weapons? Nobody came to stop the US from doing the same.

    TBH Ian, I feel exactly the same way.

    IMO, Iran has every right to develop nuclear weapons. Their region is one of the most unstable in the world, but a lot of credit there goes to the US, and honestly, if I were so close to Israel I'd want nukes too.

    I dont see what grounds the US has to stop anyone from developing nuclear weapons when they are the only nation to have used them, twice, and on a civillian population.

    And please, dont start with how it saved lives. It might have saved American lives, the other's clearly dont matter.
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