Boudianski back to Juve? (5 Viewers)


The Grimreaper
Jul 12, 2002

Juve - Reggina, primi affari

Ancora non è arrivata la fumata bianca per Mozart, ma Juventus e Reggina hanno già dato la prova di essere d'accordo su tutto. Infatti sono state risolte le comproprietà del centrocampista Boudianski e della mezzapunta Zeytulaev, entrambi in forza ai calabresi nell'ultima stagione: il primo torna a Torino, mentre l'uzbeko resta in amaranto. Zeytulaev ha già un contratto fino al 2009 col club di Foti.

La 'triade' bianconera aspetta solo di trovare un accordo con la Fiorentina per Chiellini, Maresca e Miccoli, in modo da avere la necessaria liquidità da girare alla Reggina ed ufficializzare l'arrivo del biondo brasiliano. L'esborso dovrebbe essere di 5 milioni di euro. Per il momento nessuna decisione su Felice Piccolo, altro elemento a metà tra i due club.


From what I understand, Reggina and Juve had their first meeting, regarding Mozart there still no agreement, but one is expected soon.

But they have also came to an agreement about the future of Boudianski and Zeytulaev, seems that the first one will return to Turin and Zeytulaev will remain in Reggina, he signed a contract with Reggina until 2009, so I guess we have sold him to Reggina...

Now, coming back to the topic, if this is true, then we have Boudianski... I remember that many members here were very interest in him, and said that he plays very similar to Nedved, in fact he looks very similar to Nedved...

Do you guys think that he will ramain with us, or he will have the same faith of the young Juve players, and will be loan out again...?

Buy on


Senior Member
Oct 22, 2003
Boudianski doesn't have a EU-passport and in that light him coming back looks highly unlikely. I have to say I had some hopes for him coming up the ranks from the things I heard about him.


approaching curve
Oct 3, 2004
Ibrahimovic Tacchinardi
Mozart Appiah Emerson Kovac
Boudianski Cannavaro Thuram Giannichedda

Stop this DM madness. :groan:


The Guv'nor
Jun 12, 2005
Im laughing my head off here reading this and what don bes said ''no chance''. ha why did this even get posted on other sites let alone this one. Oh hold up david hasslehoff from the u.s team golden gate bridge eagles has renewed his contract til 2088. Tadaaah. bit extreme i know.
May 4, 2004
hmm boudi is a great YOUTH player.. i have seen him 2years ago in more then 5 matches and he is a player who run's like ALL THE TIME, and really fights for the ball.. a gattuso style...


Senior Member
Feb 14, 2005
My friend was talking about a Ukrainian player who Juventus are interested in buying. The player carries #10 in the Ukrainian youth national team. Is this player Boudianksi?
He says his style is very similar to Nedved. He has great ball control and has hair that resembles nedved too.
I see this thread and I say to myself this might be the same player.
Am I correct?
If so then this might be an absolutely great deal. He is 21 years old and if he plays behind nedved he might help solving the creativity problem we are suffering from.


The Grimreaper
Jul 12, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #13
    Never mind, I think your friend its talking about someone else coz Boudianksi doesn't play in the national team
    Sep 1, 2002
    March 3, 2004

    20-year old Ukraine-born Juventus midfielder Viktor Boudianski in an interview to Russian daily Sovetsky Sport ahead of a Serie A match against Ancona last weekend:

    You must be tired of answering calls from Russia...
    Not at all, my phone has been silent.

    Can it be true, nobody from Russia Under-21 has expressed interest?
    Not since I played for the Under-17s (three years ago).

    What if you did get a call?
    I wouldn't have a second thought.

    This is your last year in Juve's youth team. What is awaiting you?
    I will probably be loaned out. We have offers from a few Serie A and Serie B teams.

    Who "we"?
    Ilyas Zeytulaev from Uzbekistan and I.

    (Earlier Boudianski said he would be "interested" in playing for Ukraine. Russia Under-19 coach said two years ago that the reason he had stopped summoning Boudianski was that there were better players in Russia - Ed.)
    Jun 22, 2005
    Well he definitely doesn't have any chance now, but he may be considered Emerson's eventual replacement. Unfortunately, our Brazilian may be sold for an extravagent amount of money (Madrid...) and Boudianski would be a great guy to take over, but he'll either be loaned out, or most likely be sold in co-ownership. I doubt Moggi wants to completely lose out on a player as promesing as him.


    The Grimreaper
    Jul 12, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #19
    He is gone to Lazio...

    Arrivano Piccolo e Boudianski
    23 06 2005

    Claudio Lotito cerca rinforzi per la Lazio. Il presidente biancoceleste ha chiesto, ai margini dell'assemblea di Lega di ieri pomeriggio, due giocatori alla Juventus.

    Si tratta del difensore Felice Piccolo, classe 1983, e del centrocampista offensivo Viktor Boudianski che Luciano Moggi sarebbe disposto a girare alla Lazio anche a prescindere della trattativa per il brasiliano Cesar.

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