Blasi Nandolone Positive (2 Viewers)

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Layce Erayce

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2002

Parma midfielder Emanuele Blasi has become the latest Italian based player to test positive for the banned steroid nandrolone.
The 23-year-old star, currently on loan from Juventus, tested positive after giving a urine sample following the Parma-Perugia match in September.

The testing authorities informed the Italian Olympic committee of the failed test and they will now review the case.

Parma director general Patrick Nebiolo said: "We always run routine tests on our players - blood, urine and even hair.

"The check-ups are supervised by our official club doctor Massimo Manara, but at the same time will also rely on third party laboratories.

"Having said that we have never had anything bad reported on Blasi.

"We will now talk to him, but this whole thing sounds very strange.

"Blasi is not under any kind of medication and he is always checked."

Asked if Parma will question the positive analysis, he added: "Yes we will run our own secondary checks.

"First of all we will be looking after the interest of the club, we have not spoken to the player but we soon will."

Parma coach Cesare Prandelli has vehemently defended Blasi, saying: "He cries and is desperate.

"He would never take something, everyone knows he fears medicines!

"It's not the last word. We are waiting for a second analysis."

The Blasi situation is just the latest nandrolone scandal to hit Serie A - there were high profile suspensions handed out to both Jaap Stam and Josep Guardiola in 2002 after they tested positive.


Funny how the articles only mentioned Stam and Pep- since they werent the only two hi-profile stars involved in the drug

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