Bitter Azzurri see Scandinavian fix (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
Bitter Azzurri see Scandinavian fix
Tuesday 22 June, 2004

Disappointed and bitter Italy players – and the Federation Chief – suggest there was a Scandinavian fix to push them out of the tournament.

“I’d just like to point out to those who say Italian football is particularly prone to conspiracies and other sorts of behaviour that other Federations are just as bad, if not much worse, than us,” noted former Azzurri hero Gigi Riva.

Italy needed to beat Bulgaria in order to go through, but a 2-2 draw would have automatically qualified both Sweden and Denmark. The Scandinavians insisted they would never do such a thing, but the result was all too predictable.

“They set up a great acting performance, pretending to be filled with joy when taking the lead and yet always conceding the equaliser.”

FIGC President Franco Carraro was equally upset and chose his words very carefully when making his point.

“There are no doubts that watching this match suggests these two teams aimed for a draw. Naturally, this sort of suggestion is difficult to prove, but we were eliminated with five points in the table and leave with our heads held high.”

“However,” he added, “we did not do enough and undoubtedly this team performed below its capabilities.”

The Azzurri were among the favourites for Euro 2004, but crashed out with just one win and two draws.

“It is also a shame that Denmark and Sweden qualify after failing to beat us, especially when we dominated the match with the Swedes.”

“We are going out for two reasons,” continued the Federation chief. “Firstly, we failed to make the most of our many scoring opportunities. Secondly, the calendar proved decisive, as if the third game had been Sweden-Italy or Denmark-Italy, the result would have been different.”

Trapattoni’s future now hangs in the balance and should be given his marching orders in a planned meeting on Friday.

“We have a Federation meeting planned for the 25th and during the course of that coming together we will analyse the situation of this negative experience.”

The players were also downcast after the 2-2 result that many had feared came to pass in the final minute, making Antonio Cassano’s winner over Bulgaria futile.

“Had we not conceded that late goal from Ibrahimovic and perhaps if we’d been in a cleaner Group – which in my view, it wasn’t – then we’d all be here talking about a great Italy squad,” said Marco Materazzi.

The Inter defender’s foul on Dimitar Berbatov saw Bulgaria take the lead with a penalty before half-time.

“He was tugging my shirt first and I fell because he pulled me down, so when I heard the whistle I assumed it was for a free kick in our favour.”

There were also complaints when Antonio Cassano was hacked down in the box, then there was a slight nudge on Christian Vieri.

“The tackle on Cassano was a clear foul and I can’t believe it wasn’t awarded,” added Materazzi. “Obviously the first game was a bad performance, but we were certainly unlucky in the next two matches.”

Massimo Oddo was a late substitute and claimed Giovanni Trapattoni’s favouritism between players saw him resist the possibility of change.

“We gave it everything we had, even if we ended up making a few too many mistakes, but it all seems a bit pointless to discuss it now. We are professionals and even if the Coach decided on the starting eleven a long time ago it is our job to try and make him change his mind.”

“I would like to point out that we all take responsibility for this exit,” concluded the Lazio fullback, “from the goalkeeper to the defence, midfield and forwards. Mistakes were made all through the squad and we are not blaming anyone else.”

Sure, blame the bad old Scandinavians...

Oddo is right, it's their own fault. They scored 3 goals in 3 matches, Sweden scored 8. It was all in their hands, they have noone else to blame.

Buy on


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2002
Imagine your best player is suspended, because of a stupid mistake.
Imagine you get a "wondergoal" against a team, you dominated through 75 minutes.
Imagine winning your last game in the last minute, beeing in heaven for 3 seconds, and than find out, that even a 20 - 0 would not have been enough.
Imagine going home without loosing.

If I was an Italian player, I would cry and maybe take a LONG break from football. They are all frustrated and try to find someone to blame. They made these statements after going out with a win! I don't take this serious, as these players are now in a deep misery.

btw. the fact that Italy scored 3 and Sweden 8 doesn't mean anything! They scored 5 against a mental weak Bulgarian team, and were lucky, to score two goals against Danemark. The penalty wasn't one, and the second goal............well, no comment as Sörensen looked VERY weak and bad.
I would say that Italy were simply unlucky
Aug 1, 2003
Geez, first the nike boots, wait, that was after the roteiro ball and now game fix? to be honest I actually think the game was fixed but it's just a lame excuse for italy's early exit. Wake up, stop being crybabies and WORK your way into the quarterfinals. You sucked against Denmark and was desperate against Bulgaria, this is what you get.


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
I agree with A_LAcki to some extent. Perhaps the Azzurri did deserve to be eliminated and we read these comments and think that they're unjust, but we have to remember what the players are going through. All 23 of them, bar Totti I reckon, most likely cried themselves to sleep last night. Going out of a major tournament isn't easy, but the manner in which the Italians have been eliminated is that much more cruel and these players have all the right in the world to feel hurt.
Aug 1, 2003
++ [ originally posted by A_LAcki ] ++

Imagine you get a "wondergoal" against a team, you dominated through 75 minutes.
Sweden was attacking and we decided to defend for last fifteen minutes. 15 minutes is a LOT of time for the swedes to score and it was bound to happen, although it was a cheeky goal but defending when you're only 1 goal up for 15 minutes and when the opposition team is attacking is not a wise decision.

yes they were probably too upset to realize what their comments are, but had we been out of the tournament playing well I wouldn't mind- we gave our best, and that's that. but the fact remains that we DIDN'T give our best. Except against Sweden, our games against Denmark and Bulgaria were a shame. Only SOME players worked their heart out to try to survive, others were blindly playing like shite. And when your team doesn't work together to do well, you face the exit, and that's exactly what happened


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #9
    Face it: Even had it been 1-1 Italy wouldnt have qualified simply because THEY themselves are the ones who didnt do enough. They needed to beat Bulgaria with a 2 goal difference. They one 2-1, scored the winning goal in the 93rd minute.

    How did they expect to win the tournament if they cant even be top of the group?


    Senior Member
    Dec 23, 2002
    But till the mistake of Sorensen, it was 2-1, and with Italy beating Bulgaria, this would have been enough. However, Sorensen was very nice to Jonson yesterday!


    f(s+1)=3((s +1)-1=3s
    Jul 12, 2002
    I'm sad to see members I like and respect post things like I'm seeing now. Did you see the Denmark-Sweden match Alex? Did you see the how close Denmark came to making it 3-1?


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #13
    Well if it was clear why doesnt UEFA do something about it???

    Let me tell you why, because it wasnt a fix, and there is absolutely no evidence to the contrary, only speculation by bitter Azzuri fans.


    Jul 15, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Freddy ] ++
    well, Ok...Italy was bad.. Trap is bad...and so on..bla bla bla

    BUT the other game was a was CLEAR
    Do you have any evidence that it was a fix?


    Junior Member
    Jul 20, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by A_LAcki ] ++
    But till the mistake of Sorensen, it was 2-1, and with Italy beating Bulgaria, this would have been enough. However, Sorensen was very nice to Jonson yesterday!
    When Sweden scored the second goal the score was 1-1, so Italy wasn´t beating Bulgaria


    Senior Member
    Nov 1, 2003
    baah, blame it on others instead of urselves :dontcare:

    sorry to say that italy dont deserve to go thru, PERIOD. hopefully FIGC can work things out, let trap go. he's a gr8 coach, just not cut out for this. and i pray that who ever will be the next coach, wont chose players based of "name" alone. they shud earn the place to be in the NT. if it was on paper, italy wud have won this tournament.

    looking forward to germany 2006 :)
    Aug 1, 2003
    Whether it's a fix or not we'll never know; but that isn't the issue here - we can't take that game as an excuse. We faced an early exit because of US, not because of others. Enough of the blaming others already.


    Senior Member
    Jun 3, 2003
    Listen, people before we even think about looking beyond to the swedes and danes. We should look at ourselves. We played three games just like everybody else. Its not like we dint have a chance to make our own destiny. We blew that. So irrespective of whether Sweden and Denmark conspired or whether Sorensen decide to gift his friend Jonson a present, i just have to say one thing: Italy have noone but themselves to blame. They landed with an attitude that made them believe they just had to show up to win the group. And that's wrong. I take away a great positive from the fact that italy havent qualified for the quarters. And that is when the mighty are struck, they come back with a vengence. In 2 years time, it could well be a different story from what we saw last nite.

    But having said all those things, everybody needs a little bit of luck, no matter how good or bad they are. And italy havent had that since Euro 2000.

    But look at the bright side, Lippi will come and make this team what it is potentially: a championship side.

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