Biggest waste of cash ever?? (4 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2002
christian zenoni, 8.75 million pounds that one of the biggest wastes of cash ever???

imo he COULD be thurams replacement, but in all honesty, he doenst look like a prospect at all, anyone know how hes doing out on loan??

Buy on


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
We got him as part of the Inzaghi deal, and I really doubt he cost that much... around 13 mil €...

:sad: :down: :frown: :down: :sad:


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
Not the biggest, but that's quite a lot of money to spend on a player who doesn't play...


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
Marcelo Salas ... Didn't we pay £18 milion (€25 million) for him? I mean, that's insane considering what he did for the club!


Senior Member
Oct 28, 2002
Yeah But salas is a different case!!!!! he had shown alot of good football with Lazio, we got him he started well!!!! but then he was never able to recover from that injury!!!!! look at DP he was in a similar position! in my opinion if salas got the chances and i stress on the S in chanceS! he might of have recovered his form!


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Matto ] ++
Marcelo Salas ... Didn't we pay £18 milion (€25 million) for him? I mean, that's insane considering what he did for the club!
:eek: I just realised we need a new smiley:



Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
++ [ originally posted by GOAT ] ++
Actaully it was more like 25 mil € + Kovacevic...
Oh yeah, that's right! Kovacevic who is now a GREAT striker in Spain :irritated:

++ [ originally posted by KeNgO ] ++
Yeah But salas is a different case!!!!! he had shown alot of good football with Lazio, we got him he started well!!!! but then he was never able to recover from that injury!!!!! look at DP he was in a similar position! in my opinion if salas got the chances and i stress on the S in chanceS! he might of have recovered his form!
That's besides the point. "IF" is of absolutely NO use in this discussion so drop it already. Fact is that we lost 18 million pounds AND Kovacevic on this guy and did NOTHING for us. Zip. Nil. Zero. Nothing. Niente!


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Matto ] ++
Fact is that we lost 18 million pounds AND Kovacevic on this guy and did NOTHING for us. Zip. Nil. Zero. Nothing. Niente!
Oh, it's not fair to say he did nothing. I'd always wanted a juve player who has a palindromic name :)


Senior Member
Oct 28, 2002
Salas is a bad deal i never said otherwise!!!!

but he ísn't the only place we lost money, look at Baiocco, Zennoni, Athirson, Kovacevic, (the guy we got from Fiorentina and sold to Bologna) ..... etc Not to forget Di Vaio still hasn't delivered his money worth.

but then again look at the players we got for cheap prices but were able to deliver DP, Zidane, Camo, Zambrotta ... etc and hopefully Miccoli will be on this list!!!!

the system in juventus involves alot of risk! sometimes you win and the player delivers and sometimes you have a bad investment!!!

get used to it!


Senior Member
Oct 28, 2002
++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++

:LOL: you dare not even speak his name :howler:
i forgut the name man!!!! what was his name???

++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++

He will, trust me ;)
i hope so!!!! so far this season he is having a good start! so this season might be it!


Senior Member
Sep 21, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Matto ] ++
Marcelo Salas ... Didn't we pay £18 milion (€25 million) for him? I mean, that's insane considering what he did for the club!
as I remember it, it was 13 million dollars plus Kovacevic.

the deal was a big failure, but we couldn't know that when we signed him. he used to be great in Lazio and he should have been great in Juve too, if he didn't get injured :(
Kovacevic's succes with Sociedad makes us jelous and regret now that we sold him, but I think it was unavoidable because he wanted to play more!

wow I didn't know we payed so much for Zenoni :eek:
but he did contribute and he was a great prospect when he played for Atalanta. the proof is that Milan wanted him too.

so we had some bad deals and wastes of money (Baiocco, Athirson, Moretti, Salas, Zenoni..), but overall I think we'r spending money wisely.
sometimes we even get a lot from players that we almost didn't pay for (Camoranesi, Trezeguet, Del Piero, Zambrotta...)


f(s+1)=3((s +1)-1=3s
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by KeNgO ] ++
but he ísn't the only place we lost money, look at Baiocco, Zennoni, Athirson, Kovacevic, (the guy we got from Fiorentina and sold to Bologna) ..... etc Not to forget Di Vaio still hasn't delivered his money worth.
I think it's really unfair and wrong to put Kova in this list. He delivered when he got a chance, we just shouldn't have sold him.
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by tarmpropp ] ++
I think it's really unfair and wrong to put Kova in this list. He delivered when he got a chance, we just shouldn't have sold him.
It's true. The whole deal with Kova was really messed up. He should have been played more, an effort should have been made based upon his performance. They did that for Salas without a second thought, but they never did it for Kova. Then Juve just sells him like he's no good and we see now that he's a world class player.

gigi's twin

Senior Member
Mar 5, 2003
++ [ originally posted by John #10 ] ++
christian zenoni, 8.75 million pounds that one of the biggest wastes of cash ever???

imo he COULD be thurams replacement, but in all honesty, he doenst look like a prospect at all, anyone know how hes doing out on loan??
As I know, unfortuantely he gets a very little chance to play in Samp, but when I saw him playing, he was great! :thumb:

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