++ [ originally posted by Romano
] ++
What to think of : Ferrara? Pessotto? Torricelli? Di Livio? Deschamps? Conte? Jugovic? Vialli? Del Piero? Ravanelli? Padovano? Boksic?
LoL 2 years ago I was in Croatia, in Makarska, the birthplace of Boksic.
A friend of mine said that he knew where his house was, and we could go see it if I wanted...
Afcourse why not

So we got there, and I was wearing a Juventus shirt, and I looked at somebody on the balcony, but I didn't know who it was (it was dark outside) and the man was talking on the phone, and when he saw me, he stared at me, and stopped talking on the phone, and from suprise he entered his house again.
Then my friend told me, that was Alen Boksic, and I asked him, so why did he left?
He said : You are wearing a Juventus shirt and he is a big fan of Juve....
LoL very emotional moment, I visit Makarska every year, but I don't meet with my friend, orelse I would go again to ask his signature (autograph)