Not sure if this is provocative but it's a hell of a story
Around here the local idiots seem to think driving around at night in their did dads car abusing people is fun (actually that happens everywhere right?). Well once I was standing on the pavement just after coming out of a club (it's a rock club and scallies love abusing alternative guys like me
) and as some guy drove past, someone in the back seat grabbed me by the belt and I got dragged up the fvcking road a bit. I wasn't injured seriously except a busted elbow but I could have been seriously hurt, that wasn't cool and I was annoyed a little to say the least. They had already went past a few times, throwing eggs the first and shouting the second before grabbing me the third so I was pretty sure they would be back. I just so happens there was a folded up baby pram lying there on the footpath, I had an ingenious idea (ok I was wasted, had a busted open elbow and for once had kinda lost my cool for a moment) to pick it up and use it. As they drove past again I slammed it of the front window of the car, it shattered the entire window. It was amazing for a brief second, bit of a rush. But then they slammed the brakes and about 6 guys got out of the car and kicked the shit out of me
I thought there would have been 2 guys in the car! Shoulda known though since they were driving a black mercedes that it woulda been a gang
Cops came and saved me from getting killed but they arrested me for doing damage to the car and let those bastards go. God Dammit!
That was my most recent provocactive moment, I'm usually reserved