Assists vs Goals (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
Well, IMO both are important, but goals more so (does that sentance make any sense, at all??? :undecide: )

I mean, assists can come accidentally... but so can goals... so, yes... no... err, I dont know. It's been a long day, I'm tired :sad:


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
I have always thought that the assist is more important than the goal. This is coming from a playmaker who does not score that many goals for his respective teams. I find that much of the work done by the assister is greater than the work input by the goalscorer, at least for about 80 percent of the goals.

If you have a team full of players who can pass with great aplomb, the goals will come eventually. If you have a front line full of goalscorers, and if the midfield is ineffective, where will the assists for the goals come from? Having players who can put the ball in the net are very useful, but if they are not able to create chances than they might become ineffective. So the ability to provide assists is more essential, because the goals will come. If no player is able to assist, then the goalscorer will look rather stranded.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
I think a player who can make awesome assists is rarer to find than one who can score a lot of goals, which makes a great assist-man more valuable to me than one who only knows how to score goals.

Oh man i'm not very good at explaining things today, hope u know what i mean


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Don Bes ] ++
that is one way to look at it. but what can a great assist man do without the finisher
what i'm saying is that good finishers are a dime a dozen these days, so it's much easier to find a goalscorer to match up with your assist man, than it is to find a new assist man to supply your goalscorer. make Sense?
Jan 7, 2004
++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++

what i'm saying is that good finishers are a dime a dozen these days, so it's much easier to find a goalscorer to match up with your assist man, than it is to find a new assist man to supply your goalscorer. make Sense?

whats up with your insecurity today. u know chicks dont like that :eek:


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
I had 3 hours sleep, and had to help my parents in the nursery for about 4 hours. I'm a tad tired and I'm having trouble explaining my thoughts (what's new eh? But even more so today)
Jan 7, 2004
++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++
I had 3 hours sleep, and had to help my parents in the nursery for about 4 hours. I'm a tad tired and I'm having trouble explaining my thoughts (what's new eh? But even more so today)

i can never beat you on this sort of stuff eee


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
Assists are more important. you can Have one creative player who can assist to many not-so-good players.. a goal will come in the end from many different sources.

but if you have a great scorer and nobody to provide, than it's only that scorer who'll most likely score.
and since most goals (in respectable leagues) have to come from assists, than a great scorer will be running around like a headless chicken.


Example, think if a case. What's better?
a) a Nedved-less and Del Piero-less Juve with Trez and DV in attack b) a Nedved and DP Juve with Zalayeta in Attack.

a prefer (B).

maybe that's too specific though :undecide:


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Majed ] ++
Assists are more important. you can Have one creative player who can assist to many not-so-good players.. a goal will come in the end from many different sources.

but if you have a great scorer and nobody to provide, than it's only that scorer who'll most likely score.
and since most goals (in respectable leagues) have to come from assists, than a great scorer will be running around like a headless chicken.


Example, think if a case. What's better?
a) a Nedved-less and Del Piero-less Juve with Trez and DV in attack b) a Nedved and DP Juve with Zalayeta in Attack.

a prefer (B).

maybe that's too specific though :undecide:
But it makes complete sense to me Majed.


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2003
the thing about good assisters are.. they are statistically not prolific finishers... this not necessarily suggest they dont have the skill ...

but as the skill to assist is much rarer to find, people who have them will be placed much deeper , meaning they will waive the opportunity to concetrate on positioning and goal poaching which is the most easiest and succesful way to sscore many goals.....

they also instictively became more complicate minded when receiving the ball ... in a flash of mind when receiving the ball, they will first assess the situation and postition of both the goal and other players, while natural goals scorer will naturaly only think where the goal are first..

dribbling playmakers also bcoz of their dribling skill tend to draw out defenders to them and which every touch they make. the mark and resistance will be tougher .. thats the stage where he will need a natural finishers to pass to as there are no way to go..

in any case i believe that as you hard to find natural playmakers , natural finishers are also gems... its not about matter of skills as i am sure most you can do the basic skill with eyes closed while playing at the park... but more important untrainable factor , that is finishing and opportunistic instict.. the tendacy to create easiest situation where he can use the most easiast skill to make bunch of goals in competetive games..... i am sure all the profesional strikers passed all the basic skill test you throw at them, but not all of them score as much as David Trezeguet, Christian Vieri , Shevchenko and Dario Hubner every year... so the basic impression 'ohh.. even i can do that..bahh' is just totally baseless...

when i have to choose in terms of importance, goal scorers ar more important bcoz goals win and save matches. But assisters are important as well the same with defending and goalkeeping skill.. so if u have the best assister in the game, but not have the best of natural finishers ,goals are still hard to find..and your team will end up losing coz good assist play mean nothing if they are not finished.. while as many English team have shown. you can also score a lot of goals without have one appointed playmaker, but rely on variable team plays...

Layce Erayce

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2002
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    ++ [ originally posted by aressandro10 ] ++
    the thing about good assisters are.. they are statistically not prolific finishers... this not necessarily suggest they dont have the skill ...

    but as the skill to assist is much rarer to find, people who have them will be placed much deeper , meaning they will waive the opportunity to concetrate on positioning and goal poaching which is the most easiest and succesful way to sscore many goals.....

    they also instictively became more complicate minded when receiving the ball ... in a flash of mind when receiving the ball, they will first assess the situation and postition of both the goal and other players, while natural goals scorer will naturaly only think where the goal are first..

    dribbling playmakers also bcoz of their dribling skill tend to draw out defenders to them and which every touch they make. the mark and resistance will be tougher .. thats the stage where he will need a natural finishers to pass to as there are no way to go..

    in any case i believe that as you hard to find natural playmakers , natural finishers are also gems... its not about matter of skills as i am sure most you can do the basic skill with eyes closed while playing at the park... but more important untrainable factor , that is finishing and opportunistic instict.. the tendacy to create easiest situation where he can use the most easiast skill to make bunch of goals in competetive games..... i am sure all the profesional strikers passed all the basic skill test you throw at them, but not all of them score as much as David Trezeguet, Christian Vieri , Shevchenko and Dario Hubner every year... so the basic impression 'ohh.. even i can do that..bahh' is just totally baseless...

    when i have to choose in terms of importance, goal scorers ar more important bcoz goals win and save matches. But assisters are important as well the same with defending and goalkeeping skill.. so if u have the best assister in the game, but not have the best of natural finishers ,goals are still hard to find..and your team will end up losing coz good assist play mean nothing if they are not finished.. while as many English team have shown. you can also score a lot of goals without have one appointed playmaker, but rely on variable team plays...

    great theory. i think its natural for most ball-feeders and assisters not to score many goals because they arent up front all the time.

    i think the important untrainable factor- the instinct you mention has a lot to do with confidence on the field, as well as the other physical and technical skills.

    the english style you speak of appeals much to me- i still remember tacchinardi scoring a goal from open play in a game against torino 2 seasons ago i think. that game had random midfielders coming up often, making it very difficult for man markers. we won 4-2(kinda hazy, sorry)

    but i must admit- having 3 or 4 good assisters in a first team is a very tasty prospect :drool:- the recipe for exciting goalmouth action

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