Adriano Instead Of Trez (2 Viewers)


Senior Member
Apr 21, 2003
There's already a thread about this in the Transfer Forum ;) We all would love Adriano but it's next to impossible to get him.


Juventuz addict
Dec 16, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #3
    I think if juve offered trez to parma or inter (i dont know who owns him) it can be arranged.


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
    I agree, I honestly dont see Inter letting him go. A dou of Adriano and Martins would be unstoppable in a few years. However I agree we need someon to take over from Treze, but someone we actually have a chance of getting. Say Cavenaghi :extatic:


    Senior Member
    Apr 21, 2003
    Neither Parma nor Inter are stupid enough to let go Adriano just for Trezeguet ;) We would have to pay a really big hefty amount ;)


    Junior Member
    Jul 7, 2003
    Really i will love see right now ADRIANO in Juve and TrezeGHOST in other team.....ADRIANO as i see well be more good than Ronaldo...:fero:

    But i think Adriano will go the next season to Inter and that´s it...


    Juventuz addict
    Dec 16, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #11
    ++ [ originally posted by kharbana ] ++
    Really i will love see right now ADRIANO in Juve and TrezeGHOST in other team.....ADRIANO as i see well be more good than Ronaldo...:fero:

    But i think Adriano will go the next season to Inter and that´s it...
    If he will go to inter his talent will end and he will be like the others:D


    Superior Being
    Jul 12, 2002
    If its not knocking Dp, its selling off Trez or trading him with any striker who shows a little form
    If I was those 2 players I would be wondering, why bother


    Junior Member
    Jun 17, 2003
    I don't care who they get, just please get rid of Trezeguet.....some people might say that nooo he's good he finishes games off for u.....but trust me if my granny stands in his place she can also score......all the rest of the players always make such an effort on the pitch and then this dude just comes along and puts his head or stretches his leg and the ball goes in and he gets the credit.....i'm gonna bet anyone here on the forum for anything they want......if in the next 5 games Trezeguet will touch the ball more than two times in one go.......he has that stupid one touch mentality that drives me crazy, he is not capable of receiving a ball and actually causing some danger to the opponent....every time they pass the ball to him, he automatically gives it back with one touch and runs. i just hope that the next time he runs he keeps on running out of Torino.
    Jul 19, 2003
    Well, that's not necessarily a bad football is always dangerous to the opponent....very quick and effective, if done right.

    Really pure CF's are supposed to do just what Trezegeut is doing, but no to that extent. Even Trezegeut's touches are garbage.....I lost count of how many times an attack was bein built up in the last game and then broken once the ball got to Trez. Either he loses the ball, connects poorly with it, stumbles on it, passes it to the opponent. Now people might say that's an off-day for him, but this has been going on since last year's CL.

    An example of a striker who isn't a technical wizard, but gets the job done is Mido. And I'm seriously not saying this coz he's Egyptian. If you watch him play, he's not a magnificent dribbler like Sheva or Ronaldo, but his touches always create danger. He receives the ball and guards it pretty well....he can also cross the ball pretty well, make assists, and when given clear chances in front of goal, he usually doesn't waste them.

    Bottom line, to me Trez seems lazy on the pitch and he really needs to work on his passing. I know he's a good finisher and he's having trouble right now, but how long are we supposed to wait?! :confused:


    Juventuz addict
    Dec 16, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #16
    I agree totally with this , it seems trez is in the same level as Salas:D


    Senior Member
    Oct 2, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by kharbana ] ++
    Really i will love see right now ADRIANO in Juve and TrezeGHOST in other team.....ADRIANO as i see well be more good than Ronaldo...:fero:

    But i think Adriano will go the next season to Inter and that´s it...
    Are you sure that adriano is better than Ronaldo,Ronaldo at the age of 22 was the best player in the world,and to tell you the truth adriano isnt even near to being the best player in the world.


    Senior Member
    Apr 21, 2003
    Adriano is an all rounder who can make the attacking line just by himself. Whereas Trezeguet needs to be fed balls, Adriano can go win a ball himself and score from anywhere.

    Trezeguet is more a small box player, Adriano the large box player.

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