A thought. (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Aug 26, 2003
Ever since this user named IncuboRossonero registered at these forums, he has caused nothing but trouble.

I do not mind a healty unbiased argument, but his baseless and prejudiced comments about how Davids and Del Piero use drugs, about how Nedved is nothing more than an average player being carried by the media, about how Moggi probably fixes things up and how everything about Juve sucks is just too much to take.

We don't criticize Milan here unless provoked.

As if that weren't enough, he has made tons of comments in his brief stay here about peoples upbringing, lack of intellect, lack of knowledge, bad grammar, bad spellings etc etc etc

Why do we need to be Judged on on online forum ? Who the hell is how to talk about my family ? He called me Inbred and said that i probably sleep with my family members ! Why should I take nonsense like this from him ?

I complained to Alex about this but he gave him nothing more than a warning. When i retaliated on my own about his comments about my location, i got a warning too.

Does that seem fair to anyone ? Why do i need to tolerate BS from someone I don't even know ?

Its also fine if he restricts his Anti - Juve comments to one thread ...but every thread he replies to is an attack on either Juve or a user and their intellect.

I have added him to my ignore list so i can't read his posts, but he replies to almost every thread there is and you guys sart arguing with him so i'm forced to see what the argments are about anyway.

Why does everything he post have to be an argumentative or offensive in some way ? How come nothings being done about it ?

This forum was a really friendly place and all of a sudden i don't feel live visiting it anymore because of one single user. I have no problem ignoring him like i stated before, but since most of you continue arguing with him, its impossible to overlook his crap.

This is a plea to all of you that something needs to be done - Either we all ignore him as much as possible or we get rid of him.

He wants attention and we are giving him that. His views cause arguments and nothing more - he is not a contributing member in any way.

So please let me know what you guys and girls think of what I have to say.

Thank You.

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Jul 12, 2002
Since you asked for input, I will give you mine. I think that you are out of line calling for the Milanista's banning. It is true that he has been confrontational and uncooth, but he's been warned, and even if he hadn't, it does not give you the right to retaliate.

He's not really a terrible guy, he's just a little misguided. I can see that he has the capacity to be an effective communicator and I hold out hope that he'll be a positive and enriching member of this forum.

So, even though he has provoked and attacked me, I hold no ill will, that's the only way to be. If you don't let it go, then he won't either. So, if you want to leave this forum because of him, then that's sad, because you are a good poster here, and I appreciate your contributions. But, I certainly don't think that it's worth it. Maybe the milanista will leave or maybe he will stay, but either way there's going to be a person like that on the forums from time to time.

I think that he's brought a bit of life and controversy to the forums that were missing before. He's brought a real opinion and he's not afraid to put it out there. If he can put some logical support behind it, then we might get some great debate. But, the point is, he may be annoying to some, but he hasn't done anything to warrant his being banned. We can't go around banning people for their first offence or banning them because they don't listen to other people, or even because they are annoying. We have to allow for some variation among the membership otherwise the forums would become stagnant.


Senior Member
Aug 26, 2003
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    No im not going to leave because of one person, but he can't go around flaming everyone especially with some really harsh comments.

    This is the best Juve forum on the net i've ever been to and im not going to let one person ruin it for me.

    He questioned my education and said i was inbred within 5 minutes of conversation. Thats a little too much to take for me.

    Anyway, i agree with most of what you said too.

    But there is a difference between agruing in a civil manner and belittling others.
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by IceBlu ] ++
    No im not going to leave because of one person, but he can't go around flaming everyone especially with some really harsh comments.

    This is the best Juve forum on the net i've ever been to and im not going to let one person ruin it for me.

    He questioned my education and said i was inbred within 5 minutes of conversation. Thats a little too much to take for me.

    Anyway, i agree with most of what you said too.

    But there is a difference between agruing in a civil manner and belittling others.
    What you say is true, he's been disrespectful to you and others. He's been warned and he feels that it's a bit of a injustice. I'm sure that if you look at it from his point of view it's all very reasonable. He saw a bunch of people who attacked him and he responded in kind. Unfortunately, he crossed the line, and he was warned as he should have been. But, now, I think that he's improved. I mean, he has now actually posted something other than a Juve bashing statement and he has supported it with logical reasoning and factual evidence. Furthermore, he has curbed his insults. So, unless there is a furhter outbreak of personal attacks, he's just like any of the rest of us and is entitled to express his opinion however unorthodox or ludicrous it may be.


    Senior Member
    Jul 16, 2003
    I haven't exchanged any words with him, but i've read what's been happening.

    my views....

    What i feel is that as long as he doesn't make any personal insults on the members here and to Juve, the club and the players, i think that's fine.

    What i mean is that for me.... i'm fine if a fan from a rival club comes here and doesn't like our players. There's nothing wrong with that. And he can say what he doesn't like about them, as long as they arn't insultive. I mean..... i'll lsiten if you decide that to you, Nedved or whoever isn't a gd player, or your players are better or whatever...... just as long as you can state you reasons properly without provoking anyone of us. Don't just say like .... "XX player is jerk" and expect no one to oppose you.

    And if for example in a match there is s controversial situation, i hope that he/they can view the situation unbiasedly.

    but if they can't and they decide that Milan or Inter or whoever is always in the right, that's ok for me too if he can say this in a non-insultive manner. But in such cases... some of us here might say things against his opinion.

    We don't criticize Milan here unless provoked.
    Are you sure? I think there are threads that pop up here when some of us are just poking fun at some players from other clubs.... In our view, it's all in gd fun.... oh..."Totti said :blah: ....... :yuck:" .......... Oh... "Pippo offsided again :rolleyes: .... nothing new there" .... things like that..... but for these guys/gals from other clubs.... .... they come here... 1 of the 1st thngs they would do is look for a thread abt a player or about their club...and if they go there and they see what is being said, it can be quite depressing i think and it's almost natural for them to retaliate.

    The impt thing for us si that we have to surpport them if they really want to have propper convos. If they try...... and we just black list them for what they have said previously.... maybe that isn't very fair....... but if they continue to show that they have no interst at all in anything constructive........ then........ they can follow the same ending as Mr. W. ex

    For me, at this curent moment i'm ok with this Incubo guy and the previous Roma guy. The 1 person that i do have something against is...... well...... you know who...... ( can i not say that name? ) . And the dudes that i like are Forza AC Milan and Ben.


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Rickenbacker2 ] ++
    He's not really a terrible guy, he's just a little misguided. I can see that he has the capacity to be an effective communicator and I hold out hope that he'll be a positive and enriching member of this forum.
    Ditto. I'm hoping that soon enough he'll step into line, and we can all have a good laugh about his first experience at this forum.

    ++ [ originally posted by Rickenbacker2 ] ++
    I'm sure that if you look at it from his point of view it's all very reasonable. He saw a bunch of people who attacked him and he responded in kind.
    I'm not so sure about that order of events, but I do agree that many of his posts have been in retaliation.
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Sunshine ] ++
    For me, at this curent moment i'm ok with this Incubo guy and the previous Roma guy. The 1 person that i do have something against is...... well...... you know who...... ( can i not say that name? ) . And the dudes that i like are Forza AC Milan and Ben.
    I haven't the foggiest who you are talking about.


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2003
    personally, I like the guy.

    Sure, he stepped over the line on more than one occasion, but I think he's settled in to how this forum operates, for I'm sure he knows now what kind of rythmn we have here. Maybe he underestimated our knowledge not just for Juve, but for football in general, but I think he realized that we're much more knowledgable than he thought.

    I've never had a problem with him, and usually my conversations with him, in whichever language we choose, has been pleasant and informative. I'll admit though, that he definitely got off on the wrong foot with a lot of people, and I see that he's trying to mend fences, because despite his hatred for Juve, he probably does want to bounce ideas and topics off of people. So we should probably give him the benefit of the doubt, and see where this leads.

    It's not such a bad thing to have an opinionated Milanista in the forum, we could use a change of pace once in a while, provided it's not offensive. Sometimes we as Juve supporters get so engulfed in the team's success that we forget that this is not a team without some flaws, and a different perspective can be a benefit to all of us.
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by USA Juventini ] ++
    personally, I like the guy.

    Sure, he stepped over the line on more than one occasion, but I think he's settled in to how this forum operates, for I'm sure he knows now what kind of rythmn we have here. Maybe he underestimated our knowledge not just for Juve, but for football in general, but I think he realized that we're much more knowledgable than he thought.

    I've never had a problem with him, and usually my conversations with him, in whichever language we choose, has been pleasant and informative. I'll admit though, that he definitely got off on the wrong foot with a lot of people, and I see that he's trying to mend fences, because despite his hatred for Juve, he probably does want to bounce ideas and topics off of people. So we should probably give him the benefit of the doubt, and see where this leads.

    It's not such a bad thing to have an opinionated Milanista in the forum, we could use a change of pace once in a while, provided it's not offensive. Sometimes we as Juve supporters get so engulfed in the team's success that we forget that this is not a team without some flaws, and a different perspective can be a benefit to all of us.
    Very wisely stated, Serge.


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    Word. :touched:

    I hope we can get along in the future, because it's a good thing to have different views from different places.

    The reason why the Dead Sea is dead, is because it's so salty... and the reason for that is because it doesn't have any outlets to other water bodies.

    It may sound irrelevant, but this forum might become stagnant if we only have people with the same views here.
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Sunshine ] ++
    Sori, i meant Walu_ex.

    He's been banned since some time ago.
    I never interacted with Walu_ex, but when it was brought up that Incubo might be the same person I did a little digging, and I've come to the conclusion that they are two very different people. Walu was a sexist idiot. Incubo is just a bit offensive...not really the same thing at all.


    Senior Member
    Jul 16, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Rickenbacker2 ] ++

    I never interacted with Walu_ex, but when it was brought up that Incubo might be the same person I did a little digging, and I've come to the conclusion that they are two very different people. Walu was a sexist idiot. Incubo is just a bit offensive...not really the same thing at all.

    Extacly!!! :)


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Sunshine ] ++

    What i feel is that as long as he doesn't make any personal insults on the members here and to Juve, the club and the players, i think that's fine.
    Thats the problem here ;)

    As i said to rickenbaker in the other thread. Ill be chkeing him closely, he have been warned and the fact that he , since the first time he signed, he has been doing neggative comments and provoking.

    We are not that kind of people who start to insult newcomers.. if that happens is because of something happened before. IN this case he was the one who pulled the trigger.

    The statements that Iceblu said in his first posts are all true, and if he doenst want to ned like walu-ex.. a change will be needed for him.

    Of course, like walu -ex , there is no one. He was 3 times worst than this guy... but i can see it coming.

    It all depends on him,.,, and its better for him to know that from now on, people will be cheking him.

    gigi's twin

    Senior Member
    Mar 5, 2003
    OK! I have never talked with the guy, so I haven't got a proper opinion about him. Anyway. I think the keyword for everyone of us here is: RESPECT! Of course we can have our own opinion about any teams and any players, but we have to respect them. They all working hard to be a very good players to make their fans happy. And we have to respect eachothers feelings in connection with their teams and players. And we have to respect eachothers private life things. We are here to talk about football, arguing about it in a civilized way. If everyone who sends a post here would behave this way, I think we wouldn't have any problems in the future! :angel:


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Hydde ] ++

    As i said to rickenbaker in the other thread
    To be honest, I don't have much more to contribute to this discussion, because i've said it all in the other threads...

    now I normally let typos go, but dude, this one was too funny :LOL: say it out loud... I have nfi why this is so funny, and it's probably because i'm tired (i'm in the middle of my exams)...:LOL: rickenbaker

    Sorry Hydde, i'm not makin fun of you...but such a simple mistake caused so much comedy....

    ahhh okay i'm calm now.

    carry on..


    Senior Member
    Jul 16, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Hydde ] ++

    Thats the problem here ;)

    As i said to rickenbaker in the other thread. Ill be chkeing him closely, he have been warned and the fact that he , since the first time he signed, he has been doing neggative comments and provoking.

    We are not that kind of people who start to insult newcomers.. if that happens is because of something happened before. IN this case he was the one who pulled the trigger.

    The statements that Iceblu said in his first posts are all true, and if he doenst want to ned like walu-ex.. a change will be needed for him.

    Of course, like walu -ex , there is no one. He was 3 times worst than this guy... but i can see it coming.

    It all depends on him,.,, and its better for him to know that from now on, people will be cheking him.
    Yeah. I've read the posts on this forum and sometimes he is guilty of this (at times i feel like puncing the screen after reading his posts) and sometimes he isn't. And as off the past couple of days he seams to be getting a littllleee bit better...... or at least i think he is trying too. :undecide:

    So you're right...... we will have to see what happens from here :)

    But.... also, what i was trying to say in that post was that i don't think this dude is all bad and at least he has his points which do hold some ground.... he's not just nonsensically ranting absolute nonsense just to provoke everyone here. Unlike his..... "ancestor" who was talking 100% BS.

    So...... if he does try to pollish up his act a bit..... we should respect this too.

    I'm just afraid that some of us will permanently label him as a rotten apple. I just hope we all can be understanding to his efforts too. That is.... IF he really wants to improve.

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