A new Abramovich ready to buy Italian Club ? (1 Viewer)

May 4, 2004
Serie A, l'armata russa è alle porte
27 06 2005

ALL this from Sports.it

I cloni di Abramovich pronti a comprarsi la Serie A Grazia Neri
Immaginiamo la Juventus, l'Inter e il Milan in mano ai munifici petrolieri russi, pronti a metter le mani al portafogli per acquistare per la loro squadra, tutti assieme, Ronaldinho, Beckham e Fernando Torres.

Il consigliere speciale del presidente russo Vladimir Putin, Sergheij Jastrzhembskij, ha previsto che tra pochi anni ci sarà un'invasione di capitali russi in Serie A. "Presto o tardi i businessman russi compariranno sul mercato del calcio italiano".

Jastrzhembskij, a Roma per la settimana di dialogo economico tra Italia e Russia, ha spiegato che nuovi Abramovich arriveranno presto nel Bel Paese a caccia di grandi club calcistici e pronti per forti investimenti.

Gli analisti di Deloitte & Touche hanno individuato i primi effetti del 'fattore Russia' sul mercato del calcio internazionale. La prima novità è stata costituita dalle manovre del patron del Chelsea, Roman Abramovich, mentre la seconda riguarda la mutazione in corso del mercato del calcio post-sovietico.

Dopo aver investito in due anni più di 550 milioni di dollari per il rafforzamento della squadra londinese, che ha conquistato l'ultima Premier League e una semifinale di Champions, Abramovich ha fatto lievitare a 730 milioni di dollari le spese dei club britannici per gli stipendi dei calciatori. C'è poi il mercato russo del calcio che gli esperti di economica mondiale considerano in evoluzione dinamica.

Secondo Igor Rogozin, direttore commerciale della Spartak Mosca, la Serie A russa occupa il quinto posto per risorse nel Vecchio Continente (stimate in 420 milioni di dollari) e ha superato il Campionato francese. Mentre il direttore generale della pietroburghese Zenit Ilya Cherkasov ritiene che i tempi siano ormai maturi: gli investimenti nel campionato russo superano ormai persino quelli inglesi.

Con situazioni debitorie allarmanti, passivi sempre più evidenti, problemi a rendere le squadre competitive lasciando "agli altri" stelle e talenti, gli attuali presidenti della Serie A stanno faticando a far fruttare il business. Pare quindi realistico che presto, uno, dieci, cento Abramovich possano approdare nel Bel Paese e dare un tocco di russo alla Serie A.

(bad translation)

Series A, the Russian army is to doors 27 06 2005 The cloni of Abramovich ready to buy the Grazia Neri
Immaginiamo , We imagine the Juventus, the Inter and the Milan in hand to the munificent Russian, ready oil tankers to put the hands to the wallett in order to acquire for their square, all together, Ronaldinho, Beckham and Fernando Torres. The special councilman of the Russian president Vladimir Putin, Sergheij Jastrzhembskij, has previewed that between little years there will be an invasion of understood them Russian in Series To. "or Soon late the businessman Russian they will appear on the market of Italian soccer". Jastrzhembskij, to Rome for the week of economic dialogue between Italy and Russia, has explained that new Abramovich will arrive soon in the Beautiful Country to hunting of great soccer and ready clubs for strong investments. The analysts of Deloitte & Touche have characterized the first effects of ' Russia' factor on the market of international soccer. The first innovation has been constituted from the maneuvers of the patron of the Chelsea, Roman Abramovich, while the second one regards the mutation in course of the market of post-Soviet soccer. After to have more invested in two years than 550 million than dollars for the strengthening the London square, that it has conquered the last Premier League and one semifinal of Champions, Abramovich has made to leaven to 730 million dollars expenses of the British clubs for the wages of the soccers player. There is then the Russian market of the soccer that the world-wide economic experts consider in dynamics evolution. According to Igor Rogozin, director trades them of the Spartak Moscow, the Series To Russian occupies the fifth place for resources in the Old Continent (estimated in 420 million dollars) and has exceeded the French Championship. While the general manager of the pietroburghese Zenith Ilya Cherkasov thinks that the times are by now mature: the investments in the Russian championship exceed even those English by now. With alarming debt situations, it passes to you always more obvious, problems to render the squares competitive leaving "garlics other" stars and talents, Series puts into effect it them presidents della To is faticando to make to yield the business. It seems therefore realistic that soon, one, ten, hundreds Abramovich can land in the Beautiful Country and give a Russian touch to the Series To.

and here there is more in calciomercato.com



what do u think ???
what if Juve got sold to a russian rich ass??? :greedy:

Buy on AliExpress.com


Sep 23, 2003
Awesome avatar, Juve Kosova. :D

But for Juve to go from a club that tries to operate in the black to one that lives off the red of Russian oil? It would be a wholly different club.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
I can't help but think some fans would love to have somebody like Abramovich come in and give us all the money in the world to fund world class transfers every summer. Nowadays in football if you have money, you usually have success, of course if you're not talking about Inter, that is.

But with a new owner comes along all this "baggage" that a fan would have to worry about. While we watch and sometimes laugh at what is currently happening to Manure with Glazer delisting the club from the Stock Exchange, we would perhaps have to carry the burden of our new owner's debt if he buys the club with limited funds. If someone like Abramovich takes over the club, yes we would benefit from the money, but as we have seen with Chelsea they are starting to get greedy; tapping up on players and trying to make moves that are unfair to the rest of the football world. We would also have the UEFA spotlight on us after this whole Chelsea ordeal, trying to regulate a club with unlimited funds of money and struggling to keep the "Greed meter" down to a worldy level. Furthermore, with a new owner we would lose our traditions that we love about this club, and I'm sure not too many would be happy about that. So do we want all this baggage? I don't think so.

To be honest I would rather fall into an Inter-like slump than become a despised football-world owner such as Chelsea, winning everything in sight and losing respect all at the same time.

- vOnAm -

Senior Member
Jul 22, 2004
I wouldnt mind having Abramovich with us, I dont think he was the one behind the bad conducts of the team, I'd think Mourinho and the chelsea board to be more at fault.

So a new Billionaire as Juve club owner dont sound bad to me as long as he has interest to bring Juve to glory. Bringin Mega stars would do good for the Delle Alpi stadium.

The only bad side is that Juve might become complacent and depend too much on buying power rather than tactical strategies (on the field and in the business) which has been our strength. This might be a stumbling block of its own as we see Inter who are too eager to buy players thus continuosly buys the wrong players. atleast until recently.


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2002
I wouldn`t mind seeing Ronaldinho in Juve so I say sell
it would be the same just with more $$$ so we can buy players like Ronaldinho it will improve us

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