A Champion is Born (2 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
Hello all, it's dedication time. I have successfully reached my 5000th post and am now a Juventuz champion. I'd mainly like to thank the President, Martin, and all of the mods for making this forum possible. Cheers :cool:

Martin: Thanks alot for creating this brilliant place and for your quality posts. It has been a pleasure spending time here at your forums.

Erik: Your knowledge of Dutch football is outstanding and it's great to be able to interact with you. You definitely know your football and your languages, keep it up.

Fahad: Your games and quality posts are enough to keep me happy at this forum. It's very nice to know someone as intelligent as you.

Tom: You're my favourite poster on the forum. You always find a way to de-rail threads and your footie knowledge is commendable.

Glenn: One of the best quality posters on this forum. It's always nice to sit and laugh at your battles with Mohammed (DarkSoul/Aragorn) and to read what you have to say about players, etc.

Mohammed: Another quality poster. I love it how you're always on Del Piero's side. Keep it up.

Iulia: It has been very nice meeting you. You are a very good poster and a very nice person.

Kalle: One of my favourite posters here.

Ian: An excellent poster with great footballing knowledge. You never make a point without having something to back it up, it's been great posting with you.

And to everyone else: Thanks for making this forum such a friendly place and a lovely location for me to spend my free time. Cheers.

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The DJ
Oct 30, 2001
congrats Stuart. You're a top poster yourself you know..and have a lot of knowledge to boot.

congrats again :star:


Senior Member
Jun 4, 2003
Well, well, look what we've got here :).


I am impressed by your football knowledge and by your kindness as you well know, and it'll always be a pleasure for me to share the Leagues threads (you know which) with you :)

Thank you for the mention :touched:


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
Congratulations Stuart and may I take this opportunity to apologize for everytime I was wrong but too proud to admit it?

If it happens in the future just say the magic words: shut up you stubborn fool :D

Congrats mate and stick around! :thumb:


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
++ [ originally posted by Paolo_Montero ] ++
fahad = dpf

stay off the booze ;)
Bloody hell, I did it again. Dammit I hate that I suck at remembering names! I'm already terrible with remembering names in real life, can you imagine how much worse it is here with all the nicknames that keep changing as well :stress:

Thanks for pointing it out, Ian. I mean Tom. ;)


Koul Khara!
Aug 30, 2002
Congrats man;)

its says something about the crazy traffic in this site wen threads like these are started every 2 seconds:D

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