A Brand New Serie A With 40 Teams? (1 Viewer)


The Grimreaper
Jul 12, 2002
This is from soccergae.com

BREAKING NEWS: A Brand New Serie A With 40 Teams?

01/30/2003. A revolutionary proposal emerged before the start of today's meeting of the Italian League, which is still in progress in Milan.

Start from the 2003/2004 season, the Serie A would be divided into two rounds of 20 teams each, and the Scudetto would be awarded with a final between the winners.

More details to follow

This HAS to be a joke:groan:

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Junior Member
Jul 12, 2002
i certainly don't like the idea. as i understand, juve will then have to play only one half of the season. what would we - the fans - do in the other half with no juve matches :(


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Anastacia ] ++
i certainly don't like the idea. as i understand, juve will then have to play only one half of the season. what would we - the fans - do in the other half with no juve matches :(
Pray for Real Madrid and Manchester United to lose all thru;)


The Grimreaper
Jul 12, 2002
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    Here's another news about this matter, this one is from gazzetta.it, and sadly is in italian, maybe someone can translate it:

    Lega, ipotesi serie A a due gironi

    Matarrese conferma il volere del consiglio: un grande campionato diviso in due gruppi di 20 squadre con finale per l'assegnazione dello scudetto.
    MILANO, 30 gennaio 2003 - Una grande serie A divisa dall'anno prossimo in due gironi di 20 squadre ciascuno con finale per l'assegnazione dello scudetto: è una delle ipotesi discusse nell'assemblea della Lega in corso a Milano. A darne conferma "ufficiale" è Antonio Matarrese, vicepresidente della Lega, che va anche più in là: "C'è un clima sereno e propositivo, ci sono dei progetti che verranno studiati meglio. La serie A a due gironi è allo studio, se ne parlerà nella prossima assemblea. I presidenti sono tutti d'accordo. L'eventuale riforma potrebbe scattare già il prossimo anno perché siamo in crisi". Non si è parlato invece del conflitto d'interessi di Galliani. "Nessuna sfiducia - ha puntualizzato Matarrese - ci sono problemi più seri".Che ci fosse un clima da grandi cambiamenti era nell'aria: Massimo Cellino, presidente del Cagliari e membro del Consiglio di Lega, già prima dell'assemblea aveva dichiarato che "il giocattolo si è rotto e oggi ci saranno notizie eccezionali che saranno del tutto positive: il calcio cambierà". E Ivan Ruggeri, presidente dell'Atalanta, assicurava che "fuori fa freddo, ma all'interno dell'assemblea farà molto caldo". "C'è un'economia in difficoltà - è il parere di Stefano Tanzi, presidente del Parma - e anche il calcio ne risente". Meno pessimista Massimo Moratti, che ha fatto il... farmacista: "Il calcio è malato? Se uno è malato, non è obbligato ad andare in ospedale: se ha solo l'influenza, può anche curarsi con due aspirine. E le aspirine


    Senior Member
    Aug 28, 2002
    That idea sucks!

    I think in some countrys they are doing the same, If I'm not wrong Brazil, but it will never work here... they are speaking about it mostly cause the big rich teams are killing the small and cause the Nord team are killing the South's, and with this there will be more clubs in serie A. But still... I do not like the idea at all!


    Senior Member
    Aug 28, 2002
    That's a pool about this new idea:

    It's a bad idea, who will change the history of ower soccer 70.2%

    It's a good idea, no matter what, it has to be used 16.8%

    It's a good idea, but too difficult to realize 12.9%

    So looks like most of the peaple in Italy think like us: :yuck:
    Oct 2, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by mate ] ++
    That's a pool about this new idea:

    It's a bad idea, who will change the history of ower soccer 70.2%

    It's a good idea, no matter what, it has to be used 16.8%

    It's a good idea, but too difficult to realize 12.9%

    So looks like most of the peaple in Italy think like us: :yuck:
    just look at your forum at devilsmania...we have the same thoughts, that is why it is 70.2% still to be increased!!!

    a very stupid idea...I think galliani and others had a big party and alchohol :D:D:D:D:D


    Senior Member
    Jul 17, 2002
    talk about no competition!!

    what would the serie B teams do??
    the bottom have of serie A is already non-competative with the top 6. (5-0 juve Reggina, 6-1 Milan torino! 4-0 juve torino)

    you would think that the serie A teams should be reduced to 12 or something like scotland.

    Dj Juve

    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
    i think if they plan to change the thing, they should do it like argentina :cool:

    plus if they have 40 teams spilt into two there wont be much big matches like Milan and Inter because they might be in different leagues..
    Oct 2, 2002
    there are certanly some pluses....but...it is indeed ridiculous. there is my short analysis of this idea.;

    1) REASON FOR: will increase a sale package to TV which will bring more money because of more matches + more derbies, like verona, genoa!
    REASON AGAINST: Most small seria a, b,c etc. leagues wont be able to cover costs and will defenetly have poor results...
    2) REASON FOR: Big teams will trash small teams by making big scores, which means more articisim, more people coming to stadiums, that should result in big stadium turnover.
    REASON AGAINST: small teams have littile stadiums--> small number of people visiting +if team constatnly looses no need to come to the stadium at all. fans wont be willing to spend money for a game like Milan-ancona or Juve-foggia.
    REASON AGAINST: it will not simply work!!!!!!!!!!
    4) OVERALL SITUATION ON ITALIAN SOCCER! if the idea of UEFA works for SUPERLEAGUE of UEFA, then it will be more games, which will result in a turmoil in italian soccer. More games, big benchs only for big teams. and at the end of that...the teams like Italy, Germany, France, England, Spain wont even think of winning WC, where as teams like Somali will :D:D cause da players will be tired like a hell!
    this is brief, but many points to emphasize. I am sure, you will have something to add to that;)



    Prediction Game Champ 2003 & 2005
    Jan 12, 2002
    A radical plan to expand Italy's Serie A to a 40-team championship split into two groups has been greeted with a mixture of ridicule and opposition.

    "The football of madmen" read the front page banner headline of the daily Gazzetta dello Sport who described the plan as "bizarre" and a "comedy that doesn't make you smile."

    "A suicidal proposal" was the verdict of the daily Corriere della Sera who questioned how such an expanded championship would fit into an already crowded calendar. "Are we going to play in summer as well?" asked the paper.

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