17 Tirando punizioni (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000

Tirando punizioni

  1. Sissoko: Alex, ci insegnerai a tirare punizioni[sup](1)[/sup]?
  2. Del Piero: Certo, ragazzi. Andiamo.
  3. Con Manninger in porta Alex posa la palla poco fuori dall'area di rigore.
  4. Del Piero: Dunque, chi va per primo?
  5. Marchisio: Faccio io.
  6. Claudio tira, la palla finisce nelle mani di Manninger che non si è mosso affatto.
  7. Del Piero: Bene, hai centrato la porta. Però ti suggerisco di mettere la palla un po' a destra o a sinistra rispetto al portiere.
  8. Marchisio: Ah sì, bel consiglio!
  9. Del Piero: Momo, tocca a te[sup](2)[/sup].
  10. Momo tira molto forte, Manninger si gira per seguire la palla con lo sguardo.
  11. Manninger: La Volvo di Legrottaglie! Per fortuna è assicurata, ma come spiegherà che è stato un tuo tiro di punizione?
  12. Del Piero: Penso che lasceremo le punizioni a Claudio.
Shooting freekicks

  1. Sissoko: Alex, will you teach us to shoot freekicks?
    [Alex, ourselves will-teach to shoot freekicks?]
  2. Del Piero: Sure, guys. Let's go.
    [Certainly, guys. Go.]
  3. With Manninger in goal Alex places the ball right outside the penalty box.
    [With Manninger in goal Alex places the ball little outside of-the-area of penalty.]
  4. Del Piero: So, who wants to go first?
    [Thus, who goes for first?]
  5. Marchisio: I do.
    [Do I.]
  6. Claudio shoots, the ball finishes in the hands of Manninger who hasn't moved at all.
    [Claudio shoots, the ball finishes in-the hands of Manninger that not himself is moved at-all.]
  7. Del Piero: Good, you got it on target. However I suggest you place the ball a little to the right or to the left with respect to the goalkeeper.
    [Well, have hit the goal. But you suggest to put the ball a bit to right or to left with-respect to-the goalkeeper.]
  8. Marchisio: Oh right, good advice!
    [Ah yes, good advice!]
  9. Del Piero: Momo, it's your turn.
    [Momo, touches on you.]
  10. Momo shoots very hard, Manninger turns around to follow the ball with his eyes.
    [Momo shoots very hard, Manninger himself turns to follow the ball with his view.]
  11. Manninger: Legrottaglie's Volvo! Fortunately it's insured, but how will he explain that it was one of your freekicks?
    [The Volvo of Legrottaglie! For luck is insured, but how will-explain that is been a your shot of freekick?]
  12. Del Piero: I think we'll leave the freekicks to Claudio.
    [Think that will-leave the freekicks to Claudio.]

  1. "una punizione" literally means "a punishment".
  2. "tocca a me" ~ "it's my turn".
Theory: Pronouns as objects

Let's look at how pronouns are used when they play the role of object, not subject.

  • Lippi ha visto me. ~ Lippi has seen me.
  • Lippi ha visto te. ~ Lippi has seen you.
  • Lippi ha visto lui/lei. ~ Lippi has seen him/her.
  • Lippi ha visto noi. ~ Lippi has seen us.
  • Lippi ha visto voi. ~ Lippi has seen you. (you guys)
  • Lippi ha visto loro. ~ Lippi has seen them.
It's also possible to move the pronoun to stand before the verb (in fact it is common), without changing the meaning of the sentence. But then it will influence the verb and make it reflect the gender and number of the pronoun.

  • Io sono Luisa. Lippi mi ha vista. ~ Lippi has seen me.
  • Io sono Carlo. Lippi mi ha visto. ~ Lippi has seen me.
  • Tu sei Luisa. Lippi ti ha vista. ~ Lippi has seen you.
  • Tu sei Carlo. Lippi ti ha visto. ~ Lippi has seen you.
  • Lei è Luisa. Lippi l'ha vista. (la + ha) ~ Lippi has seen her.
  • Lui è Carlo. Lippi l'ha visto. (lo + ha) ~ Lippi has seen him.
  • Noi siamo donne. Lippi ci ha viste. ~ Lippi has seen us.
  • Noi siamo uomini. Lippi ci ha visti. ~ Lippi has seen us.
  • Voi siete donne. Lippi vi ha viste. ~ Lippi has seen you. (you women)
  • Voi siete uomini. Lippi vi ha visti. ~ Lippi has seen you. (you men)
  • Loro sono donne. Lippi le ha viste. ~ Lippi has seen them.
  • Loro sono uomini. Lippi li ha visti. ~ Lippi has seen them.
Notice that this change in the verb concerns only the past tense. In the present tense there is no difference:

  • Lippi vede me. ~ Lippi sees me.
  • Io sono Luisa. Lippi mi vede. ~ Lippi sees me.
  • Io sono Carlo. Lippi mi vede. ~ Lippi sees me.

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