11 Intervista a Fabio Quagliarella (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000

In this episode we have a very special mystery guest star for you who, strangely enough, wishes to remain mysterious.

Intervista a Fabio Quagliarella

  1. Ventiquattro giugno duemiladieci. Risultato finale: Slovacchia - Italia: tre a due.
  2. Giornalista: Fabio, gol stupendo, ma non è bastato[sup](1)[/sup].
  3. Quagliarella: No, decisamente no. Purtroppo.
  4. Giornalista: Perché il fallimento, secondo te[sup](2)[/sup]?
  5. Quagliarella: Non c'è un perché. Abbiamo avuto tantissime azioni e... è andata[sup](3)[/sup] così. Non abbiamo fatto sicuramente una gran bella figura, ci assegniamo[sup](4)[/sup] tutti la responsabilità.
  6. Giornalista: Pensi che avete preparato lo schema giusto per la partita?
  7. Quagliarella: Credo di sì[sup](5)[/sup]. Il mister ci ha parlato molto di questo avversario, come si deve stare attenti in difesa. Ma non ha funzionato, ecco tutto[sup](6)[/sup].
  8. Giornalista: E il gol annullato, cosa ne pensi[sup](7)[/sup]?
  9. Quagliarella: Non ho visto bene, può darsi[sup](8)[/sup] che la palla è entrata, ma non lo so.
Interview with Fabio Quagliarella

  1. Twenty fourth of June two thousand and ten. Final result: Slovakia - Italy: three-two.
    [Twenty-four June two-thousands-ten. Result final: Slovakia - Italy: three to two.]
  2. Journalist: Fabio, great goal, but it wasn't enough.
    [Fabio, goal wonderful, but not is enough.]
  3. Quagliarella: No, definitely not. Unfortunately.
    [No, decidedly not. Unfortunately]
  4. Journalist: Why the flop, according to you?
    [Why the failure, according-to you?]
  5. Quagliarella: There isn't a why. We had so many chances and... it went like this. We certainly didn't make a good showing, we all take responsibility for it.
    [Not there-is a why. Have had very-many chances and... is gone like-this. Not have done surely a big beatiful figure, to-ourselves assign all-of-us the responsibility.]
  6. Journalist: Do you think you prepared the correct strategy for this match?
    [Think that have prepared the plan right for the match?]
  7. Quagliarella: I believe so. The coach has told us a lot about this opponent, about how you have to pay attention in defense. But it didn't work, that's all.
    [Believe that yes. The coach us has talked much about this opponent, how oneself must stay attentive in defense. But not has worked, here everything.]
  8. Giornalista: And the annulled goal, what do you think of it?
    [And the goal annulled, what of-it think?]
  9. Quagliarella: I didn't see it well, it could be that the ball went in, but I don't know.
    [Not have seen well, can give-itself that the ball is entered, but not it know.]

  1. "bastato" comes from "bastare", which literally means "to be enough" and is a verb that doesn't exist in English. "basta!" means not just "enough!", but actually "it is enough!" [is enough!]
  2. "secondo" with a name/pronoun is a common way to say "according to ..."/"in the opinion of...", "secondo lui sono fuorigioco" ~ "according to him I'm offside" [according-to him am offside]
  3. "com'è andata?" ~ "how did it go?" [how-is gone?] here "andata" is in the feminine, which implies a feminine subject, such as "la cosa" ~ "the thing".
  4. "ci assegniamo" is another reflexive verb, meaning "we assign to ourselves the responsibility".
  5. "credo di sì" ~ "I believe so" [believe of yes], "penso di sì" ~ "I think so" [think of yes], "mi pare di sì" ~ "it seems so to me" [to-me seems of yes]
  6. "ecco tutto" ~ "that's all" / "that's it".
  7. "Possiamo venire domani, che ne dici?" ~ "We could come tomorrow, what do you say?" [Can come tomorrow, what of-it say?]
  8. "può darsi", literally "it can give itself", is a common way to say "it might be the case".
Theory: Demonstratives

A demonstrative is a word used to point at something or indicate something, such as: this, that.

We have seen some examples of them:

  • questo ~ this one
  • quella ~ that one
  • quelle immagini ~ those pictures
  • quello ~ that one
Demonstratives have both gender and number (they are singulare or plural, ie. what they point to is one thing or many things).

  • Feminine: questa ragazza ~ this girl
  • Masculine: questo ragazzo ~ this guy
  • Feminine: queste ragazze ~ these girls
  • Masculine: questi ragazzi ~ these guys
Based on "quel":

  • Feminine: quella ragazza ~ that girl
  • Masculine: quel ragazzo ~ that guy
  • Feminine: quelle ragazze ~ those girls
  • Masculine: quei ragazzi ~ those guys

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Dec 31, 2000
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    blʘndu;3265135 said:
    oky :) who's the other voice?
    He won't say :D
    But here's some inside info: Kate is starring in one of these episodes that we'll come to soon. :D

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