and yes...this is my 10.000 dedication thread...
i am very touched to open a thread like this,as,when i posted first time here...the nymber 10.000 was smg i thought i wasn't able even in 10 years to reach :LOL:
and now..after a year and a little more....
i am in the position to open a dedication thread and thank EVERYONE for helping me(in any way) reach here...
i want to apologise if i forgot someone-you are too many-and also want to say that the order your names will be put...it means nothing special.
the dedication is the one that really counts
so,let's begin:
Ana : My beloved ana...my best friend...
sweety,you make this world better and also bring peace to my soul.I really think we are best friends,no matter how many kilometers are between us.I love you with all my heart and i want you to know that no matter what happens...you'll always be my friend and that you are the best person on the whole world

Baggio -Deej :you have captured my heart...do you know that?? Be sure i'll never forget our plans and i will do my everything for them to come true...i love ya! :flirt:
Arturo :You were a real friend. I think that tells everything.You mean more to me than you think,and that i have let you believe.Just need to thank you for everything

Srecka :How could you sweety NOT be here?I love your threads and everytime you bring me joy when i read your pms
Zlatan :You might wanted to leave us,but i think you know that at least here,from me,you'll always have your place here.Predivan si drug,i inace si jedna predivna osoba.Znaj da forum gubi jedna on njegovih najboljih.Ali cim neko izgubi ono sto ima,vidi koliko je vredelo.Svi ce se pokajati kada vide sta su uzgubili.Veruj mi,svi. Keep in touch :thumb:
Gray :You make fun of me sometimes but it doesn't matter
Freddy :You are a bit "cold" to me latetly and it might be my fault-who knows?But still...to me nothing changed between us and if i am harsh sometimes,i don't mean to be. sorry if i ever bittered you man!
Miss Dubai :Hey sugar!Thanx a lot for bringing here all this posotive energy and always be so nice and kind to me-from time to time,i didn't deserve it but anyway
Len :You are funny,usually having some interesting to say and also some very nice complimets that are always welcome!Thanx for being on my side...i am glad to know i have ppl as great as you with me :thumb:
Gogeta-Kel,or james (whatever
Martin :Thanx for putting up with me and for being so great moderator! :thumb:
Annie-Gigi's twin :I know where i can always find you and that's why i am not complaining for you being a little lost from this forum! You are a great of mine-the best with ana-and now,that we don't contact so much,it's an test for our friendship which i am usre it's gonna last for loooong time,right?
Bahraini-Yousef :even when you are not here,you always remember me :cheesy: You are very nice and always sooo endlessly sweet...you can make even a wooden heart melt!
Serge :what if i tell you i have no idea what to write you??will you believe me?? the 2 of us use to get along...but latetly...i have the feeling that we have a wall between us...

Forza Juve :you are a great girl...and it's a great thing to know that linkin park have so great fans as you are
Tacchina,Enna,Tina -after tacchi's thread closed,i lost you girls :down: too bad cause i had great time with you :down: Hope you'll come back!
Arif -i enjoy very much reading your posts...always...you are funny and i think you are getting my way of joking
Don Bes :I hope one day we'll be able to understand each other by one post,and not 10!! :LOL: bu seriously now,it's good to have you around. :thumb: really!
Fabiana :beautiful and sweet as always,you make the forum look better!! Thanx for being my friend! you are just,too good!
Mikhail : we had some interesting conversations at times
Merma :thanx for the nice pictures!
Kurvengufluster -great avatar…
Genesio :thanx for all those compliments!
Cool-girl :reall cool girl!
and the rest of ou guys:Iceblu,Holdon,Nedved,Forza ac Milan,ADP Timers,ahmed sabry,Glenn,Gandalf,Signor,Alessandro 10,Majed,Azzuri7,Jessica,Zambrotta,pendir,Ferrari^
thanx to all of you ppl.i guess i have reasons to thank you too....so don't some of you even DARE to wonde why's your name here.
i repeat,if i forgot someone...i am too sorry.